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Effective or Irritating: The Use of Pop Windows in Internet Marketing
A few years ago, pop-up windows were all the rage in
Internet marketing. It seemed that every time one
opened a web page they would be bombarded with offers
for this or that. It had gotten to the point where
surfing the Internet was almost like...
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Effective or Irritating: Pop Window Ads in Internet Marketing
A few years ago, pop-up windows were all the rage in Internet
marketing. It seemed that every time one opened a web page they
would be bombarded with offers for this or that. It had gotten
to the point where surfing the Internet was almost like playing
a video game; when the ads would pop-up one would try to close
them out before another one came. This is precisely why we have
seen the decline in the use of pop-up windows on the Internet
today; surfers simply do not even look at the pop-ups anymore.
They close the windows out before even reading the ad. Very
often, a surfer will even leave your site if there are too many
pop-up ads. They simply do not want the hassle of closing those
windows while trying to obtain the information that your site
has to offer. This information, while valuable, is not as
valuable as the surfers time. Studies have shown however, that
even with these set backs, pop-up windows are still an effective
method of Internet marketing.
Is there some way that pop-up windows can be less irritating and
still be effective? Yes! What if the pop ad were seen upon
exiting your site instead of entering? This would allow the
surfer to obtain the information that they need from your site,
feeling that they were able to come and go quickly without being
hassled by other ads and offers all the while making the surfer
happy. You have left the surfer with a positive attitude and,
therefore, they are more likely to respond to the pop
advertisement. This is being accomplished more and more by using
what are called pop-under windows. When the surfer comes to your
site, the ad is opened discretely behind your web page. Then,
upon leaving your site, after obtaining all the information that
they need, they will see the ad and therefore be more likely to
respond. Since the surfer has the information, he/she has
achieved his/her objective and is now open to do other things;
ideally respond to the pop under advertisement.
Not all pop-windows
are created equally. There are some things
that you can do to make your pop-windows, whether pop-up or
pop-under, more effective. The pop-window should be easy to
"escape" from. If the surfer does not want to see the ad, but
has a hard time closing it out, they will likely become
frustrated and could leave your site altogether. You should
either use a button that will allow the surfer to close the
window or be sure that the "x" is easily visible. Another good
idea is to use a script that utilizes cookies. A well written
cookie will prevent pop-windows from overloading the surfer
since you can decide the frequency of the pop-windows, rather
than each time a page is opened. Also, be sure that there is no
more than one pop-window per page.
When creating a pop-window, you will be asked to fill out a
short information form, select the length of cookies, and choose
the layout of the pop-window. When choosing the design of the
pop-window, you can increase the effectiveness by creating a
large headline that includes benefits that will be most
appealing to the customer. You should also consider using
incentives and lastly do not ask the customer to read a long and
drawn out advertisement. Keep the message simple, yet powerful,
and your pop-ads will be sure to generate profits for your site.
Note from the author:
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About the author:
Doug Baylis is a professional educator with over 40 years
experience in public and adult education as well as having
started and run several successful businesses both off and
online. Check out his blog at: