Get Paid To Speak!
Thousands of average people will get paid thousands of dollars a week to talk about what they know. Why not be one of them?
Speaking can be a great way to earn a living. And it’s the perfect new or second career for people who need one! So, how do you get started? Speaking is all about CONTENT. Almost any topic can be a popular one. That’s because there are literally thousands of businesses, organizations and events that require live public speakers for their meetings. Libraries and Universities alone present tens of thousands of programs each year in North America that PAY their presenters!
What’s inside your head can be worth more then you think if you can manage to verbalize it in an entertaining and meaningful way. Whether it’s knowledge about the inner workings of a particular business or trade, or extensive experience with a favorite hobby, it can pay off big in the world of public speaking.
Years ago I began a hobby. Although a bit unusual by normal standards, it became something that was much desired by the public. That made it much desired by the media. That made me a paid Speaker! My topic was the paranormal. As a kid, I just loved reading about UFOs, Aliens, Monsters and Ghosts. Never much a fan of non-fiction, I preferred to read actual accounts of sightings and encounters.
As time went on, I collected my own stories of paranormal events. Because my father had been in the Air Force during World War II, there was no shortage of pilots that wanted to share their stories of strange aerial phenomenon. Once people find out that you’re interested in the paranormal, most feel comfortable sharing any personal experiences or knowledge they have about it. By the time I was thirteen years old, I was a virtual walking encyclopedia of weird stories and information about the unknown.
Many paranormal investigators think of the knowledge
or stories they have as some sort of sacred charge. They dislike sharing their information. Other investigators and researchers can’t say enough. I guess that’s me! While in junior high school I was asked, on several occasions, to give a brief presentation on UFOs to different classes and student groups. In high school, I started a UFO Club as an after school activity for extra credit. I figured that maybe five or ten students as nutty as myself would show up on sign-up day. Over 150 students, teachers and even the school principal showed up to hear about UFOs and share their own stories! Starting that club lead to invitations to speak at local libraries, schools and private functions. By 1990, I was presenting over 100 seminars a year.
Speaking can lead to other things. I have produced over 60 videos and been a consultant to several major Hollywood films (including Independence Day, Men in Black and The Fifth Element). All you need to be a successful Speaker is content, personality and self-motivation. There is a huge market for Speakers out there and it’s up to you to decide whether or not to be a part of it. Thousands of Speakers are going to get paid big money this year. Why not be one of them?
For how to immediately get started as a Speaker, visit
About the Author
A native New Yorker now living in Arizona, Bill Knell is a forty-something guy with a wealth of knowledge and experience. He's written hundreds of articles on a wide variety of subjects. A popular Speaker, Bill Knell presents seminars on a number of topics that entertain, train and teach. A popular radio and television show Guest, you've heard Bill on thousands of top-rated shows in all formats and seen him on local, national and international television programs.