Save Your Family From Danger!
Save Your Family From Danger by recognizing the stress in the eyes. Now You Can predict & prevent violence.
Would you like to know when your spouse, children, family, friends, co-workers, boss, even strangers are under too much stress and prone to violent behavior? You can prevent violence from happening to someone you know and love, when you know what to look for? The solution is found in the eyes.
The more pressure and stress a person is under, the more it affects the eyes. The more white around the iris, the more dangerous that person can become. This is true for most people. If it is not dealt with, it can lead to violent behavior. Your eyes will show your true mental state.
Stress affects the mind and optic nerves behind the eyes. This pulls the muscles up, moving the irises up into the eye sockets. White space is revealed under the irises. The stress can be from a person's personal or public (on the job) life, or both.
The five stages of stress can go from simple stress at home and/or at work, to psychotic tendencies, to someone who wants to gain control over you. If the stress is not dealt
with, it can explode into violent behavior.
In today's society, noticing the stress in the eyes can help everyone, especially our children from becoming victims of violence and/or kidnaping.
To see the five stage of stress, go to;
Kathy Thompson is a writer, speaker, profiler, who helps people succeed in life. Kathy publishes "Face Up To It - You Can" a FREE weekly ezine. For your sample send a blank email to; Contact Kathy at;
About the Author
Kathy was born with a pencil in her hand. She loves to creative--designs and writing--all kinds of writing, fiction & non-fiction. Speaking is another passion which she enjoys and likes to help people with their writing and speaking skills. Health, communications, and Physiognomy (Face Reading) are what she enjoys writing and speaking about). Her goals is to help people in these areas with; products, programs, and profiles.