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Aggregate And Industrial Mining in Ohio
Aggregate And Industrial Mining in Ohio
Each of us depends on Ohios mineral aggregate resources. Every American born today will need 3.6 million pounds of minerals, metal and fuels in his of her lifetime, including 1.7 million pounds of aggregates and industrial minerals mined in Ohio. Further, the aggregate mined here in Ohio is used to build our roadways, homes, schools and hospitals, among other uses.
Aggregates and industrial minerals mined in Ohio include limestone and sand & gravel for roads, bridges, asphalt and concrete for roads, bridges and buildings, clay and shale for brick, block and pavers, gypsum for wallboards, industrial sand for drinking and wastewater treatment and salt for melting ice in the winter and softening our water at home, said Patrick A. Jacomet, Executive Director of the Ohio Aggregates and Industrial Minerals Association (OAIMA). Agricultural lime, also from mining, allows farmers to enhance their soils, increase production and decrease the dependence on fertilizers and pesticides.
The aggregate and industrial mining industry is vital to Ohios economy. Last year, Ohios miners produced over 137 million tons of industrial minerals valued at over $800 million. The industry makes a significant contribution to the Ohio economy, employing more than 5,400 people averaging over $40,000 in yearly salaries. Another 40,000 are employed indirectly in Ohios mineral industry as truck drivers, electricians, mechanics, engineers, office personal and other related professions. In fact, a recent study shows, that for every one dollar of output from the industry an additional $1.58 is generated in the national economy.
Quarries must operate in areas where quality deposits exist. Aggregates and industrial minerals are produced in 86 Ohio counties from approximately 730 mining operations statewide. Unlike other businesses, aggregate facilities can only operate where quality deposits exist. Access to quality aggregate resources is critical to the economic viability of the state of Ohio and is the key to a solid infrastructure and safe and efficient transportation system.
OAIMA promotes awareness of the industry throughout the community, explained Jacomet. Our website, at www.oaima.org is an educational project in progress and hosts a Teachers Corner.
Website visitors can click a red apple in the top right corner for PowerPoint presentations and other free resources.
It is important to realize that our lives would be totally different were it not for the mineral resources that Ohio
is blessed with, continued Jacomet. In fact, if you look around you will find that everything we use in our daily lives is directly or indirectly linked to mining. We have a saying, and that is, If it cant be grown, it has to be mined. From the buildings we live in to the schools we learn in to the roads we drive on, mineral resources form the cornerstone of the Ohio economy and the lifestyles of Ohios citizens.
For more information and inclusion in the OAIMA mailing list, contact OAIMA at 162 N. Hamilton Rd., Gahanna, OH 43230. Call: (800) OH-ROCKS / (614) 428-7954; fax inquiries to: (614) 428-7919. Visit the Statehouse Museum Shop for an Educational Ohio Mined Rock Set Gift, also available online at www.statehouseshop.com
Group members in OAIMA promote awareness of the industry throughout the community. Neighborhood groups, school children, media, and legislative representatives nearly everyone can benefit from learning, If it cant be grown, it has to be mined. So the group helps educate with facts like:
AGGREGATE QUICK FACTS ˇThere are 95,000 Tons of Aggregate per 1-mile of 4-lane highway ˇThere are 11-tons of Aggregate and Industrial Minerals for Each Ohio Resident ˇThe Average Home Requires 106 Tons of Aggregate ˇThe Average School or Hospital Requires 15,000 Tons of Aggregate
OHIOS CONSTRUCTION AGGREGATES ˇNatural aggregate 4th Nationally ˇLimestone 4th Nationally ˇSlag Top 4 (2nd in Steel Manufacturing)
OHIOS INDUSTRIAL MINERALS ˇClay and Shale 5th Nationally ˇSandstone and Industrial Sands 2nd Nationally ˇSalt 5th nationally ˇCement Overall Ohio is 10th Nationally in Aggregate and Mineral Production
-30- ###
Media Notes:
1.Patrick A. Jacomet, Executive Director of OAIMA is available for interviews and speaking engagements. Contact him at:
Ohio Aggregates and Industrial Minerals Association 162 N. Hamilton Rd. Gahanna, OH 43230 Call: (800) OH-ROCKS / (614) 428-7954 Fax: (614) 428-7919 http://www.oaima.org rocks@oaima.org
2. Ohio Mined Rock Sets, great to use as promotional pieces, are available upon request for media. Contract Patrick Jacomet (above in #1) for sets. Photo and description online at Statehouse Museum Shop: http://www.statehouseshop.com/browse.cfm/4,1353.html
About the Author
Writer. Read online at: http://movingaheadcommunications.com/OAIMA.html
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