Advertising Your Work From Home Internet Business With PPC Search Engines.
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How To Win The War of Pay per Click Advertising.
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Get More Website Traffic Within the Next Hour
What if I told you that your website could show up on the first page of results on a major search engine...today?
Let me prove it to you.
One of the fastest ways to get targetted traffic is to pay for it. How? Use a pay-per-click search engine. A search engine is great because you know that people who come to your website were searching for what you sell. Right now, the hands-down top place to go for pay-per-clicks is Google, http://www.google.com .
Go to google.com now. What would your potential customer type in the search box? Type that in the search box. Look at the results that show up for your search terms (keywords). At the top and on the right hand side of the search results page are usually "Sponsored Links" Those are the ads.
Most people who search on google.com don't know google has ads. That's because google's ads look similar to their regular search results. That can make their ads very effective for their advertisers. Clever, huh?
Here's the best part: Advertisers don't pay for their ad showing up. They ONLY pay for a visitor. I usually set up a campaign for $5 and my ads are up and running within minutes. When you set up your ads for the first time, it will take a little longer because you'll need to fill out your company info and credit card info.
How much will you pay? It depends. Of course you want to pay the minimum, which is $.05 (a US nickel) per click. In a competitive market, other advertisers may have bid higher, which gets them higher positioning on the results page. For example, "satellite TV" is a highly competitive search term. You're not going to get on the first page with a nickel bid. As I write this, to get the top position on the first page for "satellite TV" the advertiser would need to bid around $6 per click.
You'll also get to set a daily budget. What's the maximum you're willing to pay each day. Remember, you'll
only be charged for per click. For example, you bid .05 per click and set a $2 daily budget. If only 12 people click on your ad today, you'll only pay 60 cents. Let's say tomorrow your ad gets 40 clicks. At that point, you've reach your daily budget of $2 and your ad will stop showing for your search terms.
You'll also get to set how long you want your ads to run. One day? Five days? Til the end of the year? Decide on a date for your ad to stop running. Ready to start your first ad campaign?
Go to http://www.google.com/ to set up your own ads on Google. Click on "Advertising Programs", then choose the "Google Adwords" link. Follow the instructions to setup your first ad campaign. You can always edit it later.
You'll need to decide:
What will your ad say?
For which search terms do you want your ads to show?
How much you want to pay-per-click?
What's your daily budget?
How long do you want the campaign to run?
I did this recently for a client who offered a high ticket subscription service. He had a website online for 4 years with no sales. Suddenly, his sales from the yellow pages dried up. He needed his website to spring into action and bring clients.
I quickly set up a dozen Google Adwords ads to see which ones got clicks. The ones that didn't get clicks, I edited until they brought visitors. Results: Five hundred dollars per month in pay-per-click fees brings him $20,000 in lifetime value clients. Your results may be different, of course.
Is Google Adwords the answer for every business? No. For many businesses, though, it's a fast and affordable way to bring customers to their websites.
About the Author
Resource: Request your free copy of Internet Marketer Raynay Valles' "Pay-Per-Click Success Email Course" at http://www.internetmarketingonly.com/ppc-course.html or send a blank email to rv-ppc-course@aweber.com