Friedman Proves The Flat Earth Society Is Right--Sort Of
The Flat Earth Society has claimed that the earth is flat. They’ve tried to “deprogram the masses” since 1547 to the present—those pathetic, confused, dim-witted folks like me who wrongly assert the earth is round.
Just in case you haven’t heard, New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman’s recent book proves that the world is flat. It hasn’t always been flat, mind you, but globalism in the 21st century has flattened the earth economically, bulldozing it into a global level playing field.
His book, “The World Is Flat: A Brief History Of The 21st Century” explains it all. “Cheap, ubiquitous telecommunications (Internet and phone) obliterated all of the impediments to international competition,” Friedman writes.
“The convergence of technology and events allowed India and China to become part of the global supply chain for services and manufacturing, creating an explosion of wealth in the middle class of these two nations.”
Friedman says,“The flattening of the world requires that you run faster to stay in place...globalism has created an international system which replaced the Cold War system.”
He adds, “globalism integrates capital and technology, sending information across borders in a way that’s creating a single global market.”
So, what must we do? Friedman’s prescription for Americans to “create value through leadership and sell personality.”
This is a three-part concept: Friedman says:
1. “When the world goes flat, and you’re feeling flattened, reach for a shovel and dig inside yourself. Don’t try to build
2. “The key to being small and acting big is to take quick advantage of new tools for collaboration to reach farther, faster, wider and deeper.”
3. “Conversely, if you’re big, you must learn to act small, establishing your customers to act really big.”
I agree with Friedman 100%. Globalism is good, and good for you, but you must learn to take advantage of it. You must fashion a successful approach to the global market.
The Internet allows you expand beyond your local area and go nationwide and, after that, go global. Don’t limit your business to a five mile or 50 mile radius.
Self-limiting beliefs and traditional marketing myopia must go.
I’ve developed websites since 1997 and learned firsthand how selling yourself and your product or service is no longer limited to where you live or work.
In our network marketing distribution businesses, my wife and I are expanding ane of these nationaly and another internationally. We have experience, not theory.
We’re going global quickly, having added buyers from Australia, Canada, and The Republic of Ireland within the last few months. We’ve targeted many more nations.
We did this using the Internet in the comfort of our office at home in Florida.
So, it’s time for you to go global, too. Do it now!
About the Author
John J. Alquist is co-owner, co-operator of Alquist Enterprises, which specializes in the promotion of self-employment.
This includes the operation of two MLM distribution systems, as well as John's professional speaking, business writing, business consulting, and business meeting facilitation.