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The Huge Response From Text Links Within Articles Shocked Me
I don't quite remember where I first started reading about text
links, but I had always ignored them. Those ugly-looking
highlighted words buried in the text of something interesting
that I was reading online.
I ignored to use them that is, because looking back, I do
remember that I always had a tendency to click on them a lot.
Sometimes my click through would end up in total disappointment
as I landed on some totally irrelevant web page that I had no
interest for. But most times I would end up at a highly
informative page that would greatly add to the information I was
looking at.
When I started using text links for the first
time, in my articles in my blogs and in high traffic article
sites where I distributed them, I was absolutely overwhelmed by
the response I received. It has gotten me really excited and I
now have a number of clients that I have introduced this amazing
concept to.
Why Are Ugly Text Links Within Articles So Effective?
So why do we click so much at these hyperlink text we come
across? Why are they virtually irresistible? The answer is
simple. It is the same reason why search engine PPC
(pay-per-click) ads have worked so well and are at the center of
shifting advertising dollars online at a rate that has many
offline advertising mediums very worried. It is the same reason
why TV spots did not transfer too well online.
You see it was always assumed that the Internet was an advanced
Television medium. Some people still think in these terms. If
this were true then TV ads should have made a killing online,
instead of causing a record number of bankruptcies. But if you
take the Internet to be the most advanced telephone in the
world, then suddenly everything makes sense.
Pop up and pop under ads are similar to a situation where you
are having a telephone conversation and somebody rudely comes
online, interrupting your conversation to ask if you'd like to
buy some baked beans. Banner ads are like some advertising
jingle playing in the background as you are having your
telephone conversation. Probably less annoying but still
When you are having a telephone conversation, you tend to be
only in what is relevant to the current conversation.
So even if you are currently in the market for a new car, this
is just not the time for somebody to give you that information.
The key thing here is relevance.
Text links within articles are even
more effective than PPC ads. My tests have clearly shown
this. The traffic they attract to sites tends to stay much
longer (always remember that relevance is very important here).
Text Links In The Middle Of Relevant Articles Are More
Effective Than The Old Classified Ads
In those offline days, nothing helped to prop up more start-ups
and small businesses than classified ads in local newspapers.
Those tiny small fonts that were best read with a magnifying
glass, were super effective in creating valuable sales leads for
many small businesses.
The text link is the online answer to classified ads. But it is
even more effective. Classified ads were usually stuck at the
back of the newspaper. These online classified ads (text links)
appear right in the middle of interesting related stories.
Information is the main currency online and all you need to do
is to ensure that your text links are placed in well written and
informative online writer's
Text Links Create Valuable Links For Your Blogs/Sites
Search engines place a lot of weight on links to a site. In fact
keywords used in text links to a site are so effective that they
will work better than keywords actually used in the content at
the site when it comes to ranking a site. So apart from creating
immediate traffic, they will also have a huge impact on your
search engine positioning. Relevant text links are too effective
for you to ignore them any longer.
About the author:
Christopher Kyalo is a successful online writer and
entrepreneur. Find other valuable and effective online marketing
tools at his blog; Internet marketing
using free articles. He can be reached at strongwallafrica
at yahoo.com