7 Customer Acquisition schemes your competitor is hiding from you.
Copyright 2005 Michael Lever
Customer Acquisition is beyond doubt the number one priority for
all serious business owners. Whether you're a merchant or an
associate/affiliate of a merchant, your goal is to grow sales.
That is why the best in...
Get Googled with Adwords to Boost Website Visits
Copyright 2011 Anton Cheranev
The Google Adwords program is a very popular new program. Mainly
people who have products to sell on the Internet use it. If you
want to sell products, it might be a good idea to check into the
Google Adwords...
Measuring & Evaluating a public relations presence online
You've done everything right. You helped increased sales, people recognize your business name and you are considered an expert on what you are selling by millions of people around the globe. Then, your boss asks you to prove the worth of your online...
Monetize Your Website
Monetize Your Website You may have built your website out of pure devotion but websites have costs and even though you may not want to get rich from your website you still want the website to make money. There are two principle ways you can...
What is Impression Fraud or “How Grinch Stole Cindy Lou's better Web Site ROI” ?
Impression fraud is a special case of click fraud. The prototypical impression fraudster is the competitor who resorts to unfair means to gain an advantage. His primary motivation is to reduce the ranking of his competitor, and then save himself...
Being Your Own Boss
Copyright 2005 Brian Beshore
As far as being your own boss--do you have what it takes? The best bosses, they say, are tough, only in being your own boss, you know who you have to be tough on.
Now, I’m not advocating that you stop liking yourself. Far from it! But we all know that being your own boss requires that you go that extra mile in many respects. For one thing, you must guard your time jealously. You must forgo many of the distractions that society throws our way. You must free yourself from the routine. It’s just the hum-drum side of life anyway.
There are those, of course, that don’t have the motivation to even set aside the time for regular work at their marketing plans. On the other hand, I think there are plenty of folks who do work at it.
But, do you know what I think? I think a lot of these people get into a rut. I think that because I’ve gotten emails from these people from my newsletters. They’ll be just into surfing traffic exchanges or something and I’ll say why don’t you get a website and optimize it or write some articles or a blog?
They’ll say “Oh, I could never do that!”
It was only a few years ago that I didn’t even
know how to turn on a PC and now I know my keyword from my mass e-mail blaster. They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
If your one of those folks who’s intimidated by fancy sounding terms like keyword search or PPC, here’s what I want you to do; many self motivation coaches recommend creating many smaller goals that lead up to your bigger goals.
Many people have big ambitions and goals, but they lack the exact steps to take in getting there. Therefore, you have to start on a smaller scale and start choosing goals that you know you can achieve. Smaller steps that lead you in the direction you want to go.
Like in learning, for example, I want you to make a resolution that you will learn one new thing each week. Something to do with your business, or if you don’t have one yet, learn about the different ways to make money. Learn about the different ways there are to advertise, and the ways that you can get people to your business without advertising. Learn what they are and if they work.
Brian Beshore is a professional copywriter and creator of the Become Your Own Boss Program;