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Informative Articles

Evolution and Intelligent Design
What about evolution creates such a fuss in our society? We do not see people getting exercised about Quantum Mechanics, String Theory or the Theory of Relativity. But mention evolution and you invoke an immediate and visceral reaction. Local...

Fall Bird Migration
Fall is the time of the year when many birds are busy preparing for the long journey to their winter homes. Migration is the movement of birds and other animals from one home to another. Some birds will fly thousands of miles to reach their winter...

Harry Potter and the Moons of Jupiter
It is in the latest Harry Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, that readers get the confirmation that the ‘Boy who lived’ is indeed interested in a science that even some Muggles are good at: Astronomy, the study of celestial...

Psychology, Philosophy and the Paranormal: Do You Wonder About Ghosts?
Beginning in 1992 when I first decided to become a ghost hunter, it never occurred to me that I would end up quitting my job and focusing strictly on paranormal investigation. This has become my new career. I made this decision after a series of...

Zimbabwe and Biotechnology
Two years ago, drought and famine ravaged Zimbabwe. Many Zimbabweans cheated death by a whisker as their leaders haggled over whether to accept food aid, especially maize (corn) from the World Food Programme (WFP). The borne of contention...

Superultramodern Science (SS)

Superultramodern Science (SS) is supposed to be above/beyond/next to ultramodern science, the extremely modern science of today. SS is a creation of Dr Kedar Joshi (myself) and consists of 9 components. All of the 9 components are invented by the creator of SS.

1. Superultramodern Scientism ( SSism )

2. The NSTP ( Non - Spatial Thinking Process ) Theory : Non - Spatial Universal Mechanics (NSUM)

3. RGM ( Resolution of Great Mysteries )

4. The FMUP ( Flawed Modern / Ultramodern Physics ) Theory : Superultramodern Physics (SP)

5. ROS ( Rehabilitation of Occult Sciences ) : Astrology, Numerology, Telepathy (ANT).

6. Conmathematics ( Conceptual Mathematics ) : Superultramodern Mathematics (SM)

7. The FR ( Flawed Reason ) Theory

8. Superultramodern Universal Communism (SUC)

9. Superultramodern Ethical / Aesthetical Relativism (SEAR)

Most of the mysteries ( or problems ) in modern / ultramodern science are resolved in Superultramodern Science. In some sense SS seems to be the culmination of human intellectual progress as the problems in SS demand superhuman intelligence to be solved.

About the Author

Dr Kedar Joshi, BSc MA DSc DA, PBSSI, MRI
Cambridge, UK.

Father of Superultramodern Science (FSS)

The Founder as well as the President of
British Superultramodern Scientific Institution (BSSI)

The mission of BSSI is to advance Superultramodern Science.


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International weekly science journal, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
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