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Attraction between related things, including even the harmonic forces that pre-exist matter. String Theory tells us ‘one-dimensional harmonic forces’ are the basic building blocks of all aspects of the universe whether visible or not. Jean-Paul Sartre used this phrase to describe love which is a vital part of affinity (or vice versa): "Love is absent space."

There is research going on in the deep mine site formerly used by International Nickel Company (INCO) in Sudbury, Canada where they have separated muons or small cosmic particles. When one is charged by the research team - the other half responds the same way! Such a response must have a vehicle for communication, could it be ESP exists with the most basic of energy and material? Perhaps this is the 'non-force info packets' that Tesla proposed to explain much of what has been prejudicially called paranormal. Here is a response of mine to a debate in a quantum physics forum which I belonged to.

Dear Xojo and Twister
First of all, can I post this initial thread elsewhere?

I think the words are part of the problem for some people, but let me try to put into words what I think we are all saying (except Don, who is a nay-sayer that challenged me to explain what the physicists were saying) here.

In the beginning there was energy in dimensions that the astrophysicists tell us had the properties of hot and cold which came into proximity or shared space. There may be other properties in the primordial cosmic soup but they say this conjunction of energy lead to the creation of matter.

They also say that Dark Matter and Dark Energy constitute 95% of the energy in our known universe and that it is returning to a state of Dark Matter gradually over the next trillion or more years, but I think that depends on creative forces which are as yet not even contemplated in their model which may have been existent in the lattices and inter-relationships of that primordial soup which continue to operate according to laws or principles we are on the verge of understanding.

Dr. Don Robins tells us the macrochips of megalithic time on earth actually contain -and presumably their builders understood - much of this lattice attunement knowledge. He is a Doctor of Solid State Physics and has developed and invented workable equipment in the thermoluminescence field which archaeology now uses. He sees this 'chasm' across which we must travel to regain this knowledge.

That knowledge is in the Harmonic structures of all energy and it has principles inclusive of the ability to communicate as the two muons separated were demonstrated to show while shielded from all other energy in the deep nickel mines of Sudbury Ontario.

How this communication occurs is something I call affinity which operates on the basic building blocks of all energy and matter that String Theory says is a 'one dimensional harmonic force'. There is a universal constant of light in harmonic but that word constant is a weasel word. Yes, we

can mathematically formulate for observations and predictions through that fine use of pure language called math but there are some elements or variables not yet understood to the full nature of the purposeful design in our reality. Purposeful design - loaded words - YES!

Why not? Think along these lines, if you will let yourself take a trip on the light fantastic as I often did in the 60s and 70s while these things were uppermost in my mind. Dark Matter and Energy had nothing doing for billions or trillions of years but they had the inter-connections of these affinite communications. The interplay of these energies wore out what could be likened to neural paths as there was no real change - this is what happens in our brains when we do not grow too. But across these lines or lanes of energy transference there were attractions and repulsions of the magnetic sort, which of course still occurs.

The design built or grew and the awareness of what was non-affinite grew. The 'other' energy reached out or responded (YOUR word 'response' is born) and it became a principle of the five motions including mass which is at the dross level of what is seen.

If affinity is just one of the laws of nature in the harmony of the spheres as Shakespeare might have described it, there are many evidences for this Purposeful Design or what is called Intelligent Design. Here is a little part of the synchronicity all around us from the Washington Post and New Scientist.

“A New Science Looks at Things in Sync
The Washington Post
[...] Synchrony appears throughout the natural world. It is most obvious in schools of fish turning suddenly in unison, or birds wheeling through the sky in formation, or in the perfectly timed chirping of crickets. At Elkmont, for two to three weeks every June, groupings of hundreds of male fireflies flash together four to eight times, with a brief pause between flashes. Then the flashing stops for six to 10 seconds before the cycle begins once again. The display starts at dusk and lasts for hours. [...]

‘It's a theme you see a lot in biology,’ Strogatz says, and not just in birds and fish and crickets. Heart cells beat in synchrony; women who live or work together may find their menstrual cycles coinciding due to subtle chemical communications, and certain kinds of cicadas emerge in unison every 17 years. Odder still is the synchronous behavior often seen in inanimate systems: lasers, electrical grids, quantum mechanics, flows of automobile traffic. [...]

‘Mindless things can synchronize by the millions,’ Strogatz says. ‘It doesn't take a mind, or even have to be alive. Simple laws could lead to groups being in sync. It's counterintuitive, because the usual thinking was that things get more disordered over time.’ [...]” (2)

About the Author,, Spirit Quest, The ES Press,,
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