Public Relations for New Enterprises
Public Relations is generally an indefinite discipline and
somehow quite an underestimate resource. Nowadays all
organisations can benefit from good public relations and this is
why business owners should be encouraged to take a good look at
their market needs and the results they have without a PR
expert. Behind every successful enterprise there is a PR
consultant or a group of PR specialists.
Let's take a brief look at some reasons why new businesses
should employ PR experts:
1. To make a professional start.
"It's all about the image", they say. And PR experts know that
this statement is true. Many people underestimate the power of a
good visual representation. In business, to make a professional
start, one needs not only the technical and economical know how,
but also the visual representation. This means: a logo, a slogan
and all the necessary materials that distinctively represent the
company. PR consultants work with the designers to create a
suitable company visual identity plan. All the documents
released by a company should follow the guidelines in that plan,
while their content should be accurate, and written in a
professional style. Public relations experts can coach the
employees of an organization to compose quality business
letters, and consequently to receive positive feedback from
potential customers.
2. To learn the secrets of communicating.
Communication is more than just words. While standards are still
accepted, sometimes originality is the key to success. A good
communicator understands his audience and knows how to deliver
his message in exactly the manner that will bring him the
desired success. But there are not many natural born
communicators. Public relation consultants disclose the "tricks"
of effective communication. Successful communication means to
know how to deal with assumption, to know how to work with body
language and how to understand patterns, habits and ideas, to
know how to listen and respond to someone's problems or
questions, and to be able to gain confidence. PR specialists can
train the entrepreneurs to deal with conflicts and difficult
people, and make a good impact over their audience. Also
physical appearance has a huge role in communicating. PR
officers know the secrets of dressing for success.
3. To attract positive perceptions from the general public. What
entrepreneurs don't know about public relations can seriously
damage the success of their organization. The most difficult
part for most of the businessmen is to send the right message to
the public. Brochures, flyers or press releases should be
carefully prepared in order to get their money's worth. The PR
experts know how to identify the public's false assumptions
other negative views and work towards the implementation of a
positive perception. Sad, but true, the trustworthiness of a
message depends on the ways it is released to the public. If a
PR professional is not involved, chances are that a bad strategy
will mishandle the public opinion and lead to an undesired loss
of credibility. 4. To effectively promote a business and a
Through research, investigation and other strategies, PR
specialists are able to deliver to their clients in depth
reports about the market tendencies. These reports will identify
the needs and requirements of potential groups of customers and
how to meet these needs. By means of analysing the competition
and the customers' perceptions, the public relations officers
are able to recognize the best possible approach for a media
campaign. There are different options that help entrepreneurs
effectively promote their products. Among brochures, flyers,
PowerPoint presentations, web banners and web sites, the old and
respectable press release still rules. It is still the most
efficient way to gain credibility and market a product or a
business. Point is, without expert counselling, the press
release will not attract enough attention from the media. And
this is why PR experts are needed: to create a credible and
worthy press release.
5. To be able to react fast at the economical changes.
In a commercial world already saturated by similar products and
services, probably the most challenging task for a young company
or new entrepreneurs is to build up a name or profitably
introduce a product on the market. To strengthen their efforts
and win credibility, the organizations need a creative approach
to the consumers, good customer support and service, including
after sales service. PR is a useful tool that can be used to
enhance various business approaches by adding value through
specialized evaluation, analysis and foretelling. Seeing that
the economic scene is continuously changing, long-term programs
with huge budgets are unrealistic. Strategic public relations
should be prompt, adaptable, efficient and reasonably priced, as
the trade and industry environments change rapidly in this day
and age, and they require fast reactions that, in many cases,
are decisive to the triumph of a PR campaign.
About the author:
Prior to founding Pamil Visions, Mihaela Lica served as Public
Relations and Media Consultant for my-tronic GmbH, a German
Company. She began her career as a freelance radio reporter in
Bucharest, Romania and spent several years as a television
redactor in the Romanian Ministry of Defence. Her articles were
published in local newspapers and magazines ("Armonia",
"Observatorul Militar", "Viata Armatei") and in inter
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