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20 Ways To Improve Your Life
People often ask me how they can improve their lives.
I always give them very specific advice on simple things they
can do to create a radical shift in their experience of life.
Here are 20 ways to improve your life. I challenge you to act on
each one. Adopt one a day. You will be done with the list in 20
days, but in 3 months time, your life will have changed beyond
1. Make a definite plan for success. Fix a time limit to this
plan. Determine the benefits of your goal.
2. Hold on to a positive attitude. See the best in any
situation. Positive thinking heals your body and vitalizes your
mind. A negative outlook is self-destructive.
3. Give your employer your best service. Even if you're
underpaid, you'll create a twofold bonus. First, you'll increase
your level of skill, and this can taranslate to a higher income
later on. Second, you'll win sufficient goodwill to attact the
favor of your boss or a competitor. The more you give, the more
you receive.
4. Continue to learn more about your job. Knowledge is power,
and power creates increased income.
5. Work on being calm and even-tempered. An angry or bitter
person is hard to get along with. Along with your positive
mental attitude comes positive emotions. This enhances both your
relationships and your health.
6. Share your goals with others. It is easier to achieve
something when you're working on it with someone else. If your
goal is too individualistic to share with others, at least get
some moral support, some people to cheer you on your way.
7. Put your faith in a higher power. Such faith removes many
fears, like fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of
liberty, old age, and death.
8. Avoid bad habits, especially those offensive to other people.
For example, criticizing others, gossiping, slandering. Also
avoid taking in toxic material, like alcohol and cigarettes. Why
would you want to ruin your liver and lungs?
9. Plan your work and complete each day's work. Include in your
plan, ways to work more effieciently. Don't leave for tomorrow
what can be done today. Tomorrow will have its own demands.
Progress means moving forward.
10. Enjoy your work. If you don't feel enthused, it's time for a
11. Concentrate on your work. And stay at the same task until
you finish it. Being easily influenced by other options and
abandoning your plans when things go awry can be discouraging,
and creates a sense of frustration and failure. .
12. Work in harmony with others. Help people when
they ask for
it. Avoid arguing, gossiping, judging. Each of us is doing our
best to survive as we know how.
13. Learn from your defeats. Use your mistakes to learn what not
to do. Convert your liabilities into assets. Consistently
learning from errors and improving, enduring the learning curve,
is necessary for success. Remember, temporary failure is only
feedback. Creative work requires patience and committment. It
takes time to be great.
14. Imagination is a two-edged sword. On one hand, you can
create thoughts that expand your personal vision and empower
you. On the other hand, you can create visions of doom that
limit and frighten you. Choose to imagine your best possible
outcomes. Be open to your many possibilities.
15. Allocate a fixed percentage of your income to savings. A
part of all you earn should be yours to keep. Its a source of
great comfort to have extra cash. Life is full of surprises.
Things are going to break down unexpectedly. Opportunities are
going to arise out of nowhere. Be prepared.
16. Contribute. Allocate some of what you earn to help others.
The money may come back multiplied or it may give a deep sense
of satisfaction.
17. Observe sound principles of health. You are not just a mind,
but a body, too. Your body needs exercise, healthy food, deep
relaxation, a sense of pleasure, and sufficient sleep.
18. Seek sound advice when you're confused. Refer to people,
books, and the internet, or other sources of information to get
a wide spectrum of ideas and then decide for yourself what will
best resolve your question.
19. Live with integrity. Create a reputation of reliability.
When people can trust you, you open up a whole new world of
opportunities. Your handshake should be as good as a written
20. Listen to your dreams. Those you have at night, and those
which whisper in your heart during the day. They may reveal to
you a path of great joy.
As you read through this list, all the information will sound
familiar. However, act on this information and you will shift
your life to a whole new level of quality.
About the author:
Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California
Lutheran University. His articles on the internet have inspired
over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to
create a remarkable life. Free information.
Copyright 2005 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this
article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or
newsletter. It's a shareware article.