Novelty and the Wave Harmonic of History
An article discussing the accelerated growth of technology in the twentieth century and our spiritual evolution.
Scanning the Mayan 13 baktun cycle wave harmonic of history - the last 5,100 years - it becomes apparent that specific points along the timeline vibrate with increased innovation, change, and synchronicity. Terence Mckenna and his TimeWave Zero has definitively shown the resonant qualities of specific periods of increased novelty. This ingression of cosmic ingenuity is speeding up and moving toward the apogee of infinite complexity, the dawning of the Techno New Jerusalem, or Cyber-Zion. It cannot be overstated that this novel conscrescence, this omega point, will transform our species into something completely unimaginable. With the advent of nanotechnology and further advances in cyber tech, in addition to the acceleration in various other fields, the possibilities for our future existence now have no conceivable limit. The empire of pure information, unfettered by the inertia of the neophobic herd, will enable the primate human to transform into Homo Sapiens Cyberneticus, the divine man. This Techno-Ubermench was first glimpsed in the misty imagination of science fiction writers and the philosophical promulgations of the existentialists. The heralding of this man-machine symbiosis, this birthing of the omega man, will not be readily accepted amongst the masses. The slow progression of the herd mind's evolution, the status quo, is only jolted into the acceptance of new paradigms - various modes of thinking and models of innovation - by these moments of increased change, and synchronicity. The Three periods of increased innovation and transformation which stand out within the last century, are the periods surrounding 1901-1905, 1943-47, and 2000-Present.
As the twentieth century opened, shockwaves shook the foundations of science, philosophy and culture. Geniuses such as Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein bristled with an inventive vigor, while persons such as Henry Ford brought us the autonomy of mass production, and eccentrics, like Aleister Crowley, ushered in the violent winds of a new aeon. This flash of the Age of Aquarius, the mercurial air sign, took flight with the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk, and our culture was burned upon the silver screen of motion pictures. This was a time when our fractal forefathers not only took the path least traveled by, but they left the path altogether for glimpses of the ethereal heavens beyond. The Aquarian quality of Nikola Tesla's wireless technology ushered us into a new communication civilization. His Tesla coils are still revered today by armchair scientist, as well his most ambitious project, the Warden Cliff Tower. If the Warden Cliff project would have been completed, we would be utilizing wireless electricity and would have broken the backs of the major energy monopolies.
Albert Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity and its crown jewel, the formula E=MC2, unified the basic forces of nature and shattered the Newtonian view of physics. This discovery opened the door to quantum realities, invoking the harbinger of doom under the catastrophic totem of the mushroom cloud. For, Einstein said, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." One is reminded of the final scene in the movie, "Fight Club", where Tyler Durden and his cronies watch civilization returned to the symphony of chaos and anarchy. This seems not so far fetched, seeing that Iran, Iraq, and Korea are all aggressively pursuing weapons of mass destruction. It's a fine line between oblivion and Utopia; it is a razors edge we walk. With the advent of the industrial revolution applied to Ford's mass production and the assembly line, the newly formed techno sheath of the biosphere began to spread as America worked in robotic harmony like a hive of bees. This is the phase of the biosphere that Verdansky defined as the stage when humans externalize basic body processes as mechanical devices, multiplying and amplifying human potential. The car makes us run sixty miles per hour, the telephone extends our voice and ears throughout the world, and the mapping of the genome and nanotechnology will ultimately give us wings with which to fly in the Aquarian winds of novel conscrescence.
While the technology and science of the technosphere poured forth, the sensitive world of mystics was awakened to the chaotic churnings of a new aeon, like ants scurrying before a storm. The most notable amongst this magickal revival was, of course, Aleister Crowley. When Aleister Crowley ushered in the Aeon of Horus, the aeon of the crowned and conquering child, he vanquished the 2000 year old patriarchal curse of the age of Osiris, an aeon of life, death and resurrection. With the advent of the age of the child, Crowley once again showed his pioneering spirit by invoking the cult of the child. For in 1904 children still worked in the sweat shops of dirty factories, and the black caverns of coal mines. His defense of women, at such at the time, was again advante guard, for his book of the law states, "that in woman is all power given", and "let the woman be girt with a sword before me." These verses shows phallic woman, the woman imbued with will. It is this woman who first entered the mysteries, through organizations such as the Theosophical Society and the Golden Dawn, and through the suffragette movement entered the political arena by voicing her opinion through votes.
Crowley's main axiom is, "Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law". This is the Law of Thelema, which calls upon each of us to take up the path of our true will and accomplish the "Great Work" of realizing our own inner Dynamic. As we move headlong into the future of techno-literacy and robotized labor, more people will come together under the eclectic umbrella of an overtly libertarian thelemic doctrine, which allows all of us the space "to live and let live". In such an environment, we merge into a collective diversified cultural mosaic, much like the obtuse angles of a Picasso painting. Picasso's non linear patchwork symbolized the alien dimension into which mankind had ventured. His Cubism, like Dali's Surrealism, represent the many perspectives that Einstein's relativity and Crowley's Thelema represent. These fractal forefathers were the bifurcation points, the forks in the road, where evolution took the higher path. In the Pythagorean mysteries, they revered the letter Y, which starts as a single line and bifurcates into two. This fork in road always presents itself on our evolutionary path, and it is up to the true initiate to use his neophilic charisma, to stir the herd mind into the chreodes of the chaotic landscape of evolution. It is evident from this ripple of creative chaos, that knowledge, information and evolution were in a state of high agitation and interaction
at the turn of the twentieth century. The highlights of this period were, however, eclipsed by the cultural upheavals of the mid 1940's.
