BUILDING A PRACTICE ON PURPOSE SERIES PART #1 - Blueprint For Building A Practice On Purpose
Have you ever seen a skyscraper being built? If so, you know
that for the first several weeks or months, very little appears
to be happening, at least above ground. That's because the
initial work is focused on building a solid foundation....
Depression Can Turn into Joy
Depression is the most prevalent disease of our time. Under the guise of informing the public, both the medical profession and the media are constantly "warning" us of the dangers and probabilities of the disease most likely to terminate us. News...
PR Power: How To Wrire A Killer Press Release
I’m what we in the business (the “business” being journalism) call a poacher turned gamekeeper – that is, a journalist turned press officer. As a reporter I spent a huge part of my day sifting through a slush pile of press releases, all sent out...
Profit From Effective Public Speaking
Developing and utilizing presentation skills can result in
increased income for you. Here are a few ways that you can turn
your public speaking experience into business profits.
1. Free Speeches to Promote Your Business
A lawyer might...
So, How Do I Answer That?
How you answer questions depends on many factors. Example what type of situation is it. Are you working with your colleague or talking with your boss. Are you doing an interview with the media or announcing a breakthrough with your business.
Public Speaking the Easy Way
Public Speaking the Easy Way, by Rich Brunelle
Everybody I know has at one time or another experienced difficulty when having to give a speech, teach a class, or give a report to an audience. Of course, there are those that do public speaking all the time that have little difficulty. But for the rest of us, public speaking gives us a case of nervous jitters.
Here are a few tips and one trick to help you if you ever have to get up in front of a few hundred strange faces and address them without feeling so sick to your stomach that you cannot speak anyway.
First of all, do not fall for the "Just pretend their all naked" theory. I tried it. I ended up laughing so hard I had to excuse myself for a moment. And then, I wasn't able to tell my audience why I broke into the fit of laughter. Try the following:
1.) Learn your subject matter prior to having to speak on it. I have addressed audiences on topics without prior knowledge of the subject. Trust me; it is far easier if you have a clue what you are talking about.
2.) Dress for the occasion. Another "Trust Me," You will find it uncomfortable standing before an audience in the wrong attire. If you are speaking about electricity, and you are an electrician, you can dress like an electrician. But if you are a dentist speaking about tooth decay, do not dress like a plumber. Wear a suit, uniform or applicable work attire if you want to feel comfortable.
3.) Do not drink too much of
anything. If you are already nervous, should you do anything that would require a visit to the restroom at an inopportune time?
4.) Breathe! That's right. Calmly. . . In and out, nice steady even breaths. While speaking, many people forget to breathe normally, trying to complete their sentence. Relax a little, and breathe in, out . . . that's right.
5.) (This is the trick) Relax yourself and your audience. And, get their attention. One of the easiest ways to relax you and them is by telling a joke. But, I can never remember any. So, I take a copy of the local newspaper Want Ads with me. If you cannot find something humorous in the regular ads, try the personals column. There is always something funny there. Just don't allow yourself to get inappropriate with your humor.
If you try the aforementioned and make it through your public speaking session without wetting your pants or looking like an idiot, you have succeeded. If you haven't, I'm sorry. I wish I could have been more help. And, if you're still at the podium slobbering all over yourself or laughing like a fool, I warned you not to picture them all naked . . .
About the Author
Rich Brunelle is CC&BW of datajam's Internet, a collection of web sites developed to provide linkage resource as well as valuable Internet service. All Registration is free. For additional Information visit http://datajamsinternet.com , http://djam-promo.com , or email admin@djam-promo.com.
How To Conquer Public Speaking Fear |
A report that covers the common causes of public speaking fear and tips to overcome it. Book available. |
www.stresscure.com |
Allyn and Bacon Public Speaking Website |
A five-step guide to preparing and delivering effective speeches. |
wps.ablongman.com |
Public Speaking & Speech Writing |
A free guide to speech writing and delivery for every occasion. From best man speeches to eulogies. |
www.speechtips.com |
Presentation Tips for Public Speaking |
Art of Public Speaking. Hints and tips on public speaking, ... On the Job: Public Speaking Tips - Twelve Steps to Great Presentations by Elise Bauer. ... |
www.aresearchguide.com |
10 Tips for Successful Public Speaking - Toastmasters International |
10 Tips For Successful Public Speaking. Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and healthy. It shows you care about doing well. ... |
www.toastmasters.org |
Welcome to Toastmasters International where we are"Making ... |
Non-profit organization developing public speaking and leadership skills through practice and feedback in local clubs since 1924. Members learn how to lead ... |
www.toastmasters.org |
Strategies to Succeed in Public Speaking - School for Champions |
Contents of online lessons to succeed in public speaking from the School for Champions. |
www.school-for-champions.com |
Public Speaking Home Page |
Humor and quotes to help your speech - or just for your own enjoyment. History / Careers The history of public speaking and potential career options for you ... |
www.mhhe.com |
Public speaking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Public speaking is speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to ... Public speaking is almost as ancient as speech itself. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Public speaking anxiety is very common among both college students and the general ... The most common form of Social Phobia is public speaking anxiety. ... |
www.utm.edu |
Painless Public Speaking |
At Painless Public Speaking we keep you up to date with what's new in the world of ... Painless Public Speaking is not about the theory but the "how-to" ... |
www.publicspeaking.com.au |
Public Speaking from Uncommon Knowledge |
Public speaking couldn’t be further from your mind and your manager tells you have to do a presentation to fifty colleagues next week. What’s your response? ... |
www.uncommon-knowledge.co.uk |
Public Speaking Tips by Uncommon Knowledge |
It’s possible for public speaking to be fun and hugely satisfying. Once you’ve enjoyed a presentation, or even part of it, your self confidence will get a ... |
www.uncommon-knowledge.co.uk |
Public Speaking Skills from Mind Tools - Speaking Tips & Techniques |
Learn to speak and present clearly and effectively. Improve your speaking skills with this Mind Tools guide to speaking effectively in public. |
www.mindtools.com |
Public Speaking Information |
Advanced Public Speaking Institute- -More than 120 mini articles on professional level ... Click here for additional articles on Public Speaking Information ... |
www.selfgrowth.com |
Basic Public Speaking, 2nd Edition - The Teachers and Students ... |
New public speaking text for middle and high school Language Arts, ESL teachers and students. Written by a trained counselor and experienced teacher. |
www.capital.net |
public speaking tips - presentation skills tips, public speaking tips |
presentation skills & public speaking monthly tips by Lenny Laskowski, Professional Speaker. |
www.ljlseminars.com |
Public Speaking - The Art of Speech Making |
Public Speaking - Hints and tips on Public Speaking Skills, dealing with public speaking nerves and anxiety, public speaking skills and public speaking ... |
www.impactfactory.com |
Advanced Public Speaking Institute |
Public speaking articles, seminars, and educational materials. |
www.public-speaking.org |
Public Speaking Training-Presentation Skills & Public Speaking courses |
Public speaking training - Overcome your fear of public speaking with our presentation skills classes. We offer presentation skills training seminars, ... |
www.publicspeakingskills.com |