Booking Events & Shows
Booking shows starts with a positive attitude. Work on having a pleasing attitude. Believe in yourself, your service and your product. Booking shows starts when you walk into a room. Learn to dress like a professional. One day this week from...
Effective or Irritating: The Use of Pop Windows in Internet Marketing
A few years ago, pop-up windows were all the rage in
Internet marketing. It seemed that every time one
opened a web page they would be bombarded with offers
for this or that. It had gotten to the point where
surfing the Internet was almost...
Pricing Your Consulting Services
In case you hadn’t noticed, people can react very differently when faced with the same price for a product or service. In fact in most cases, we’ll never actually know what is in their minds when they consider a price and then decide to respond to...
Resolving Workplace Conflict: 4 Ways to a Win-Win Solution
The effects of conflict in the workplace are widespread and costly. Its prevalence, as indicated by three serious studies, shows that 24-60% of management time and energy is spent dealing with anger. This leads to decreased productivity,...
The Internet Marketers' Love/Hate relationship with Pop Windows
A few years ago, pop-up windows were all the rage in
Internet marketing. It seemed that every time one
opened a web page they would be bombarded with offers
for this or that. It had gotten to the point where
surfing the Internet was almost...
Delivering Fantastic Service!
Fantastic customer service is a friendly smile, it’s a warm greeting, it’s a caring attitude, it’s aimless small talk, it’s genuinely going the extra mile, it’s truly understanding the other person, it’s cheerful enthusiasm…
Fantastic service is what makes customers want to shop with you despite a higher price or the inconvenience of distance. Even if you are providing a lesser quality product or service, fantastic service can help you compensate for it. It gives you an incredible, low cost competitive advantage.
To test whether you are providing poor or fantastic service take an honest look at your business and answer these three basic questions.
1--Are customer greeted in a warm and friendly manner? And are they greeted immediately? 2--Are your people sincerely and enthusiastically focused on customers and their needs? 3--Is “Thanks You” a phrase that is used at the end of every transaction?
While poor customer service may not kill a business, it will hinder your efforts to grow your business. Many managers have no clue that they are providing poor service. Answering the above questions will give you a clue as to where your service stands.
To improve your customer’s experience, start by changing yourself. Change your attitude when handling customer issues. Be friendly and liberal versus stern when implementing policy. This may require
you to convince yourself that you can afford great service. Do the math and discover that it will cost you less to take care of that customer now and build a life long patron. Set the example by regularly chatting with customers and enthusiastically pitching in to solve hard problems.
Next challenge your people by asking them to step up their game. Catch them providing great service and provide some simple verbal recognition. Constantly bring up and talk about how important it is to set yourself apart with great service. Create a bulletin board in your employee only area, and post positive comments from customers - if a customer verbally tells you something great, type it up and post it on the board. For employees that just don’t get it try to understand why and help them with some training, coaching and counseling.
You should now be on your way to providing fantastic service and increasing your sales. Starting with your next customer start building that essential service foundation today.
Copyright 2004 - Darryl Gee
About the Author
Darryl Gee has 18 years of sales and management experience. He shares his entrepreneurial and corporate management expertise on his website http://www.madmanager.com and the madmanager message board at http://www.madmanager.com/forum.