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Dish Network Background
If you have been considering making the switch from cable to satellite TV then chances are you have seen or heard of the satellite company Dish Network . It can be overwhelming with all the different ads and sales pitches you see online, on TV and...

How DLP Projectors Work?
DLP (Digital Light Processing) projectors can be attached with computers, DVD players, VCR players, HDTV's and video games. It comes in various models and with enhanced features. DLP Projectors are also called as Multimedia projectors. In...

How Satellites Make Our Life Easier
New advances in satellite technology are making life more convenient every day. Not only is satellite technology making your work more convenient and mobile, it is also adding a new layer of flexibility to some common household services. One...

Should Your Next Big Screen TV be a Plasma HDTV?
Are you looking for a new big screen TV ? There are several choices of different technologies for your next big screen TV. Right now one of the best and most popular items available is the Plasma HDTV technology. But how do you know which model...

VoIP - Saving on the Bundle
The use of VoIP services is really in it's infancy at the present time, and like an infant will grow as time moves forward. While the business community has been on the forefront of the use of VoIP and broadband phone services, it's use is...

Dish Network and Direct TV try to join forces

In October of 2001, Dish Network and Direct TV made a very serious attempt at joining forces with one another which would have given these two Satellite TV providers a huge monopoly in the satellite TV industry, however, the US Department of Justice took a bold face stance and blocked the merger. If the merger between Dish Network and Direct TV would have taken place, the new company would serve the entire US without fear of any competition, resulting in a complete monopoly position that is not allowed. As we all know, competition spurs competitive pricing and continuous progress and a merger of this magnitude would basically result in less progress and the possibility of inflated prices. At the present time Dish network and Direct TV are the only two satellite TV providers in America, a merger between the two would reduce this to just one company, which clearly is a dangerous monopoly situation for consumers at hand. Even in areas with cable TV the merger would result in just 2 television broadcasting providers, of which each has a monopoly on its own technology. In their application, Dish Network and Direct TV claimed that their joining of forces

was necessary to compete against the cable TV Giants. However, at the time of said application, statistics indicated that satellite TV was growing at an incredibly fast pace while cable TV subscriptions were on the decline. Over all it seemed that without any other satellite TV providers a merger between Dish Network and Direct TV would not be not in the public's best interest. The fact that there are two satellite TV providers and not just one is a blessing to everyone interested in signing up for Satellite TV Service, as mentioned earlier competition is good for pricing. Dish Network and Direct TV are now going head to head with one another in a very aggressive marketing campaign and as a result the consumer gains to prosper very nicely by taking advantage of the phenomenal deals that are being offered by either of these two Satellite TV giants.
About the Author

Pat Johnson is the owner of Dish Network or Direct TV located at Pat has many years experience in the Satellite TV Industry and has written numerous articles about Dish Network and Direct TV.


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