Understanding Ectopic Pregnancy
Did you know that... symptoms of ectopic pregnancy
typically include lower back, abdominal, or pelvic pain. The
pain usually gets worse before it gets better and more often
than not vaginal bleeding will occur.
I am expecting my first child in March. I have to admit
that I was very nervous about ectopic pregnancy and I did
not know much about the topic. After doing some research I
felt compelled to share what I learned about ectopic
pregnancy with all expecting moms.
The first thing we want to do is understand the differences
between a normal pregnancy and an ectopic pregnancy.
Understanding these differences will not only educate us on
the topic, but it will help put that nervous nelly mind to
During a normal pregnancy the fertilized egg enters the
uterus. The uterine lining gives the fertilized egg plenty
of room to divide and grow (and make your belly big).
During a typical ectopic pregnancy, the egg does not
actually reach the uterus, but gets hung up in the Fallopian
tubes. As the egg starts to grow this causes the tubes to
stretch and get irritated. Typically you will feel extreme
pain (you know your body and you will know the difference
between this pain and expected pain).
Ectopic pregnancy should not go untreated. If it's left untreated you're at risk
of rupturing the Fallopian tube which would cause internal
So what causes ectopic pregnancy you ask? Is it me or
something I did or did not do? Is it my lack of exercise? Is it
my poor diet or my extremely healthy diet? No, no and more
There are a few causes for ectopic pregnancy and I will list
them here:
1. PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) have a HIGH occurrence
of ectopic pregnancy.
2. Your Fallopian tubes have cilia (almost like hair)located
on the surface that help carry the fertilized egg to the
final resting area the
uterus. Some women have damage to
this cilia or even blockage of the tubes and this can cause
ectopic pregnancy.
3. Tubal ligation can cause cilia damage. The problem is
that treatment for ectopic pregnancy is to use tubal surgery
which increases your risk for future occurrences.
4. High levels of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones
can slow the egg down as it travels to the uterus.
Infertility treatments can cause higher risk of ectopic
Can ectopic pregnancy be treated? What are my options if I
am diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy?
There are basically two types of treatment for ectopic
pregnancy. Nonsurgical treatment and surgical treatment.
Nonsurgical treatment:
Since 1993 the drug methotrexate has proven to help ectopic
pregnancy if taken early on in the pregnancy. Methotrexate
can interfere with the growth of the developing egg causing
the cessation of pregnancy.
Surgical treatment:
If bleeding has already occurred, surgical intervention is
necessary to stop blood loss and reduce the risk of your
body going into shock. Most surgeons use laparoscopy or
laparotomy for access to the pelvis and can remedy the
affected Fallopian tube.
Should you worry about ectopic pregnancy? Of course, what
mother would not. Make sure you do not let every ache and
pain make you think you're having one. Just remember the
things I listed. If you conceived from fertility drugs that
does not mean you will have an ectopic pregnancy, but you
should monitor and pay close attention to the symptoms.
This information is here to educate you and not scare you.
Remember to enjoy your pregnancy and good luck with
About the Author
Rachel Holland writes for http://www.MyVeryFirstBaby.com
Please feel free to email Rachel at