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Informative Articles

A Medical Cure found by Remote Viewing & My last "I bet you can't Remote View it" bet!
My Last "I Bet You Can't Remote View it" Bet! In December I was at the mid point of my TRV training with Joni Dourif. Prior to training, I had studied the history of RV in depth and had followed PSI TECH's recommendations by reading Sheldrake's The...

Joseph Campbell
At the start of the US involvement in WWII Joseph Campbell was put in the position of having to defend culture and truth rather than go along with the crazed nationalism and outright invasion of so many public institutions through all manner of...

Making Mother’s Day Special
How many times have you heard a friend say about someone who’s no longer here, “I never got to tell her (or him) how much I really cared.” We’ve all felt this way at some stage about someone in our lives. Yet it’s hard to sit down and tell a person...

The Nos Feratu
The Caduceus has the pine cone representing the Pineal Gland which it looks like. Clearly the Edwin Smith Codex alone should be enough to tell us that the Egyptians knew a great deal about the human anatomy. But like the Rhind Papyrus which was...

Why Venus Flytraps Make Lousy Science Fair Projects
Every year, I receive many phone calls from parents wanting to purchase Venus Flytraps for their kids' science project. I ask them what type of experiment that they are doing, and usually it is about what type of food source will keep the traps...

The Evolution of Ethics: An Introduction to Cybernetic Ethics

Science merges with ethics founded on cybernetic science. A

description of the evolution of ethical systems.

About the Author



Science/AAAS | Scientific research, news and career information
International weekly science journal, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Science/AAAS | Table of Contents: 1 December 2006; 314 (5804)
This Week in Science: Editor summaries of this week's papers. Science 1 December 2006: 1349. ... 2006 American Association for the Advancement of Science. ... : FirstGov for Science - Government Science Portal is a gateway to government science information provided by US Government science agencies, including research and development results.
ScienceDaily: Your source for the latest research news and science ...
ScienceDaily -- the Internet's premier online science magazine and science news web site -- brings you the latest discoveries in science, health & medicine, ...
Science News - New York Times
Find breaking news, science news & multimedia on biology, space, the environment, health, NASA, weather, drugs, heart disease, cancer, AIDS, mental health ...
Science News Online
Weekly magazine offers featured articles from the current issue along with special online-only features. Includes photo collection, archives, ...
Science in the Yahoo! Directory
Explore the fields of astronomy, biology, geology, mathematics, and physics and all of their related disciplines with resources designed for professionals, ...
Open Directory - Science
Agriculture (2454); Anomalies and Alternative Science (525); Astronomy (4208); Biology (20593); Chemistry (4852); Computer Science@ (2358) ...
BBC - Science & Nature
The best of BBC Science and Nature, from TV and radio, to the web and beyond. Take a tour from the smallest atoms, to the largest whales and the most ...
Science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sciences versus Science: the plural of the term is often used but is difficult to ... Science education is also a very vibrant field of study and research. ...
Popular Science
Monthly magazine about current science and technology.
Science/AAAS | ScienceNOW: The Latest News Headlines from the ...
AAAS web magazine. Some free sample stories, subscription required for full text. | Science Jobs, Funding, Meetings, and Advice ...
Searchable database of jobs, sorted by field specialty. Can post resume and curriculum vitae. Includes tips for improving the workplace for employers and ...
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Research news, issue papers. Educational programs, science policy (US and international).
NASA - Science@NASA
News and features about NASA research, aimed at the general public. Includes sections on astronomy, space science, beyond rocketry, living in space, ...
Science NetLinks: Resources for Teaching Science
Resources for K-12 science educators.
Cool Science for Curious Kids
Fun and interactive site to help kids appreciate science. Why are snakes like lizards, and monkeys like moose? Find out here.
Welcome to the Science Museum
London museum and library of science. Exhibitions cover all areas of science and technology. Includes online exhibits and a learning area.
New Scientist - International News, Ideas, Innovation
Weekly science and technology news magazine, considered by some to be the world's best, with diverse subject matter. Articles from current issue and ... - Science and Space
Offers news stories related environmental issues, archeology, astronomy, technology, geology and other science topics.