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Do You Need a Personal Assistant?
Its great to be multi-skilledbe able to type your own correspondence, do your bookkeeping, answer all phone calls, prepare your PowerPoint presentations, organise your own travel, seminars, pick up and send your mail, pack orders, do your own marketing, do all the photocopying, ring your clients and prospects. However it may not leave you with enough time to focus on what really matters.
When you first start out in business, you will no doubt do most things yourself, yet to continue trying to keep control of every task that needs doing by handling everything yourself, youll never be able to grow your business successfully. Youll run out of time and also be limited by your own skillset.
The same applies when you commence a new management role, you want to make a good impression and show that you are capable of handling all your responsibilities without asking for any assistance. Thats fine if you can manage doing that effectively and maintain your sanity. However, if you are having difficulty and suffer in silence, other peopleyour team, colleagues and clients will eventually notice anyhow.
If you are a business owner or manager with a team of people, youll go crazy trying to do everything yourself without some form of assistanceand being a good manager, your role is to manage and develop your people. Together you will achieve more more productivity and profit or whatever your purpose is.
When you have people working for you, youll find that managing your people will take up a lot of your time.
When youre at this level you do need some form of assistance whether it be a Virtual Assistant (personal assistants who work off-site in their own business and whom you can hire on as as needs basis (see www.asecretary.com.au) or hire a person to assist you on-site whether its part-time or full-time.
You may also have a suitable candidate in your office right now who is ready to step injust make sure they have the skills you require. Its no good recruiting within your organisation unless the person has the attributes needed unless you are prepared to invest additional time and money to get them up to speed... and even after all that effort, they may still be unsuitable.
One of my clients decided to utilise their companys receptionist to help him with his workload as she had spare time at certain parts of the day. This lady was a typical sanguine personality which meant she was bubbly, full of life and excellent people person perfect for her role. This type of person is generally allergic to details and can be disorganisedthe opposite of what my client required.
I knew it wasnt going to work but he was adamant to give it a go as he didnt want to invest in additional staff. It didnt take long for him to
realise he had made a big mistake and that no amount of further training would bring her skill level to where he needed it to be. Within 4 weeks he hired a trained personal assistant who was highly organised and could easily undertake the tasks required.
Garys Story Gary is the Sales Manager of a building company. He manages a team of 15 people. Gary began coaching with me last year. One of his key goals was to finish work by 5.30 p.m. each day. At that stage he was commencing work at 7.00 a.m. and going home at 7.30 p.m. at night. Not much fun right? He had no time for his life. Working these hours he was overstressed, overweight, unwell and the long hours took their toll on his family life.
There were a range of other issues affecting Garys productivitythe key ones were his poor time management skills, his inability to say no and not having competent staff to delegate to. The staff issue was directly related to Garys time management skills. When new people joined his department they were left to their own devices with no on-going training. The staff turnover was a direct reflection of his management skills. His regular teams performance wasnt monitored and they never experienced any further development. In other words, Gary wasnt an effective leader.
He had no dedicated personal assistant to delegate basic administrative tasks to and to assist him directly with his role. Gary had to look after clients and suppliers as well as his own team. The people issues took up much of Garys time, therefore he extended his working hours to catch up on his own tasks many of which could have been delegated to a competent personal assistant.
Through using our Weekly Planner to record where he was spending his time, Gary discovered he was wasting a minimum of 15 hours a week on administrative tasks which could easily be handled by an assistant. Garys time was worth $200 an hour and here he was wasting $3000 worth of his time minimum per week which could easily be delegated to a personal assistant who would cost his company $800 - $1000 per week.
The crazy thing about this was he procrastinated for weeks about hiring a support person. Once he saw the real truth, he quickly got off his butt and took action.
The Final Word If you want to have more time to focus on what really counts in your business/organisation, then consider letting go and find an assistant who has the skills you need to help you be the best you can be.
About the Author
Lorraine Pirihi, principal of The Office Organiser is Australia's Personal Productivity Coach. She specialises in working with businesspeople showing them how to dramatically boost their productivity, reduce the stress and the mess in their lives and have more time for enjoying their life.
Oral Presentation Advice |
Your presentation should not replace your paper, but rather whet the ... Below I consider goals for academic interview talks and class presentations. ... |
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Presentation Skills |
This site contains annotated links to resources concerned with presentation and communication skills. |
lorien.ncl.ac.uk |
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The Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation |
This presentation prepared with the help of Microsoft Powerpoint Autocontent Wizard. ... Permission is granted to use this presentation in any course or ... |
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Presentation Zen |
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Presentation Tips for Public Speaking |
Better Public Speaking & Presentation - Ensure Your Words Are Always ... On the Job: Public Speaking Tips - Twelve Steps to Great Presentations by Elise ... |
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Presentation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Presentation is the process of presenting the content of a topic to an ... You should plan to rehearse your presentation out loud at least four times. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
OSCON 2005 Keynote - Identity 2.0 |
A barn-burner of a presentation. I loved this. - Cory Doctorow. I watched it twice, and greatly enjoyed it both times. - Jon Udell ... |
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Presentations - Effective Communication - Public Speaking |
Tips and tools for creating and delivering presentations: text, techniques and technology. |
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Presentation Information Resources - Presentation Technology News ... |
Presentation Information Resources - Comprehensive presenter's resource providing instant access to up-to-date information on technology and techniques for ... | |
Effective Presentations homepage |
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Impress |
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www.openoffice.org |
PRESENTATIONPRO - experts for Microsoft PowerPoint |
A series of products and services to help enhance PowerPoint presentations with templates and backgrounds. |
www.presentationpro.com |
Leadership - Presentation Skills |
Presentation, PowerPoint, and Leadership. ... Presentations and reports are ways of communicating ideas and information to a group. But unlike a report, ... |
www.skagit.com |
Presentation: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
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My friends, this has been a long and a detailed presentation. And I thank you for your patience. But there is one more subject that I would like to touch on ... |
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Rubric |
Organization, Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. Audience has difficulty following presentation because ... |
www.ncsu.edu |
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Presentations are one of the first managerial skills which a junior engineer ... This article looks at the basics of Presentation Skills as they might apply ... |
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