Choosing A Home That Matches Your Lifestyle
Your home may be your castle, but a big part of your housing decision-making is all about other people. Home is where most of us experience not only the intimate aspects of our personal development, but also the most important social interactions...
Confessions of an Un-Qualified Teacher
I have a confession to make to everyone. I was an unqualified ESL teacher.
Think about what that means to you. Unqualified ESL Teacher. No experience? No ESL Teaching certification? ...
How to Align Your Goals for Success
Success in Goals Set and Achieved is governed by 5 factors. Align Your Goals with these factors to Propel Yourself towards Success.
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How To Survive As A Working Parent
Basic Tips
1. Communicate with your babysitter, nannies or au pair, mother's help to keep up-to–date.
Make as much time as possible to talk to your child care provider. If you can keep the lines of communication open beyond the...
Psychology of Colors - Decorating a living room for the Subconscious
The living room is the setting which will blend the people in your life into the occasions of your home. It is the hardest room to decorate because it has to be versatile, comfortable, and entertaining. Guests, relatives, friends; this room will be...
Loose A Pound
Loose a pound of fat… what does it take? Not eating for a day? Not eating for a week? Eating less? How much less?
Professionals say that it takes 3500 calories in order to loose One Pound of fat you stored in your body. That simply means that you have to reduce your calorie intake for 3500 cal per week, and here you are – one pound less. Ok, it is not that simple. In real life the process of loosing a pound is much complicated. Different individuals have different body types, metabolism rates, level of activities, etc. When you are putting yourself on a diet you loose not only fat but also a water and muscle. You do not want to loose muscle because every pound of muscle is burning approximately 60 calories per day, in fact, adding a pound of muscle would help you to burn part of that 3500 calories. To sum up, 3500 is only rough approximation that one can use in order to keep his/her fat loss under control. Reducing calorie intake is
definitely a good step towards loosing that “insulation” around you, but you also need to think about: cardio work - major factor in fat loss, power exercising - that helps you tone your body and get that lean muscle that in turn burns calories even when you sleep, and finally - EATING RIGHT AND HEALTHY FOOD.
If you have any additional questions or concern, please visit our fitness forum where you can ask questions and find appropriate answers almost on any fitness subject, including creatine monohydrate.
About the Author
Born in Russia, Citizen of Greece, Graduated from Cal State University with BA in Psychology. Sport/Fitness enthusiast since 1991. Founder of:
Encyclopedia of Psychology - Psychology Websites |
A hierarchical database of links to psychology resources. |
www.psychology.org |
Psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Psychology differs from the other social sciences — anthropology, economics, ... Health psychology is the application of psychological theory and research ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
American Psychological Association |
Monitor on Psychology · gradPSYCH Magazine · PsycPORT News Wire ... APA Monitor on Psychology. psychology news. More news from PsycPORT ... |
www.apa.org |
Psychology.Com |
Psychology.com provides online counseling from your choice of therapists. From depression to anxiety, relationships to parenting, we can help you work ... |
www.psychology.com |
psychology virtual library |
from the site of the Psychology World Wide Web Virtual Library at. http://www.dialogical.net/psychology/index.html/. If you are not redirected automatically ... |
www.clas.ufl.edu |
Intute: Social Sciences - Psychology |
Searchable database of Internet resources that have been reviewed, described, and categorized by area. Includes organizations, reference materials, ... |
www.intute.ac.uk |
Psychology Today: Find a Therapist and News to Use |
The Therapy Directory and News to Use at Psychology Today: Find a Therapist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist and Counselor, Test Yourself and Read Articles on ... |
www.psychologytoday.com |
Social Science > Psychology in the Yahoo! Directory |
Find sites dealing with branches, organizations, psychologists, research, intelligence, and general information about psychology. |
dir.yahoo.com |
Social Psychology Network |
Thousands of searchable psychology links on a huge variety of topics. Definitely worth a visit! |
www.socialpsychology.org |
Psychology and mental health at Psych Central . |
Mental health and psychology resources - Articles, essays, blog, support forums, Ask the Therapist, chats, website reviews, frequently asked questions, ... |
psychcentral.com |
Psychology - Student Resources - Psychology Articles |
Find psychology articles, student resources, and psychology study guides. Explore psychology definitions and theories. Learn more about the history of ... |
psychology.about.com |
Google Directory - Science > Social Sciences > Psychology |
Science > Social Sciences > Criminology (45) Recreation > Humor > Science > Psychology (9) Kids and Teens > People and Society > Psychology (55) ... |
www.google.com |
Open Directory - Science: Social Sciences: Psychology |
Health: Medicine: Medical Specialties: Psychiatry (141); Health: Mental Health (5469); Kids and Teens: People and Society: Psychology (53) ... |
dmoz.org |
Stanford Psychology Department |
One specialty of the Department of Psychology is cognitive sciences, with strength in the areas of visual science, cognitive neuroscience, ... |
www-psych.stanford.edu |
The Higher Education Academy Psychology Network |
Information about events, publications, projects and research related to the teaching of psychology; database of resources. |
www.psychology.heacademy.ac.uk |
APS Psychologist: Home |
The Australian Psychological Society (APS) is the largest professional association for psychologists in Australia, representing around 15000 members. |
www.psychology.org.au |
Classics in the History of Psychology |
Offers full texts of documents significant in the history of psychology by author or by topic. Includes ancient, medieval/renaissance, and modern thought; ... |
psychclassics.yorku.ca |
Psychology, Department of |
Information about the department's areas of research, facilities and resources, academic programs, and people in the department, as well as undergraduate ... |
www.psych.ucla.edu |
Internet Public Library: Psychology |
This is a comprehensive site of psychology resources including hundeds of categories. ... Includes links to sites on specific social psychology topics, ... |
www.ipl.org |
PsychCrawler |
The mental health disorders search engine of the American Psychological Association. Type a search request and click the "Get Results" button for a fully ... |
www.psychcrawler.com |