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Secrets of Dream Analysis

Have you ever written yourself a letter in which you unload your concerns, worries, hopes and deep-felt thoughts? Probably not....though the Dr. Phils of our world would probably applaud the practice as deliciously therapeutic in the quest for self-awareness!

Each time you enter the world of dreams, you are, in essence, writing yourself such a letter. Your subconcious mind, without the distractions of the day, puts your life, your feelings, your emotions, your hopes and your plans all together. All the insight you could hope for is right there, ripe for analyzing!

Examining the nightly excapades which occur behind your eyelids will give you all of the insight and inspiration you need. Like the swallows to Capiatiano, you'll return again and again to your dreams to give you the answers you seek.

How can Dream Analysis actually help you?

First of all, it helps to understand that what occurs in our minds when we are fully asleep is reflective of the emotions and thoughts we have while fully awake......granted sometimes they suffer in the translation, but our emotions are certainly at the root. The basic feelings make their way from our consciousness to our unconsciousness.

The difference is that when we are awake, we are too blamed busy to stop and say, "I'm wrapped tighter than a plus-sized woman in spandex.......I need some down time." We just keep getting after whatever it is that's stressing us out and don't take any time to really look at the condition of our psyche.....something that quite often isn't in as good working order as we suspect.

However if you're having particularly troublesome, mad-as-a-hatter dreams, you can discern that you need to take a good long look at your lifestyle. Are you too busy? Are you being pulled in more directions than you can possibly stretch without snapping? Is there something in your life which is more bothersome to you than you gave it credit for? Try to work some time into your

day that's all about relaxing, whether it's yoga, golf, walking, reading....whatever you can do that gives your brain a break.

Other times our dreams let us know that we simply need to start paying more attention to certain people in our life that we may be taking for granted. If we dream about a relative we haven't seen in a while, we should give them a call. If we dream of starting an argument with our spouse, we should give them a little more attention than usual. Many times, our proverbial "guilty conscience" knows only one way to reach us, and that's while we are asleep.

Another very interesting way dreams help us is in the healing process after a traumatic experience. Following such an occurence, we will often dream about the tragedy itself, or of something equally morbid. It's our mind's way of wrapping itself around what has happened. The dreams will eventually stop all together, as soon as your subconcious has come to grips with everything.

Sometimes it helps to discuss your dreams with others. If you think your dreams are trying to tell you something in particular, discuss it with someone. An outside opinion can often do a world of good.

When you take an honest look at your life and at your typical day, it will be obvious what your dreams are trying to tell you. Most people miss out on so much because they discard their dreams and forget all about them.

It would be the same as writing the letter we talked about before, putting all of your thoughts and feelings on paper, then crumbling the paper and throwing it away. Listen to what your subconcious mind is telling you. Don't throw away a chance to grow.


About the Author

This article is one of many featured at, a website dedicated to the world of dreams and the study of dream interpretation. Feel free to e-mail the author at


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