Free Satellite TV or Cable: Does it Really matter?
Free Satellite TV or Cable: Does it Really Matter?
By Paul M. Nelson
(765 words)
As the big shots of the satellite TV industry do
on-air battle with the giants of cable tv, you may
have already found yourself wondering. does it really
matter? I mean, aren't we talking about different
techno-roads to the same place here? Six of one, half
dozen of another? For Pete's sake, I just want to
watch the game!!
I'm going to let the cat out of the bag right away
here - I've actually found an unequivocal answer to
this very important TV question: satellite is beating
the snot out of cable every day of the week. Ok, so
now that I've let you in on my subtle bias, let me lay
out for you why satellite is eating cable's lunch and
sending the cable guys into boardroom frenzies. (For
additional technical info on the differences between
the two technologies/services, send me an email with
"sat vs. cable" in the subject line to: and I'll send you the links you'll
Lets first talk about where they both compete evenly.
Both cable and satellite offer lots and lots of
programming-including local channels. Oops. that
apparently is where the similarity ends.
How do they compare in regard to technology and
With satellite TV, your favorite shows come straight
from the satellite (out in peaceful, quiet space) to
your dish/tv. Pretty simple. The cable company, on
the other hand, has to first acquire the signal from a
satellite themselves (surprise!), then they must snake
it through miles of fragile 'cable' until it arrives
at your TV. Here's my point: storms, wayward
construction crews, landscapers, and car accidents
among other things, can all inadvertently knock out
your cable. My local cable company has almost always
got a nice disclaimer on their tech support hotline
referring to some weather disaster resulting in
'interruption of service' to some portion of your
region, and that they are working as fast as possible
to correct the problem (and call hold times may be
lengthy as a result-GREAT!).
Here's the good news for satellite TV customers: there
are no storms, wayward earth movers or landscapers in
SPACE! The cold, hard truth is that cable tv viewers
experience MORE service problems, not fewer (contrary
to what those finger-pointing cable industry
advertisements say) than their satellite viewing
counterparts. If you're not convinced, just poll
of your friends or neighbors with cable tv, and then
another ten with satellite and see how many reception
and "interruptions of service" problems they report.
I promise you the satellite customers are far less
concerned about "the weather" than their cable
watching neighbors.
You're also going to get more for less with satellite,
hands down. Most satellite providers offer DVRs
(along with free satellite installation for multiple
rooms) as standard equipment, where most cable
companies treat DVR as an upgrade to nickel and dime
you with (along with a list of other fees the cable
industry will get you with) .
And that leads me to the next big issue in the
cable-satellite face off. In a word: competition.
Satellite has actually got some. As a TV consumer, I
just love a market economy, don't you? Your local
cable company competes with the satellite industry,
but not with anyone else. The satellite TV industry
is filled with many small and large wholesalers that
must compete with each other as well as with the cable
industry. This creates the competitive economic
conditions among satellite dealers that allow for
things like. that free equipment I mentioned, free
installation, free premiums, etc that cable tv
providers just don't feel compelled to (or just can't)
offer. Here are just a couple of representative
examples of competitive satellite providers I work
with, that give away the store to gain a customer:
All other factors being equal (and they really are),
the TV battle boils down to technology delivery, and
competition-period. And shrewd consumers are
beginning to choose satellite over cable tv in big
numbers, and you can expect to see this trend causing
more and more panic in the cable industry in the
coming years. So to all you cable watchers out there.
is that a thunderstorm moving in on the horizon?...
About the Author
Paul M. Nelson resides in Raleigh,
NC and possesses more than a decade of experience in
microbiological and molecular biology research and
diagnostics, as well as a consuming interest in
satellite technology. He is an occasional author of
articles pertaining to the satellite television
industry, and can be reached through, or at