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“Attitude Is [Almost] Everything”
“Attitude Is [Almost] Everything”
I often play a little game with myself when I have to go shopping; to the post office or on other errands.
Sometimes I will just go about my business and make little comment or eye contact with the person serving me. Other times I will smile and talk to the person. Ask them how they are. Even make a joke!
The difference is incredible. And it is amazing what affect it has on both them and me.
If I take the effort to engage the person in a conversation and make eye contact - almost without exception their face lights up, they smile and are friendly back to me. And best of all, I feel much better.
Instead of it being just a chore, it can make the whole experience more enjoyable. And the only difference is my attitude.
Now what does this have to do with you trading the stock market?
Well, I believe that in trading your success is almost completely determined by your attitude.
If you don’t believe me, play the game I just described.
And then ask yourself, “If I can affect my experience so dramatically through a minor change of my attitude in one small area of my life, surely changing my attitude in my trading will have a similar effect.”
Just try it.
Look at the stock market with a negative attitude [such as the market is out to get me!]. And then review the same information with the view that the market is a wonderful source of financial freedom.
you notice a difference?
Do you think the second view is more helpful? Do you think it might give you greater confidence and motivation? And less fear?
Now don’t get me wrong.
I am not saying that positive thinking is all you need for success. Clearly you need the necessary skills and experience to achieve anything in any area of your life.
But having the right attitude and beliefs is absolutely crucial. Because it is this that determines which actions you will take. And when.
You see the reality is that, without a positive attitude, you cannot be come a successful trader. Period. No question.
So give it a go.
Have a look at your attitudes to the stock market and trading and see if they need review.
What have you got to lose? Maybe just some limiting beliefs and attitudes that are restricting your success.
And by the way - try my little game some time!
Be nice to a cashier or a waiter or a bus driver and see what happens. Maybe even try it on someone close to you!
You will be amazed. And so will they!
David Chandler
Ordinary People Making Extraordinary Profits
Our comments are offered for educational purposes only. We are not providing you with financial advice. We are simply sharing with you what has and hasn't worked for us personally. If you wish to trade or invest in the stock market you should obtain advice from a registered licensed advisor.