7 Breastfeeding Myths Dispelled!
Despite the tons of scientific literature available, these breastfeeding myths are a cause of concern for every nursing mother.Read on to see a few common myths dispelled.
Myth #1
"My breasts will sag if I breast-feed"
Not true! Pregnancy...
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What To Expect From A Twin Pregnancy: ABC's Of Multiple Birth
Imagine wishing and trying for one baby and ending up with two!
Statistics show that there has been an increase in twin
pregnancy the past few years and this short guide should answer
any questions you have to giving birth to multiples!
Natural Treatments for Morning Sickness
Although it had long been considered the stuff of old wives
tales and legend, using ginger as a remedy to treat morning
sickness is rapidly earning a new respect.
In new studies published in the journal Obstetrics and
Gynecology, doctors from the University of Adelaide in Australia
proved once again this natural remedy is an extremely effective
treatment for the nausea and vomiting that affects up to 90% of
all pregnant women, usually in their first trimester. But while
many doctors still remain "on the fence" about natural
treatments, according to pregnancy researcher and author Colette
Bouchez, the wisdom of "Mom" has long been on the side of Mother
Nature - particularly in the treatment of morning sickness.
" When it comes to pregnancy, most women have incredibly sharp
intuition and great natural instincts - they know when something
is wrong, and they sure know when something is right, and ginger
has been one of those right remedies for generations," says
Bouchez, the author of " Your Perfectly Pampered Pregnancy:
Beauty, Health and Lifestyle Advice for the Modern Mother
-to-Be" ( Broadway Books, NY).
In the new research, Dr. Caroline Smith reports ginger was
compared to clinical doses of vitamin B6 (a common prescription
for morning sickness) and was found to be as effective. Although
previous animal studies have revealed a potential link between
very high levels of ginger and an increased risk of pregnancy
complications including miscarriage, Smith reports that her
studies found no such connection. She writes: "For women looking
for a reduction in their nausea and vomiting. . . the use of
ginger in early pregnancy will reduce the severity of their
Bouchez, who notes that 3 previous studies on ginger found
similar good results says ginger works thanks to two active
constituents known as "gingerols" and "shogaols" , both of which
give this plant it's pungent taste. Not coincidentally, she says
these same compounds also work directly on the gastrointestinal
system to reduce the activity linked to nausea and vomiting.
If, however, you've tried ginger and it just doesn't seem to
help you, Bouchez advises skipping the gingerale and
gingersnaps, and go for the "real stuff" instead.
"There is some research to show that it is the properties
in natural, fresh ginger that makes this a truly effective
treatment - so when possible, buy some fresh ginger root and use
to make a tea, or sprinkle it on your cereal or a bowl of fresh
fruit," says Bouchez.
Six More Natural Treatments for Morning Sickness
If, in fact, ginger just isn't your "cup of tea" according to
"Your Perfectly Pampered Pregnancy", here are 6 more "natural"
ways to beat morning sickness.
1.Switch prenatal vitamins - or the time you take them. The high
iron content can induce nausea in many pregnant women. Switching
to a low iron formula in the first trimester only (when the risk
of anemia is very low) may squelch morning sickness. Also- take
your vitamins late in the day, and skip the glass of water.
Instead swallow your vitamin in a spoonful of pudding or
2. Limit fluid intake with meals. Instead drink between meals -
and try other tummy-soothing beverages such as peppermint iced
tea, or chamomile hot tea.
3. Massage your pressure points by applying pressure on what
Chinese medicine experts call the P6 Nei Guan nerve located in
the wrist. To stimulate this anti-nausea nerve use two fingers
from your left hand to press the underside of your right arm two
inches above your wrist. Hold for up to 6o seconds and repeat as
4. Rise and shine . . . slowly. Whether it's getting up in the
morning or after a nap, rising too quickly can throw off
equilibrium and contribute to the queasies.
5. Have Breakfast in Bed. If you've heard that dry crackers is a
treatment for morning sickness, you heard right - but the trick
is to eat them in bed, twenty to thirty minutes before rising -
and don't drink any liquids, especially water, while munching.
6. Scent Your Hankies! To sidestep nausea caused by smells and
odors outside your home, tuck a hankie doused with a combination
of lavender and peppermint oil into a small plastic bag and keep
in your purse. At the first hint of nausea, hold the hankie to
your nose and breathe deep for almost instant nausea relief.
For more free tips on natural pregnancy remedies visit
About the author:
Alexandra Whitney is the director of http://www.PamperingMom.com
and other women's health websites.
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