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MLM Recruiting- MLM Online Recruiting 101 for Network Marketing
Recruiting on the Internet in MLM is very popular! Yet, there are still many folks who are hesitant to jump into the arena of the Internet. I assure you the best way of learning HOW to use the Internet is to just do it!
And if you have already chosen to be a part of the Internet culture, then we congratulate you on a decision that we believe is where you need to be. The recruiting process on the Internet is NOT unlike the process offline, you still must prospect, contact, present, follow up, get the decision, and train and duplicate. But you need to understand that there MUST be a methodical process of creating the environment for attracting people to your website and then to ATTRACT them to your Network Marketing business.
THE MOST IMPORTANT ONLINE MARKETING SECRET: There is a LIVE HUMAN BEING behind the computer monitor that you are trying to recruit. Treat them as such, and with respect and professionalism. This is one of the Foundation Secrets that you must understand.
Everybody you prospect to on the Internet is breathing, has goals and dreams and understands that there is more to life than just surviving. And giving your prospect PERSONAL attention is even MORE important on the Internet than it is offline!
You MUST understand that your emails and ALL your communication is being read by a LIVE, BREATHING, HUMAN BEING on 'the other side' of the computer screen. I repeat this because even though it is obvious to most people, most people on the Internet fail to ACT like it in their MLM recruiting efforts.
RELATIONSHIPS are just as important over the Internet as it is offline. Sometimes even more important, since today's marketing methods on the Internet are not all done professionally.
Remember, the same principles hold true for building relationships on the Internet. It usually takes a series of consistent exposures. It takes time to build trust. And personalization is VERY important, especially on the Internet and MLM recruiting.
Everyone wants to be treated well, and with respect. And they also want to feel that they are special. So with your understanding that there is a LIVE human being on the other side of the computer screen. You need to create the scenario that you may go beyond the computer.
You MUST CONNECT with your person OFFLINE after gaining their interest, to create the start of the relationship, usually via telephone.
The other side of that computer monitor is a very special place that you must always keep in mind when recruiting, as that will determine a lot of where your recruiting grows, or doesn't grow.
1) To FEEL they are respected for who they are and their values honored.
2) To FEEL that someone cares about them instead of just want to recruit them.
3) To establish a connection with someone they FEEL they can trust and can help LEAD them to success!
If you can TOUCH, then TELL, you will much more likely to have a viable prospect than not.
Ask them about:
Family. Interests. Success. Hobbies. Career.
We call that the 'FISH-C Formula' for Connecting.
EMAIL 101:
ALWAYS Use a Signature (sig) File! This is free advertising for your company and for you. I cannot believe how many emails I still get from folks who don't use this great feature....it will be in the 'options' section on the navigation bar in your email program. In your Signature File, you should ALWAYS include your name, email address, phone number and website address. Yes, include your phone number! You want to be personal right? They MIGHT want to call you directly!
Having a website is a MUST. Here's a few basics about getting your own website if you don't already have one, and how to increase traffic to generate more leads and a larger warm market on the Internet. Your advertising focus MUST be on getting people to visit your website.
Have you noticed that EVERY type of media now advertises their website? Newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, every advertisement you see or listen to now advertises their website encouraging you to visit. Why? Convenience and Culture. Everyone who has Internet access can check out your information at THEIR convenience, and it works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, is part of our Culture now. AND it's cost effective!
A Network Marketing distributor website with PULLING POWER is a strong indication of the seriousness you and your company project, and most companies today have a website that can be pointed to and accessed for information and links. Even though most are limited to what they allow you to do as a distributor, you still need a 'visual commercial' on the Internet, and company websites will work fine. And there are some HOT company sites out there.
Always CROSS-MARKET. Always advertise your website AND your phone number. This way anyone can contact you to get the information they need.
Not everyone has DSL. Some are still on dial up. And some people will still prefer to call you to answer questions or build the personal contact that is required to form a relationship. If you have your own recruiting website, that is best. You will be able to have it designed and programmed to do exactly what YOU want.
However, it can be very expensive. There are several 'self-replicating' websites with pre-programmed web pages designed for recruiting out there. A self-replicating website offers EASY DUPLICATION. You go to the website, enter some information and sign up, then you can have your own personalized version of a main website.
Many of these websites are free, and the best looking sites may not be your company's own website. But, if your company offers a self-replicating site that is personalized, utilize it! Get ALL your downline using this training system! And it's great for prospecting too.
