How To Ruin Good Customer Relations...In Two Easy Steps.
This article may be freely used in ezines, on websites or in e-books, as long as the by-line is left intact. Notification of publication would be greatly appreciated, and if possible, a copy of the relevant ezine or newsletter. Please send...
Managers Need Basic PR
True, because department, division or subsidiary managers for a business, non-profit or association really DO need a dynamic yet workable blueprint for reaching those key outside groups of people who have a big say about how successful those...
Public Relations: A Natural Phenomenon
What else do you call a human discipline whose very nature is firmly rooted in the principle that people act on their own perception of the facts, then creates, changes or reinforces public opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-action...
Three Steps to Give Your Strategic Plan Traction
We all agree Strategic Planning is a critical part of a company's success. All too often, however, strategic plans stall before they ever make it to execution - or they gradually lose momentum. The organization is then left in a vulnerable and...
Veterinary Marketing Technology Sold by TR Cutler, Inc.
TR Cutler, Inc., the nation’s largest manufacturing PR and marketing firm, has sold the Veterinary Practice Marketing Division. Thomas R. Cutler, President & CEO of TR Cutler, Inc. (www.trcutlerinc.com) said that, “After serving 595 veterinary...
How To Keep Your Sales Soaring
You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to: diana@ohiohelp.net
How To Keep Your Sales Soaring
Worrying that the economy or your industry in particular might be slowing down? Forget about it. Build momentum and create your own sales surge!
1. Maximize the effectiveness of your banner and other ads. Don't just use the same ad on every page. Use a variety to attract the greatest number of clicks.
2. Make your web site load much faster by cutting down on huge banner ads and start using more buttons. Smaller button ads also take up less space on the pages, leaving more room for uncluttered white space.
3. Offer free advertising space to well known and respected companies on your web site. Sometimes people link their business credibility to yours.
4. People have been taught all their life to respect people in authority. Let your visitors know that you are the president or CEO of your business. Don’t be shy!
5. Offer people a free telephone consultation before they order your product. When they get to know you personally, it could convert to more sales.
6. Test the "bill me later option" on your web site. Most people are honest and will pay you. It is a powerful little niche and could increase your sales.
7. Find a charity your target audience would likely support. Team up and share the news with your propects and clients in your ad copy so that they know you are donating a percentage of the profits to that charity. Learn more copywriting tips from correspondence courses at American Writers and Artists Institute; then get some help putting what you learn to use:
8. Hold a "buy the most wins contest" on your web site. Tell people each monthly winner will get their entire purchase refunded. Try focusing on something special each month, too, like new monthy ebooks from an affordable subscription site like EbookWholesaler and PushButtonPublishing online here: http://www.presssuccess.com/specialtyB.html
9. Attract visitors to your web site by offering them a free course. You could package the course on a follow-up autoresponder and send lessons daily or weekly. Autoresponders like those at ProfitAuto, come with a 30-day trial period and can be upgraded. And some product subscriptions sites offer content that you can break up to use as your courses. For more info, visit: http://www.presssuccess.com/specialtyB.html and check out the Secret Autoresponder Courses here for your business tool belt: http://www.presssuccess.com/bookstore/ascourses
10. Interview people related to your industry and get their permission to include the information in an article. Then promote your web site by submitting the article to ezines.
No need to go it alone, either. There is affordable help along the way. Take your cyber-tour today and check out the Work Stations at: http://www.movingaheadcommunications.com . And you’ll find that help is as simple as ABC!
About the Author
By Diana Barnum, president of http://movingaheadcommunications.com and CEO of http://ohiohelp.net . For more help with marketing, public relations and writing, email mailto:diana@ohiohelp.net or call: (614) 529-9459.
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PR Newswire - news distribution, targeting and monitoring |
News and press release distribution services for small business marketing, corporate public relations and investor relations, government and organizational ... |
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PR Week Magazine |
News and features about the public relations industry, with links to US, UK, Asian, and German editions. |
www.prweek.com |
Public relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Public relations (PR) is the art of managing communication between an organization and its ... PR historians say the first PR firm, the Publicity Bureau, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Puerto Rico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Hyperlinked encyclopedia article covers the country's history, government and politics, geography, economy, demographics, language and culture. |
en.wikipedia.org |
The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) |
Largest professional organization of public relations specialists representing business, consulting firms, government, associations, schools, ... |
www.prsa.org |
CIA - The World Factbook -- Puerto Rico |
Profile of Puerto Rico by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). |
https: |
Center for Media and Democracy - Publishers of PR Watch |
A nonprofit, public interest organization dedicated to investigative reporting on the public relations industry. |
www.prwatch.org |
Puerto Rico Vacations | Puerto Rico Tourism Company | Puerto Rico ... |
Puerto Rico Tourism Company Official site includes nightlife, area sports, culture, and travel information. |
www.gotopuertorico.com |
PR: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
See all blog posts tagged with pr on Technorati. ... This page shows everything that has been tagged with pr. To contribute to this page include this code ... |
www.technorati.com |
Edelman |
Full service global public relations firm. Includes company profile, management team, practice areas, industries served, case histories, client listings, ... |
www.edelman.com |
LEWIS PR - global public relations |
LEWIS PR is a global public relations consultancy working with leading and emerging brands and delivering predictable results tied tightly to client goals. |
www.lewispr.com |
IANA | .pr - Puerto Rico |
University of Puerto Rico Gauss Laboratory Facundo Bueso Building Office 265 ... Puerto Rico Email: tech@uprr.pr Voice: +787 765 3263 Fax: +787 754 0757 ... |
www.iana.org |
Online Public Relations Home Page |
Free online resource for public relations professionals. |
www.online-pr.com |
Chartered Institute of Public Relations, CIPR, the professional ... |
The CIPR is the professional body for the UK public relations industry, providing PR training and events, PR news and research, and a PR jobs board. |
www.ipr.org.uk |
PR News Online — Trusted Source for Public Relations News, PR ... |
The latest news on public relations delivered FREE right to your inbox. ... Psycho-Geometrics Help You Know What 'Shape' Your PR Team's Personality Is In ... |
www.prnewsonline.com |
O'Dwyer's Public Relations News - odwyerpr.com |
Features breaking news about the public relations industry, a database of PR firms, listing of PR service firms, client search tool and job postings. |
www.odwyerpr.com |
PR News Online — Trusted Source for Public Relations News, PR ... |
E-letter. The latest news on public relations delivered FREE right to your inbox. ... Share ideas with your peers in PR News' just-launched Forum ... |
www.prandmarketing.com |
Linux PR: |
Comprehensive Press Release and Public Relations resource for the Linux community. |
www.linuxpr.com |
Escape to Puerto Rico - Your Internet Guide to Puerto Rico |
Internet guide to everything Puerto Rico. Offers lots of photos, accommodations and travel information from around the Island. |
escape.topuertorico.com |