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Professional Net Worth
I was going through my files and found an article written by Jim Cathcart and published in the October 1986 issue of The Toastmaster (put out by the organization which I recommend highly to anyone wanting to increase their skills in speaking, writing, listening, and evaluating). Mr. Cathcart is a full-time professional author and speaker I have admired for years. In this article, the author states that Effort times Equity (the degree of ownership you have acquired in your career, i.e., your professional net worth) equals Result. People can increase effort or equity and have a positive influence on results. But there is a limit to this formula. There are three other skill areas vital to a career: (1) technical knowledge and skills; (2) interpersonal skills; and (3) self-management skills. Let's take a closer look at these.
For better or worse, many people place a lot of emphasis on credentials earned: education and professional degrees, honor, and designation. While these can certainly be important, practical job experience, knowledge and skills are the attributes that really prove what you are capable of. Your documents, provable track record of what you've actually accomplished speaks for your credibility and usefulness. Being able to communicate what you know through clear, fluent speech and displaying effective listening skills are also important factors in displaying your breadth and depth of information. Be open-minded enough to explore avenues outside your normal range of work related material an normal interests. I've discovered some great new interests by "stepping outside the box" that benefit me and have also encouraged others to learn more.
Building relationships is important. Having contacts with a variety of people in different firms and industries, technical and social organizations, and co-workers (no matter their position in the company) helps add to your stature and believability. Your reputation: what people think you have done and what people think of you does count. This absolutely reflects your overall image within your own group as well as the overall marketplace. Word spread s- especially when it's not flattering. The quickest way to kill a business relationship is to display a lack of ethics or to compromise your beliefs. It's sad to say, but you are also judged by who you keep company with. I've found at times that I had to choose my integrity over a promotion or business association. It's something to keep in mind, depending on your goals and the situation.
How balanced is your life? You may not be aware of it, but your
actions and words do lead people to make judgment on how you live your life in the seven major categories of mental, physical, family, social, financial, career, and spiritual. Make sure you spend some time in each, don't let two or three areas dominate constantly.
Your efficiency and effectiveness on the job tells other people about your work habits. A casual appearance may be the norm where you work but take care when you go elsewhere. A messy or too neat desk also impresses people in different ways - try to find a medium level that allows you to do your work but doesn't set up unnecessary discussion among others.
Mr. Cathcart states: "The way you conduct yourself conveys two important impressions: (1) your level of maturity and (2) your willingness to be flexible with other people. Maturity shows clearly in how people handle stress. If, at the slightest provocation, you start griping or accusing or making sarcastic remarks toward other people, the message is, I am not in control of myself. Flexibility deals with how you are able to adjust to people's different styles. Some people prefer a fast pace, others a slow one. Some are quite open and relationship oriented. Others are self-contained and prefer to focus on the task at hand. If you can develop the flexibility to adjust to these differences, then you will be perceived as a seasoned professional."
How's your attitude? Is it one of optimism or does it reside more often at the other end of the spectrum? That doesn't mean you have to be too cheerful or rarely display seriousness - again, think balance. Do both and several shades in between. It makes you more accessible and puts other people in a more comfortable frame of mind when around you. This also applies to your thought habits. Pay attention and make changes when you seem to be losing some effectiveness or feel a lessening of friendly overtures being directed towards you.
We'd all like to enhance our professional net worth, no matter what we are doing. The assets inherent in the above items will provide a strong foundation for your career. Continually seeking to improve upon the talents and skills you already possess will surely place you in a position of increased power.
About the Author
Copyright 2002 by Virginia Reeves. This article may be reprinted; inform the author via mailto:rainbowop@onemain.com. For more on creativity, success, communication, and enhancing your skills and talents for more growth, please click on http://www.rainbowopportunities.ws or mailto:millionairemindset@GetResponse.com (for free bi-monthly e-zine)