10 top tips for networking
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Network Marketing Tips
Network marketing is the ordinary person’s best opportunity to make extraordinary income. Well known author, Robert Kiyosaki, says that most ethical network marketing businesses are like business schools. They teach people the power of building their own home business, and provide the tools to support that. You must choose the right business for you. Then, work to attain success.
1.Find the Right Business for You If you are currently in an organization that you do not believe in 110 per cent then find something else. If you are not excited to get up every day and grow your business, then find another business. If you do not believe in the products you sell and are not using them, then find another business opportunity. Once you know you have the best opportunity you will achieve.
2. Have a Vision You must have a Vision of where you want to be in 5 years time. You must have written goals and plans of how and when you will attain your vision. Read your goals and vision statement at least once a day. Have both long term and short term goals. Have timelines and plans for reaching these goals. Make them attainable, but not too simple. As you reach these goals you can celebrate success, then add more goals.
3.Stay focused. There are many distractions when working from home. Have a weekly meeting with yourself. Ask yourself if you have done all you could to grow your business. If you were your employer, would you have you back again next week?
4. Have Faith in Yourself Sometimes this means blind faith. Believe you will succeed and you will. Mark Hughes, the founder of my company. says ‘fake it until you make it’. Act as if you are already well established and wealthy. Jim Rohn says that you need to work harder on yourself than you do on your business. Work on yourself, believe in yourself and you will reach your goal.
5.Trust in What you Sell Don’t sell your product for a price; sell it for its value. When you believe in your product, price should not be an issue. For example, I am in the wellness industry. Why would a customer consider price to be important? They know the health benefits my products provide? We only have one body and we need to take the best care of it
6.Customer Care Care more about your customer and their satisfaction than you do about the money you make from them. Jim Rohn - Ameria's Foremost Business Philospher, says that if you make
a sale you make an income, but if you have happy customers you make a fortune. Satisfied customers will re-order. They will be happy to give you referrals. Do small things to make your customers feel special. Send them a card on their birthday.
7.Your Down line is your Lifeline Care more about your down line than the money you make from them. This means taking time to know what their goals and dreams are. Concentrate on working with them to achieve their goals. Listen to them and support them in the way they want, not in the way you think they need. Ask your team what they want and offer suggestions. Empower them to believe in themselves and find their own solutions
8. Be Consistent When you have your plan make sure you follow it. If your plan is to talk to 5 people a day and you only talk to 4, then commit to talking to 6 tomorrow. Have at least three lead generation methods in place and follow them. If you continue following your plan, day after day, you will succeed.
9.Be Patient You will not make your fortune in your fist week in business. Jim Rohn says that most people overestimate what they will make in their first two years in Network Marketing and underestimate what they will make in the long term. Follow your plan. Change it if it is not working. Remember failure is not an option
10.Have a Good Attitude Delete negative thoughts from your mind. Make a commitment to yourself that you will never complain about other people. You are responsible for you. Don’t blame others. Be affirming in your discussions with everyone. Only use positive language. Work toward having a reputation of a person who always sees the glass as being overflowing. Don’t become a victim of yourself. Never say “Poor Miserable Me”!!
When you have the right business opportunity for you the rewards are limitless. Set your sights on your vision. Be focused on getting there. Believe in yourself, your product, your customers and your team. Support them and you will reach your goals. Work on self-improvement and the rest will follow. Here is to our success in Network Marketing.
About the Author
Cheryl Haining is a successful home based business operator. To learn how to create an income stream from your home that will replace your job and develop true financial freedom visit: www.keybusinesstips.info For information about nutrition and diets visit www.uloseweight.net