Beauty Comes From Within
Since real beauty comes from within, it's important that your beauty products bring out your best natural qualities. Natural beauty product reviews can help you choose which products are best suited to your own individual needs. One popular type of...
Dietary Precautions During Pregnancy
When you are pregnant, you should be sure to wash all raw vegetables prior to consumption. Raw vegetables have the potential to carry toxoplasmosis, which is a parasite that is typically carried in the feces of cats. It can sometimes get into the...
Health Tips For Your Baby
There are always concerns about a baby’s health. Many parents overreact to the smallest problem, but you really can’t be too careful when it comes to your baby’s health. Recognizing the symptoms to the most common diseases is very important to...
The Truth about Childbirth and Labor
Labor and childbirth was an amazing, positive experience for me, both times. I am very fortunate, I know. But I do believe that if you prepare yourself through education (reading books, reading websites like this one, taking prenatal classes,...
To Love Forever
Some time ago we were leading a college seminar for sexually sophisticated, exuberant and articulate young couples from a local church when James, one of the husbands, said: Nancy and I have long since learned how to insert Tab A into Slot B, so we...
Online Pregnancy Test - Are You Pregnant?
You can find just about anything on the internet these days. Even an online
pregnancy test! Ok, so the test isn't based on scientific analysis of your blood or
urine, but it can help you to assess whether or not you should consider taking a home
pregnancy test.
Not all online pregnancy tests are alike. Many of them give you a list of possible
symptoms and allow you to decide if you have any of these. Then using the date of
your last period as a guide marker, the site hosting the online pregnancy test will give
you a possible due date for your baby if you are indeed pregnant. It doesn't give any
information on the likelihood of this, instead it leaves it up to you to decide.
Other online pregnancy tests are a little more complicated. Using a series of tick
boxes, they ask you a list of questions that cover the date of your last period, your
sexual activity around that time, your age, general health issues such as stress and
physical condition, which symptoms (from the list) that you are experiencing and
what, if any, form of birth control you use.
The site then analyses your results and although it can't give a true result, the online
pregnancy test will tell you if they think it's likely that you need to take a pregnancy
test. Of course, neither of these approaches are going to put your mind at rest. Most
women if they suspect will need to take the home pregnancy test anyway, just to make
sure one way or the other.
Whether or not you are pregnant is not the only online pregnancy test available. Once
pregnant, there are a number of other fun online pregnancy tests which will analyse
the answers to the questions they ask and tell you whether or not you are going to
have a baby boy or baby girl. How accurate these are is mixed - often the site will tell
you their success rate, or have a forum to discuss it.
Although the online pregnancy test is unable to give you definite answers, it's a
starting point if you suddenly realize that there's a possible connection between a
number of seemingly unrelated symptoms - and the best thing is that like any
information on the internet - you get fast results!
About The Author
My name is Anthony France and I write articles on a weekly basis which are then placed on my website, all information on my site is free, I also have a free newsletter,blog and rss feed, the site currently has around 500 pages of quality information on many health issues, please visit my website for more information at: http://www.health-directories.com.
Pregnancy.org --> Preconception, Pregnancy and Early Childhood ... |
Offering online communities, interactive tools, price robot, articles and a pregnancy calendar. Content spans pre-pregnancy to after birth. |
www.pregnancy.org |
Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar Pregnancy Symptom and Pregnancy ... |
The pregnancy calendar can help you find information on pregnancy and childbirth, including a week by week pregnancy calendar, baby shower games, ... |
pregnancy.about.com |
Healthy Pregnancy |
How soon after a missed period can I take a home pregnancy test and get ... Pregnancy can be a joyous time. But it also can be a time of uncertainty and ... |
www.4woman.gov |
Pregnancy Info: Birth, Baby, and Maternity Advice |
Advice for mothers to be concerning pregnancy, getting pregnant, baby care and maternity. |
www.pregnancy-info.net |
Pregnancy & Parenting: For Today's Mom - iVillage |
From trying to conceive through your child's teen years, iVillage Pregnancy & Parenting offers up-to-date and informative articles, features, expert advice ... |
parenting.ivillage.com |
Pregnancy Calendar: Your All-in-One Guide to Pregnancy and ... |
A multimedia journey through the first nine months of an unborn child's life. A graphics intensive - visual journey through pregnancy. Needs plug-in. |
parenting.ivillage.com |
Pregnancy: Humorous week-by-week calendar and free pregnancy tickers |
Humorous week-by-week pregnancy calendar and pregnancy tickers - 100% free. |
pregnancy.baby-gaga.com |
MedlinePlus: Pregnancy |
Search MEDLINE/PubMed for recent research articles on Pregnancy: ... Select services and providers for Pregnancy in your area. Select Location, AL - Alabama ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Pregnancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Human pregnancy is the most studied of all mammalian pregnancies. ... Though pregnancy begins at implantation, it is often convenient to date from the first ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
POP! The First Human Male Pregnancy - Mr. Lee Mingwei |
"Mr. Lee Mingwei will be the first human male to ever birth a baby from his own body." Art project by Virgil Wong, thematizing gender roles, childbearing, ... |
www.malepregnancy.com |
Baby Gaga: Stroller Reviews, Baby Tickers, Pregnancy Calendar |
Baby-Gaga offers top quality guides, reviews, and stores for baby strollers. Free baby birthday ticker and pregnancy calendar also available! |
www.baby-gaga.com |
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Information, Pregnancy Community - Powered by ... |
Monitor your pregnancy with BabyCenter's free weekly e-mail newsletters and online library of pregnancy information created to help you have a healthy ... |
www.pregnancy.com |
Pregnancy Week-by-Week sponsored by StorkNet |
Pregnancy Week-by-Week Guide from StorkNet, your online pregnancy and parenting resource. |
www.pregnancyguideonline.com |
American Pregnancy Association : Promoting Pregnancy and ... |
Articles on pregnancy wellness, complications, loss, labor and birth. |
www.americanpregnancy.org |
Pregnancy Discrimination |
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act is an amendment to Title VII of the Civil ... Discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical ... |
www.eeoc.gov |
Pregnancy Today |
A community for expectant parents, offering many unique features to guide you through pregnancy. |
pregnancytoday.com |
Pregnancy Center - MayoClinic.com |
Pregnancy Center — comprehensive information on pregnancy symptoms, healthy pregnancy, childbirth options, labor and delivery. |
www.mayoclinic.com |
Pregnancy |
Information Resources · More about Pregnancy/Childbirth Complications and Concerns ... Pregnancy Choices. Family Planning and Contraception ... |
www.noah-health.org |
Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion Information from Option Line |
Provides information on abortion alternatives, free pregnancy tests, adoption, connects you with local centers for free counseling, mapping to local centers ... |
www.pregnancycenters.org |
WebMD Pregnancy Center - Learn the early signs of pregnancy and ... |
Sign up for our Pregnancy & Parenting Newsletter! ... Get daily facts, tips and suggestions customized to your stage of pregnancy. ... |
www.webmd.com |