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Cute Cat Names ... And How To Find Them
Cute cat names? Max is popular, Lady a favorite for queens. If you want your cat to have a more original name, you have to use your imagination. Or get some expert help.
‘Muffin. Kitty. Snowball. All stupid names that no self respecting cat would have - if it weren't for the stupid human who gave it to him!'
These lines come from the hilarious, but now sold out Garfield Book of Cat Names by Jim Davis. The famous cartoon cat is a self declared enemy of silly names. In the book he gives advice on how to give your kitten a name to be proud of.
Popular tom cat names are Max, Sam, Charlie, Buddy, Toby, Rocky, Buster, Casey.
Popular cat names for females are Lady, Kitty, Chelsea, Molly, Maggie, Sadie, Abby, Dakota, Sasha.
There are also names that are just right for males and females, like Shadow or Smokey.
Although some people think cats ignore them when called, cats do listen - and very well. If you say its name often and clear it will soon recognize it. And if you consequently call your kitten's name, it will associate the sound with food, play and other pleasant activities.
If your kitten comes from a planned mating between pedigree animals, you need to register the name. There are strict rules for this. Professional cat breeders are happy to tell you more.
Still, finding the
right and preferably cute name is not easy.
Your family members will want to agree with it, and of course it should not sound silly once your cute little kitten becomes an adult cat.
Colors often give inspiration, or the coat. During the Clinton administration almost every American knew Socks, the First Cat of the United States, and it's not difficult to understand why Clinton's cat got this name.
A cat's personality may also give a hint for a good name. This works best with older cats that you took from a shelter, because they usually have a clearly developed personality.
Celebrity names are also a good bet. There are cats that are called Elvis Presley or Marilyn (after Monroe). Best advice: choose a timeless celebrity. This week's Top-20 star may be forgotten tomorrow. But your cat certainly won't.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Marc de Jong is the owner of http://www.cat-pregnancy-report.com and writer of an acclaimed ebook on cat pregnancy and kitten care, called How To Take Care Of Your Pregnant Cat. Buyers of the book get as a free bonus The Box Of Cat Names, a publication with over 15,000 cat names. More info: http://www.cat-pregnancy-report.com/pregnant-cat.html
Copyright Marc de Jong - http://www.cat-pregnancy-report.com
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