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Network Marketing On Autopilot
Network Marketing On Autopilot
Are you frustrated with your network marketing business?
Imagine for a moment that you worked in the hi-tech world and
you knew everything about the internet, you knew all about
computers and internet-marketing and you walked away from that
to join a Network Marketing Company? Then you think to yourself,
wait a second...what if we could marry that hi-tech with the
hi-touch of Network Marketing and I'd never have to do any of
those things that I used to do in the hi-tech world. I don't
want to go to meetings anymore. I don't want to wear a tie. I
don't want to hear an alarm clock. I want to sit at home in my
shorts and t-shirt on my time, on my dime and do it the way I
want to do it and that's online.
Imagine that you had never gone to a single hotel meeting or
given a face to face presentation. Yet you'd built a team in 13
different countries and became the number one sponsor for the
last 2 years running in an organization of over 100,000 people
in all of the United States. It's called Technology Empowered
Network Marketing and last month I had the privilege of hearing
the man who did this speak to a select group of captivated
marketers. They had come from all over the world to hear how
he'd built a million dollar business completely online, with
online tools, the internet and the telephone.
The following is a unique and revealing interview with him about
Internetwork-marketing. His name and company are not mentioned
here because it's not important. These techniques can be adapted
by anyone, for any online product.
Me: Thanks for meeting with me today. Do you mind if I record
Him: Not at all
Me: You talked about sorting. You called it separating the
serious from the curious. Can you elaborate on that?
Him: Spending the right amount of time with the right people and
the least amount as possible with the people that aren't serious
is very important. You have to go through a ton of rubble to
find an ounce of gold. So why not let your system do all of this
sorting for you so you have more time to spend on more important
When your system does the sorting 80% of the work is already
done for you. A powerful system will welcome the visitor, find
out what they are looking for and take them through the basics
of having a homebased business. It will also educate them about
the industry, invite them to an online webcast presentation and
show the visitor how to make money as fast as possible. My
system actually notifies me when each of these important steps
has been completed.
The right system can enroll a new business partner, train and
introduce them to a system they can use themselves.
Me: So they get to see how well it works even before they join
Him: Exactly. People join systems. They look for systems they
can see themselves doing. Systems that will bring them success
and make them money.
Me: In your talk you mentioned how important it is to find the
right company and the right team. How did you know you had the
Him: Well, before I left my job in Corporate America I was tired
and very burned out. It wasn't just the work, it was the
stressful lifestyle as well. I did my due diligence and found a
publicly traded company that made sense and was a good fit for
me. I then called the company and asked for their best rep in my
After getting all the information online in a timely manner, I
contacted the representative from the number on his site and
asked him what the next step to get started was. He asked me if
I'd like to go to a presentation with more details about the
business and I said: "Sure where do we have to meet?" He
answered, How about right at your desk? It takes about 45
minutes. I was still thinking that he was going to come over to
my house when he said: "No, you can watch it on a "live"
web-cast right on your computer. What's better for you 6pm or
tomorrow at noon?"
He clarified that he did everything online and that I could do
the same. This made a lot of sense to me and was my introduction
to the best way I have found to build a Network Marketing
Now, the only time I actually meet my business partners is at
the company's annual convention. They come up to shake my hand
only because they recognize my voice from our occasional
telephone conversations.
Me: That's incredible! You're shaking hands on the Internet.
Him: Yep! In 5 weeks I made my money back. In 4 months I went
full-time and in less than 9 months I was up to six figures.
After that I streamlined my system, shared it with my team and
made them all wealthy as well!
Me: Would you still have been interested if he'd done things the
traditional way, like taking you to a hotel meeting?
Him: Maybe, but I don't think so. There's nothing wrong with
traditional Network Marketing, it just isn't for me. I have some
stereotype hang-ups like most people. I don't like to talk face
to face, I'm shy and I hate getting dressed up. Believe me,
there's a lot of people like me out there.
I never have to approach my friends and family and I don't have
to dress, walk or talk any certain way. Working online removes
all the nonsense. Like, gender, race, age, weight, dress. It
also eliminates the driving, meetings, hard work and getting
ready...is my tie on straight? (laughing)
Me: Most companies out there already have internet tools like
websites, flash presentations and voicemail.
Can you tell us
more about your system? Why does it work so well?
