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Questions For An Alchemist

Questions for



By Robert Bruce Baird:


The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. - H. P. Lovecraft

"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."--The Kybalion (1)

“Any author or critic who says that the Letters of English and the design of the English Letters to be irrelevant to the greater aspect of the Occult is simply fooling themselves and speaks from a knowledge that is narrow and ill advised: the Letters are the Key to the Whole of Occult Mysticism. A new student is advised to keep this admonition in mind as s/he views this information, for deception as a product of the Occult allowed both the Letters to come into existence while at the same time allowed the darker elements of the Occult to rise to a power that is perilously dangerous for humanity at large.” - The Fetch
Master Qaballist in the Isisian Traditions.

"The other shape,
If shape it might be call'd, that shape had none,
Distinguishable in member, joint, or limb;
Or substance might be call'd that shadow seem'd;
For each seem'd either; black it stood as night,
Fierce as ten furies, terrible as Hell,
And shook a dreadful dart; what seem'd his head
The likeness of a kingly crown had on.
Satan was now at hand; and from his seat
The monster, moving onward, came as fast
With horrid strides; Hell trembled as he strode."
-- John Milton


I have written many other books with all manner of reference and scholarship. It is about fifty books as I begin to write this book. There will be many questions about what an alchemist or sage is that the reader will justifiably have after reading this offering. Perhaps I am not an alchemist and the title or label is of no great consequence to me, even though a decade ago people who should know what one is began telling me that is what I can be called. Time/Life videos called Jung an alchemist and if he was then I am too.

This book will not be a well-referenced book with lots of quotes seeking to prove points through evidence. It will be more free-flowing and integrative just as alchemy is. That is not to say alchemy is not very patient and detailed or that this book will avoid anything. It is just that I have already gone into great detail on most things and it is a good idea to address things with broad strokes occasionally too.

I am on many web communities as well as a contributor to places like where other people may go to get free content to put in their forums or on their web sties. It has led to interesting exposure in other places to be sure. I picked up an article on this site from a national journalist who tried to set up a psychic and expose a fraud. He was amazed and got more than he bargained for and later apologized to the psychic. I doubt any of the seventy papers or magazines he writes for picked up this true story. I put it on a few sites and many people said they knew psychics were frauds and they had never called one. I have not called a psychic hot line but I have had lots of psychics approach me and tell me things for reasons that will be fleshed out further in this book. Here is one of my responses to a person on an MSN community who pointed out that real psychics often do not charge.

‘I have never charged. I tell people who want to pay, that they should pass the blessings on to others in random acts of kindness, and it does not come from me.

There are many people who will not believe it is possible even when they see it for their own eyes. I have set up major tests for myself and I have delivered according to RIGHT THOUGHT (Which includes it being important to demonstrate to them that this is the nature of reality.). Here are a few examples:

1. Decreeing that I win a nationwide draw for a Mazda RX-7.

2. An afternoon delight for two in OKC for me and a friend. It was Sunday in a brown bag State and the call came via phone. (Never happens and was a real 'trip' that impacted him and his growth greatly.)

3. Affecting the wind and rain two separate nights one after the other - mostly done by an adept I met.

4. An exorcism of a person already given the Last Rites - attested by all medical people at St. Francis Hospital in Indy and for two years of prior study at McGill and Mayo Clinic, and a Monsignor.

5. A three month long Decree for my 'twin' attested by many at a bar in Lakewood California.

6. Saying that I would end up doing something 'fantastic' for a career to people and yet I had no proof it would occur or contact from my brother who was thousands of miles away. A tea leaf reader told my girlfriend about it during this time and I told my lady 'See I was right’; and later I had to tell her not to join me (The stupidest thing as far as personal relationships I have ever done. I loved her more than any other since, but I was just twenty years old at that time and she had a job of some note and would have had to leave it.).

7. Healing that person of a problem with her liver that medical doctors were going to have to remove a third of her liver. While she was involved with me it cleared up and then it had to be operated on two years later.

There are many other such things, including what I am now doing.’

This book will hopefully have many questions from people on the web who are able to formulate some pretty ridiculous questions to say the least.

About the Author guest writer
Monthly column in The ES Press Magazine


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