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Relationship Constellation
Relationship Constellations
Finding the hidden dynamics in relationship systems within
Dr.Eddy Kloprogge
The word organisation comes from "organic", a system that
organises (organism), following certain universal rules.
Either in the family, school or any other organisation,
individuals form different levels of relationships, which
themselves form regulating systems. Those systems determine a
large part of our daily lives. People are born within a system
(family, community etc) or choose to become a member of a
system, for example, when joining a club or starting to work for
an organisation. Once part of a system, regardless of your
opinion, you are also part of the dynamics within that system.
Unit of knowledge
When we take one cell from a person (one unit), science has
proven that that cell contains all the information of the total
body of that person. We call the information in one cell the
"unit of knowledge."
When we take one person out of a system, that person contains
all the information of that system. That person contains the
"unit of knowledge" from that system.
One person contains different units of knowledge from different
When you have Person A, who needs to communicate with Person B,
to achieve a certain goal, it is obvious that both persons have
to negotiate the outcome of that communication.
Pure communication is a form of art that needs quite some
When people meet for the first time, they use reference points
of understandings that are built from their own history of
memories, experiences and intelligence. Without these references
one cannot communicate (example: you have to understand the
meaning of the spoken words). However, those references are not
always that clear (the meaning of a certain word is subject to
interpretation). Understanding between life partners can be very
good, but it may have taken years before those partners started
to know each other. When you meet a person for the first time
(like a customer and a sales person in a shop) the communication
takes place on assumed (learned) understandings, which can be
misinterpreted by subconscious interference of reference points
(like somebody talks like one's diseased dominant destructive
father). The negotiation of the outcome of the communication (a
sale) can be quite different when the interpretation of a
certain language was compared with unconscious interference of
reference points of a voice that resembles that of a very dear
loving friend. Then there are the hidden "agendas" of the
persons involved: person A wants to buy something, trying to get
some discount, while person B wants to sell not only the item,
but some other goods as well. During the communication all sorts
of levels of feelings will express themselves by intonation of
the voice, body language etc. Both persons will react on those
signals (transference), which will then give counter reactions
(counter transference) and therefore interfere with the "clear"
We can compare the communication process with a floating
iceberg. When we consider the "pure" communication (that is the
communication without all the interferences like transference
and counter transference) as the visible top of the iceberg (10
% that is above the surface of the water), then the rest of the
communication (90%) is not visible, but dominates the
communication process.
Relationships, which are the building blocks of systems, are
based on communication. We believe that when we are dealing with
issues and problems within a system or organisation, we locate
those problems at the level of communication. We now can make
the hidden parts of the communication process (the under water
part of the iceberg) visible with a technique called: System
Constellation or Organisational Constellation.
Organisational constellation
The word constellation comes from the positioning of the stars
and planets in the universe. Organisational constellation is the
positioning of elements (people, influences
etc) in an open
space, using subconscious knowledge of the participants.
A person sets up a constellation by placing people (including a
substitute for him or her self) intuitively in a specific
configuration that represents an issue they want to have a look
at. This provides a living map of key elements within a
particular situation. Rather than simply talking about, or just
looking at a 'snap shot' of what is happening, participants will
be able to see clearly into the interaction of these key
Experience has shown that participants in the constellation
become aware of the meaning of their own place. The conscious
knowledge of this place and the position of others make space
for acceptance and meaning.
An unconscious level exists in all systems formed by man; this
can be interpreted as the system's collective sub-conscious. The
members of a system are generally unaware of the dynamics
originating from this. The patterns that determine the dynamics
in systems are often complex and intangible for the people
participating in the system. For this reason they are also
difficult to trace by questioning the members of the system.
When we set up a constellation, verbal communication is
restricted to a minimum. The facilitator will interview the
person with the issue or question and discretely guides the
person to (intuitively) choose the representatives.
The experience of the participant
People tend to initially experience the constellation method as
something 'magical'. A participant tends to get drawn to a
position that gives the feeling of balance and harmony. Being in
harmony means that by "recognizing what is" you eventually
experience a peaceful concentrated state of being. From this
state of consciousness you experience inner peace. You are
connected and at a distance at the same time.
While being in that state, when asked how your feel, intuitively
you are able to reflect the feelings and thoughts that describes
the part that you represent in the actual system.
Sometimes, very accurate and with quite astonishing preciseness,
wordings will emerge and contribute to the solution focussed
resolutions for the person whose issue has been constellated.
Relationship Constellations
It is not only those belonging to an organisation who
participates in the success or failure; others also play a role
- for example, the customer, the share holder, the users, the
competitors and perhaps foreign affiliates. Like a network, all
those elements are interrelated, they form relationships, they
create a powerful whole that is more than the sum of its parts.
Regardless of your position in your system, the application of
relational principles can give you insight into problems, help
you in making critical decisions and open new perspectives for
the development of the system as a whole.
Using Relationship Constellations, you can tap into the
informing field of your business. You can select what you need
from this network that receives all relevant information about
the web of relationships within and outside the company.
September 2005
Emotional Intelligence (1997) D. Coleman; Bantam Books, New
York, ISBN 0-553-37506-7
Spiritual Intelligence (2000) D. Zohar and Dr I. Marshall;
Bloomsbury, New York, ISBN 1-58234-044-7
Invisible Dynamics (2005) K. P.Horne and R. Brick; Crl-Aur,
Heidelberg, Germany, 2005,
Acknowledgement What is (2001), B. Hellinger and G. ten Hoevel,
Phoenix; Zeig,Tucker & Co, Arizona
Constellations (Submitted for publication) (2005) Dr E.
Kloprogge, P.G. Gleeson and T.J. Francis.
The Therapeutic Relationships (2003), P.Clarkson: Whurr
Publishers, London. ISBN : 1-897-6357-7
©Mind Gliding Ltd. Registered in England & Wales, Reg. No.
5008800, All rights reserved
About the author:
Dr Eddy Kloprogge [1951, Netherlands]: BA Chemistry;MSc
Biochemistry;PhD Heamatology, ACCA Accountant;ICSA Offshore
Finance; CIW Manager Webdesign; Professional Management
Consultant; Managing Director Mind Gliding LTD [UK]:
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