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An Ear to Hear

Ears to Hear…

We are made to hear the voice of God.

Terry Dashner…………….Faith Fellowship Church PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013

On December 26, 2004, a tsunami devastated many regions of Asia. Over 30,000 people died in Sri Lanka alone. The total count of dead was over 300,000. Today scientists are working on a warning system that could alert people to safety before another tsunami moves inland. If such a system had been in place on December 26, 2004, the death count would have been reduced significantly.

Prior warning of imminent disaster is a God send. Additional minutes given in the face of impending disaster can shape destinies and preserve lives. A few additional minutes can have eternal repercussions when given to someone before destruction hits. Advanced warning is a good thing.

This brings me to a question: Is it possible for human beings to receive a warning without hearing an external warning device? Can people be warned of impending disaster by some internal sense or intuitive “check” in their inner being? Does this sound absurd? Before you delete this page, listen to this.

On May 12, 2005, the Russian paper Pravda reported a news article entitled, “Profound knowledge of animal instincts to help humans predict horrible natural disasters.” The article talks about the movement of animals throughout the regions hit by tsunami, just before the waters pounded the inlands. Since ancient times man has been recording the mysterious movements of animals before impending disasters occur. For example, an ancient manuscript dated 2000 years before Christ records weasels suddenly disappearing from their usual habitats in Crete shortly before a very powerful earthquake rocked the island.

In 1975 snakes suddenly appeared on the surface of the ground in the dead of winter in China. The local authorities treated such phenomena as a harbinger of a coming earthquake. As it turned out, a mammoth earthquake, measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale rocked the area. Many lives were spared because they had evacuated their homes earlier. During WWII, London residents paid attention to cats and dogs’ behavior before air raids. Their unusual behavior served as prior warning that German bombers were coming.

Eye witness accounts reported seeing the following, just before the 2004 tsunami hit: In India, large flocks of antelopes began fleeing the coastal areas towards the nearest hills. Elephants were reported as trumpeting, breaking chains and escaping inland in Thailand. Flamingos were seen leaving the lowlands, flying in the direction of mountainous areas. Employees of a Malaysian zoo noticed that all animals had a very strange way of behavior—the majority of zoo animals hid in their shelters and refused to go out. While the tsunami disaster killed over 30,000 in Sri Lanka, almost all the local elephants, deer and other wild animals survived the monstrous attack of tidal waves. Only one wild boar of 2,000 animals of an Indian reserve was killed in the 2004 tsunami

disaster, the Pravda article reports.

Is there a parallel in the Bible that tells about the movement of animals before impending destruction? Yes, there is. Genesis 7: 5-10 reads, “Noah did according to all that the Lord had commanded him. (vs6) Now Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of water came upon the earth. (vs7) Then Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with him entered the ark because of the water of the flood. (vs8) Of clean animals and animals that are not clean and birds and everything that creeps on the ground, (vs9) there went into the ark to Noah by twos, male and female, as God had commanded Noah. (vs10) It came about after the seven days, that the water of the flood came upon the earth” (NASB). Interesting, is it not? It appears that even animals can hear the voice of God.

If you think that God is concerned about the safety of animals, you are correct. If you think that God is concerned about animal safety over humans, you’ve missed my point. Why were animals spared on December 26, 2004, and 300,000 people died? Was God blood thirsty for humans? No, I don’t think so. I think people died because man has lost his ear for God. I think man has become so accustomed to being rescued by science and the latest technology that he has desensitized his ability to hear the subtle voice of warning in his spirit.

The Bible is one giant forecast of impending judgment. Unless a man turns from his wicked ways, he will come to judgment. The Bible has been sounding off for generations for people everywhere to get right with God through His Son Jesus Christ. God is serious about saving us from our sins, but man has dulled his ears to redemption’s call. I believe that man could turn to God and God would spare him of many miseries in this world. I believe that man can develop a spiritual sensitivity to “feel” or sense the voice of God inwardly, warning him of what’s coming on the face of the earth.

I believe if nations would turn to God and worship Him, loving one another instead of trying to kill each other, God would speak so loudly through their nations’ leaders and principle players that His voice would ring true in every word they spoke. I believe that God is all about healing and sparing lives. Jesus died on the Cross not only for my rescue from sin but for my wholeness in living.

God has not turned away from man. Man has turned away and become desensitized to what God wants him to hear and know. This ought not to be so. Turn to God. Listen to Him. He will guide you to safety. After all, if an animal can “feel” the vibrations of tremors and move to safety, certainly man—created in God’s image and likeness—can get advance warnings from approaching danger also. This is the Bible’s message in short—as it is appointed unto man once to die, after this comes judgment.

Keep the faith. Stay the course. Jesus is coming soon. Be advised, and move to safety in Jesus.

Pastor T. dash

About the Author

Pastors a small church in Broken Arrow, OK.


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