Hey! That was my idea!... Corporate Games for a Rainy Day
People occasionally come to me and ask about situations with their jobs or within their companies. The primary question I hear is "What do I do if...?" Usually, they got caught up in a turf war or game and have no idea what to do next. Most of my...
How to Hit the Public Relations Bullseye (the first time)
So, what IS a public relations bullseye? The public relations professional must modify somebody’s behavior if he or she is to hit that bullseye and earn a paycheck – everything else is a means to that end. Here’s why. In public relations, a...
Slovenia - The Star Pupil
The most exciting event in Slovenia last week was when a group of young army recruits spat on the national flag and sang the anthem of the now defunct former Yugoslavia. They were sent to a military psychiatrist for observation. Indeed,...
Starting A Successful Direct Sales Business
An article in my local newspaper states that home based businesses are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. economy. A direct sales business is a great way of achieving a home-based business because the schedule is flexible, the startup costs are...
Take it to the Web!
Take Your Small Business Online and Sell to Other Countries! Take your business online and start your own internet business to sell to people in other countries in their own language! Get export counseling, trade promotion, trade finance and...
Businesses Cut Travel in Katrina's Wake
While Hurricane Katrina wreaked devastating damage and massive
suffering in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, the economic
impact of the storm is being felt far beyond the Gulf Coast
region. With the price of a gallon of gasoline hovering near
three dollars and airlines compensating for rising fuel costs by
increasing round-trip fares by as much as thirty dollars, the
travel budgets of companies across the U.S. are straining at the
seams. Increasing travel costs, combined with general economic
uncertainty, are leading business owners and company executives
to help secure their bottom lines by seeking less expensive
technological alternatives to routine business travel.
According to Erik Boos, VP Marketing of BeamYourScreen
(www.beamyourscreen.com), developers of innovative
technology-based communication tools, "For many companies,
having employees travel to trainings or sending sales
representatives to prospective customers' work sites is no
longer economically feasible."
In addition to gasoline, airfare, hotel, and meal expenses, Erik
Boos notes that traditional business travel consumes a
significant amount of time, thereby negatively impacting
employee productivity. "Flying from coast to coast can take an
entire day, and even local meetings require a significant amount
of drive time, which is compounded by traffic jams and the
challenges of finding parking. This increases the cost of
on-site meetings and represents time that could be spent
generating revenue."
While acknowledging that business travel is sometimes
necessary, Erik Boos asserts that many on-site meetings can be
replaced by online meetings at a fraction of the cost. With
BeamYourScreen's proprietary desktop sharing technology,
representatives can conduct live product demonstrations or
presentations to prospective customers and employees can be
trained from remote locations. "Online meetings offer the
advantage that everyone can stay in his or her office and
present slides or collaborate on documents or show applications
instantly. There's no travel time involved, as meetings start
with a click. And there's no travel cost involved, because
everyone stays where they are." says Erik Boos.
After downloading and installing the BeamYourScreen sender
software, the host user can initiate meetings with up to 20
participants, who connect for free using their Internet
browsers. As guests connect, they can see the host user's
computer desktop. The host can then conduct presentations or
trainings in real time, utilizing the resources on his or her
own computer. The BeamYourScreen technology can also be used to
enhance customer support by demonstrating solutions during
telephone support calls, to enable consultants to easily and
securely review sensitive documents with clients, and to
facilitate team projects by jointly working on documents during
team meetings.
BeamYourScreen offers two types of software licenses, each with
flat rate pricing. Prices range from $29 per month for a single
host/single guest license to $89 per month for multiple hosts/20
guests license. As there is no per-minute or per-session fee,
companies can host as many online meetings as they'd like at no
additional cost. According to Erik Boos, "We're pleased to be
able to offer small and medium-sized businesses the core
functionality of online meeting solutions at a fraction of the
price that large companies pay for fully integrated solutions."
About the author:
Mark Zondler
Oral Presentation Advice |
Your presentation should not replace your paper, but rather whet the ... Below I consider goals for academic interview talks and class presentations. ... |
www.cs.wisc.edu |
Presentation Skills |
This site contains annotated links to resources concerned with presentation and communication skills. |
lorien.ncl.ac.uk |
Presentation Helper - Free PowerPoint templates, help, advice and ... |
Resources on how to make effective presentations. Includes tips on PowerPoint and topic ideas. |
www.presentationhelper.co.uk |
Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc. |
Neuroscience stimulus delivery software can be used for cognitive psychology, fMRI, erp and single unit research (Windows). |
nbs.neuro-bs.com |
Why tables for layout is stupid: problems defined, solutions offered |
Why tables for layout is stupid:. problems defined, solutions offered. Tables existed in HTML for one reason: To display tabular data. ... |
www.hotdesign.com |
The Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation |
This presentation prepared with the help of Microsoft Powerpoint Autocontent Wizard. ... Permission is granted to use this presentation in any course or ... |
norvig.com |
Presentation Zen |
I love the clear presentation of the ideas in the book and the fact that the ... In the context of presentations, moving info away can help you and the ... |
www.presentationzen.com |
Presentation Tips for Public Speaking |
Better Public Speaking & Presentation - Ensure Your Words Are Always ... On the Job: Public Speaking Tips - Twelve Steps to Great Presentations by Elise ... |
www.aresearchguide.com |
Presentation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Presentation is the process of presenting the content of a topic to an ... You should plan to rehearse your presentation out loud at least four times. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
OSCON 2005 Keynote - Identity 2.0 |
“A barn-burner of a presentation. I loved this.” - Cory Doctorow. “I watched it twice, and greatly enjoyed it both times.” - Jon Udell ... |
www.identity20.com |
Presentations - Effective Communication - Public Speaking |
Tips and tools for creating and delivering presentations: text, techniques and technology. |
www.presentations.com |
Presentation Information Resources - Presentation Technology News ... |
Presentation Information Resources - Comprehensive presenter's resource providing instant access to up-to-date information on technology and techniques for ... | |
Effective Presentations homepage |
In addition, the skills needed to prepare an oral presentation can be used ... A spiffy presentation discussing Effective Teaching with Powerpoint from the ... |
www.kumc.edu |
Impress |
Your presentations will stand out with 2D and 3D clip art, special effects, animation, ... Slide show Animation and Effects bring your presentation to life. ... |
www.openoffice.org |
PRESENTATIONPRO - experts for Microsoft PowerPoint |
A series of products and services to help enhance PowerPoint presentations with templates and backgrounds. |
www.presentationpro.com |
Leadership - Presentation Skills |
Presentation, PowerPoint, and Leadership. ... Presentations and reports are ways of communicating ideas and information to a group. But unlike a report, ... |
www.skagit.com |
Presentation: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
See all blog posts tagged with presentation on Technorati. |
www.technorati.com |
Secretary of State Addresses the U.N. Security Council |
My friends, this has been a long and a detailed presentation. And I thank you for your patience. But there is one more subject that I would like to touch on ... |
www.whitehouse.gov |
Rubric |
Organization, Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. Audience has difficulty following presentation because ... |
www.ncsu.edu |
Presentation Skills |
Presentations are one of the first managerial skills which a junior engineer ... This article looks at the basics of Presentation Skills as they might apply ... |
www.see.ed.ac.uk |