Everyone wants something FREE! Even other networkers can't say no to at least checking out your website, and maybe your opportunity later. You probably won't
actually be selling anything from this website, but it's a great way to increase your leads and start building new relationships. Use them as a learning tool!
One thing you must learn in recruiting on the Internet. YOU MUST DO SOMETHING!
Just do something EVERY day. Persistency and consistency are two the best skills in Internet marketing. Continue trying new advertising methods and new websites to increase traffic. Make sure you follow up with every email you receive, offer something of VALUE to them. Tell them about a great new e-zine of yours that they can subscribe to for free or some other item that keeps your message in front of them on an ongoing basis!
Having your own website will work best for bringing people off-line to online. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, strangers, everyone to visit your website. Call them and personally invite them to check it out.
Just say, 'Hi Betty, this is David, do you have a second? Great! I need your help on something. I have a new website and I really wanted to get your input on it. I think it is something you will be interested in when you're finished will you give me a call back so we can chat? Thanks Betty.'
How difficult was that? You MUST learn to think 'outside the box'. Get people curious. Be personal. Then you will be more effective. Your success depends proportionately on your activities and attitude! Most people always seem to find what they're looking for. Are you looking for Success or failure?
Remember, learning is a continuous process and if stop learning, you stop living. Learning HOW to effectively use the Internet for recruiting does take time and effort, but YOU CAN DO IT TOO!
In network marketing, whether online and offline, the Fortune is in the Follow Up! If you are going to be successful recruiting on the Internet, you MUST follow up with your interested prospects. Would you discover a gold mine and not finish the digging?
It is the same concept. So many people are afraid to complete the process because they are afraid someone will tell them 'NO'. Here's My Secret: It's not the YES's in this business that create wealth. It's the NO's. You will get a NO the majority of the time. But those with the biggest pile of No's create wealth in the long run.
How you handle the No's will determine if it will be wealth, or only a wish to be successful in your network marketing business and in life.
You are in the business of COLLECTING DECISIONS. It doesn't matter if it is a YES or a NO. Either way, you must collect them! You MUST FOLLOW UP to collect the decision, and that is where you make your money -- getting the decision. Especially on the internet.
For every 12 No's you get, you most likely will get a Yes. Fear plays a lot in recruiting on the Internet because many folks have fear that the results they want will not happen. You generally get in this business what you expect to get. And you generally don't get what you don't ALLOW to be in your life. If you collect a LOT of decisions, you will make a LOT of money. If you collect a few decisions, you will make a few dollars.
The more you follow up, the more your check will go up! Believe it or not, over 80% of network marketers NEVER follow up!
And I bet if you did the opposite, and followed up on 80% of your interested prospects you would create an MLM money machine that would create WEALTH from the Internet.
Less than 30% of the distributors we surveyed had a system of following up, and contacted the people on a methodical basis they had sent information to.
Less than 10% did that daily! Can you believe that?
And the answer we got when we asked them, 'Why didn't you follow up?' was consistently 'If they are interested, they would have called me.' Most folks will not call you back because they see that as your responsibility, and many want to see how serious you are about your business.
The fortune you are seeking is not in the prospecting, not in the contacting, not in the presentation, nor the website, nor advertising (online or offline.)They all help to determine the ultimate result. But If you don't follow up, you will NEVER sign them up! If you just follow up on the prospects you have, you can triple your income fairly quickly. Consistent follow up when recruiting, screams LEADERSHIP!
How many folks will get excited about something that you aren't excited enough over to call them back to seek their opinion? The CONSISTENCY in your follow up will mostly determine the consistency in your paycheck. There is a gold mine in front of you, but you must dig. You must labor to find the gold vein that is within the mine. It is there, yet most people walk away from it laying down their shovels and fortunes, in return for an easier way to get through life and living off of the fool's gold that other miners cast aside. Don't lay down your shovel and accept fool's gold that only fools will try and cash in. Your gold mine is in your list of follow ups.
There is a breathing human being on the other side of the computer monitor. NEVER forget it and you won't be forgotten. Keep the focus on them and only on them. They will FEEL that you are sincere, personal and have THEIR best interest at heart, which probably will mean they will take you more seriously as a Network Marketing recruiter on the internet!
blessings... Doug
PassionFire Intl
About the Author
Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at: http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_4.html http://www.passionfire.com
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