From Hoffman's psychedelic bicycle ride and the Philadelphia Experiment, to the atomic explosion and Quantum Physics, to the UFO flap, the mid forties represent the most radical change in all of history and points towards alien contact. It must be remembered that Aleister Crowley entered the akashic records and met with the elders when he passed away during this enigmatic time of innovation, change and synchronicity. Aleister Crowley's protégé, Charles Stansfield Jones, added the second wave of the dual Aquarian current, by ushering in the Aeon of Maat. This Aeon represents the aeon of the daughter and completes Tetragramaton, Yod He Vau He, thereby setting the stage for the marriage of the princess and the king, the marriage of matter and spirit. This current and aeon runs concurrently with the Aeon of Horus, thus creating the Aquarian dual motif. In the political arena, society found itself under the baleful eye in the pyramid, when in 1947 the US instituted the Central Intelligence Agency. This period also witnessed the return of the Jewish state of Israel to the wandering tribes. To acquire the holy land from the Muslims, has been the age old Templar dream. Unfortunately, this one act has set the stage for Armageddon and the tumultuous climate in the Middle East.
Albert Hoffman, the Father of LSD, the man who isolated the psilocybin molecule, was a forerunner of Huxley and his doors of perception, and Tim Leary and his psychedelic research at Harvard. In spite of the fact that psychedelic plant use had been common among shamans of indigenous cultures, the occidental world had yet to experience them. Consequently, Hoffman brought the psychedelic experience to the forefront of the western mind, opening the collective consciousness to the extra-terrestrial circuits of our future evolution. Through heroes such a Hoffman, Huxley and Leary, our culture at large was evolved as it partook of the Shaivite glory of psychedelia, when it "tuned in turned on and dropped out", during the 1960's revolution. Truly, for the first time in our neophobic history, a large subculture turned onto the laughing jag high of LSD and learned to S.M.I2.L.E. - Space Migration, Intelligence Increase, and Life Extension - as espoused by Timothy Leary.
Much like a hallucination, the Philadelphia Experiment, in 1943, seemed to defy the laws of Physics. Simultaneously, our greatest physicist theorized over the absurdities of quantum mechanics. Schrodinger's Cat Theory, and the Quantum Inseparabity Principle seemed to describe reality in terms of an engine-state, where all possibilities are conceivable. Between the Holocaust and the atomic bomb, mankind witnessed a mass sacrifice at a level that only blood thirsty Mayan kings could bear to witness. This exodus of souls effected the morphic fields in such a way, that it evoked the mass schizophrenia of epidemic UFO sightings, which centered around Roswell and area 51. The old gods, who drink blood, were roused from their slumber by this mass sacrifice, and the atomic explosion likewise caught the attention of time transients. Aleister Crowley's communication with Lam, the egg headed alien, and Kenneth Grant's transmissions of NU-ISIS Lodge have broken down the barriers of our collective unconsciousness, where alien contact of the 3rd and 4th kind are no longer a rarity. Mass culture is being initiated into communion with our own extra terrestrial over-mind, and we express this communion in our dominator culture through the pop icon of the little grey aliens, or Greys. According to many alleged abductees, the Greys are small in stature, have large heads, small chins and slit like eyes. Their obvious mode of communication is psionic or mental telepathy, for they speak the silent word. Much like a dog whistle can only be heard by dogs, the silent word can only be heard by those who have broken down these barriers through occult work and psychedelic experimentation. Looking at all of these events at once, it is interesting to note that in biblical reference we will see the lamb on Mt. Zion, in the end times. The adepts of The Ordo Omega Occidentis take this mean that the Silent word of Lam will be spoken in the Aeon of Zain. Remarkable as these collective changes have been, we now find ourselves at the dawn of the third millennium, encountering vast cultural and technological changes that appear to be moving toward exponential growth and synergistic harmony.
The First year of the new millennium was announced with the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers and their consequent destruction. It should be noted, that the years 1945 and 2001 are identical calendars. Once again, the blood thirsty ancient ones have been awakened, Lovecraft's fictional Yug-shugoth has been released from it's captivity in the pentagon. The atrocities of Atlantis are eternally repeated and we manifest in the same roles of the Priest-Kings of old. As the Atlanteans wielded unutterable technologies, likewise our modern priests wield technologies only dreamed of up till now. 2000 saw the completion of the Human Genome Project, the cloning of higher mammals, and stem cell research. Vast breakthroughs in science, technology, and medicine are creating the opportunities to put Tim Leary's S.M.I2.L.E formula to use and to create the techno-utopian space cities of the future. Already millionaires are hitching rides on space crafts, which means, eventually the populace at large will enjoy these luxuries. Humankind has begun to penetrate all the previous unseen and hidden vistas. Our Immersive technologies and our astral imaginings are merging into one aggregate vision.
Let us turn from the lucrative investment of the Third World War and its dominator fixation and embrace the synergy of world peace. Let us create a community where each individual is allowed to seek out their own true will and lead an individual life in communication with the beckoning extra-terrestrial minds from outside time. It is our responsibility to shift from the carnivorous dominator mode into the cooperative - techno-utopian mindset of shared information and collaborative efforts. The stage has bee set for the end time battle, the race for godhead against the entropic destructive side our consciousness has begun. If it is true that, "what the thinker thinks, the prover proves," then let us think about Utopia. If the quantum field can deliver whatever it is we expect, then we should, by all means, expect greatness. Therefore, it is with hearts courageous that we travel towards the techno New Jerusalem, the divine birthright of our galactic heritage.
About the Author
Jonathan Bethel and Michael McDaniel are both writers and lecturers in the areas of esoterica, philosophy, psychology, science, history and futurism.