Communicating Effectively in the Workplace
Ineffective communication is a major, yet avoidable, obstacle to business productivity. And yes, it can be avoided. Given the will, the bleakest of situations can be turned around for the better. Management must face squarely the challenge of...
Creating Your Own Employment Security
"Well, it's happening. My employer, the County Health and Welfare System, is buying me out. I leave in April, 2002. Seems like a long time from now, but I know it's really just around the corner. So how do I evaluate my skills? And how do I begin a...
Effective or Irritating: Pop Window Ads in Internet Marketing
A few years ago, pop-up windows were all the rage in Internet
marketing. It seemed that every time one opened a web page they
would be bombarded with offers for this or that. It had gotten
to the point where surfing the Internet was almost like...
Leadership Lessons For Sales Managers
Leadership, like class, is hard to define, but easy to spot. Someone once defined management as “the effective coordination of the efforts of the individuals in a group to accomplish that stated objectives of the organization.” Managers get...
Successful Internet Business Start-Up: 5 Tips To Buil A Profitable Business
You might think that it is hard to start an internet home
business. But in fact it is pretty easy to do business on the
internet. Of course you need some knowledge to begin your
internet business enterprise.
But you don't need a doctorate...
Why is Market Research important?
Market research is an essential part of any business that wants to offer products or services that are focussed and well targeted. Business decisions that are based on good intelligence and good market research can minimise risk and pay dividends and by making market research part and parcel of the business process and conducting market research throughout the lifecycle of a product or service market research will bring the following benefits:-
Market research will help you better communicate - Your current customers experiences are a valuable information source, not only will they allow you to gauge how well you currently meet their expectations they can also tell you where you are getting things right and more importantly where you are getting things wrong.
By asking the customer you not only show them that you care but you also take the guess work out of customer services.
Market research helps you identify opportunities – If you are planning to operate a new
service and want to know the preconceived attitudes people have then market research can help, not only in evaluating the potential for a new idea, but also by identify the areas where a marketing message needs to honed.
Market research will minimise risk - Market research can help shape a new product or service, identifying what is needed and ensure that the development of a product is highly focused towards demand.
Market research creates benchmarks and helps you measure your progress - Unless you measure you may not be able to gauge how well your business is performing. Early research may highlight glaring holes in your service or short falls in your product, regular market research will show if improvements are being made and, if positive, will help motivate a team.
About the Author
Martin Day is a Director of Survey Galaxy Ltd a web site that allows anyone to create, design and publish online surveys. For more information please visit http://www.surveygalaxy.com