Five Phrases to Avoid during Your Next Sales Presentation
The success of your next sale may be riding on more than the product or
service youre offering. Your presentation will play a major role in
the sale -- the words, your style, and the tone of your delivery. Here
are five phrases to avoid during your next presentation. By avoiding
these common phrases you will have a better chance at making a
favorable impression.
Hey yall, you guys or yous. As endearing as these words are, they are best
left out of your presentation. These and other informal words can drain the professionalism out
of your presentation and may send the message you want to win them over with your charm.
Instead, work to draw attention to your product, the customer service after the sale, and the
professionalism of your organization. Remember to use formal words delivered with a friendly
The competitors product is not as good as ours. Instead of saying, Theirs
is very low-performing, say Ours meets all industry standards and recently won awards for
best performance in all three major categories. It is acceptable to make objective comparisons
to help the audience in the decision-making process (Ours has three xyzs and theirs has one).
Remember that the decision-makers in the audience may have purchased the product youre
disparaging! What happens when that competitor you mentioned merges with your company
and you have to come back and meet with this same group? Or if you take a job with that
competitor? Instead of drawing attention to the competitor, keep them focused on your product
or service.
I dont know. OK then, who does? Its a natural response to say, I dont know, but
that doesnt help your audience. What they want to hear is that you are pleased they asked that
question up and that you will be on the telephone to get an answer within minutes of the
close of
the meeting. They dont want to hear you say, Ill get back with you, they want to know when
and how you will get their answer.
We never make a mistake. You might not say it that bluntly but you might imply it with
your praises, your promises, and your passion. On the other hand, you dont want to dwell on
the mistakes you and your company have made. If they ask you about reliability of your
product, tell the truth. Focus on what you do to make things right when things go wrong, your
clients comments about your recovery strategies, and your commitment to excellence. Every
organization has challenges. It is how you respond to those challenges and your customers
concerns that can help you stand apart in your industry.
Weve just always done it that way. So theyre asking for something youve
never tried before. Just because you havent tried it doesnt mean you shouldnt. Isnt it true
that many of the best ideas come from customers and clients? Probe for more of their ideas.
Tell them about something else you currently do that was first done to meet another clients
needs. Most of all, thank them for their creative ideas and suggestions. When your organization
decides that this really is a good idea, send them something special. If their idea is something
you cant implement, then still help them find a reasonable solution. After all, you are there to
listen, learn, and help them find solutions.
Charlotte Purvis is an award-winning communications coach, based in Durham, North Carolina.
For over 16 years, she has been a coach to salespeople and other professionals as they prepare
for upcoming presentations in person, via teleconference, and on the telephone. Charlotte
meets and coaches most of her clients by telephone, conference call, and videoconference.
4201 University Drive PMB535.