Him: Well, I figured out a system that puts hundreds of fresh
business-builders into my business each year and it's simple so
that anyone can learn it. It's a 4 step process:
1. Attend an online Webcast 2. Get Started 3. Train 4. Invite
others to the Webcast
Then we track from the backend to see where people are in the
system. They usually contact us. It's that simple.
Me: People actually call you to get started?
Him: All the time but understand that not everyone wants to get
involved and that's fine. Somebody has to wash the cars and work
at McDonald's (laughing) There's never a wrong prospect-Just the
wrong time for a prospect.
Me: Anything else?
Him: Something we have built into our system is what we call a
third-party presence. Our system recommends it's owner as a
lifestyle coach. This recommendation is made by a well-known
success expert so the visitor can feel confident and assured
that all the information will be presented honestly and in full.
When a well-known author or businessperson is presented as your
partner and shares some highly-educational and motivating advice
BEFORE introducing you to the new visitor. Everything gets off
on the right track from the beginning.
If we take the focus off ourselves, people can listen clearly
(without hype) to what's being said and make an educated
decision for themselves. Your system should definitely help this
Me: Where do you think people are going wrong with their network
marketing online?
Well here's a few things to keep in mind:
1. Don't send people to your company's all-in-one website. It's
like going to the new Spielberg movie and knowing that there are
20 scenes going to be shown and you can pick which order to see
them in. Would the movie make any sense to you? I doubt it.
That's what's happening out there. 2. Beware of companies that
just want to sell you leads. There's nothing more frustrating
than calling people who were hoping to win an X-box. 3. Don't
inundate people with 17 emails in one week and 27 different
websites. Present your company in a simple way with internet
media. 4. Don't use the same approach and information for
everyone. Find out what the person is looking for. Is it: Time
Freedom, Wealth, Health, Fire their Boss? Once you know you can
get them the information that pertains to their personal
concern. Someone that wants to quit their job right away is not
going to be interested in a new skincare line. 5. Use a courtesy
call technique when you call someone. When the car service
center gives a courtesy call to remind you that it's time to
have your oil changed, you don't take offence do you? In fact,
you're probably glad to hear from them. They're just doing you a
favor and being helpful. That's how your return phone calls
should be made. 6. Lead with the business and not the products.
The fastest way to the big money is to find more people like
yourself that want to do the business. Stop chasing the
ambulance and concentrate on the Brinks truck.
Me: You were the Number One Sponsor of your company out of
100,000 associates in North America. How's does that feel?
Him: It feels great! This online system allows me to travel with
my family whenever I want. Last month I took my family to Hawaii
and while the kids were having a nap I just jumped on my laptop
and saw that a fellow had been through our system and wanted me
to call him. I stood out on the balcony overlooking the beach
and when he answered I said this was just a courtesy call to get
back with him. My autoresponder had shown me that he had been
reviewing my information. How do you like our system, I asked
him. Do you think that's something you could do? He answered yes
but the best part is when I told him where I am (laughing) and
that I'm looking at a beautiful beach with my wife and kids
napping at 2 o'clock on a Wednesday afternoon. There's nothing
better than living the lifestyle and showing others that it is
possible. It's very rewarding!
Me: What about attrition and people quitting?
Him: There's always going to be people who don't follow through
but our company did a study on my internet team and our
attrition was very, very low. In fact, we retained over 87% of
all our new people which astounded everyone. People like this
system because this system likes people.
Me: Thanks so much sharing this amazing information with us. Any
last words of wisdom?
Him: Marketing is defined as "creating an interest and then
filling it." The secret to putting a Network Marketing business
on autopilot is to actually use the technology curve to show
your new visitor how easy things are done online.
Your next step? To take what you've just learned and put your
new business on auto-pilot right away!
Al Walker, makes it easy to launch a successful online business
and rapidly build your wealth to a six-figure income. Learn the
essential keys to online success. To receive your free 6-step
mini-course visit: http://www.auto-pilotonline.com
About the author:
Al Walker is a businessman/author who teaches customer
relations, marketing and negotiating in an entrepreneurial
setting. He resides in Vancouver, Canada where he is actively
involved in real estate, business, internet marketing and
writing his latest book, "How to Save $10,000 in Tax you already
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Effective Presentations homepage |
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