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Making Mother’s Day Special
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Misdiagnosing Narcissism - Asperger's Disorder
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'They' Value the Menstruum
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The Occult
"Christianity posits the realization of human freedom not here on earth but only in the Kingdom of Heaven." (1) Fukayama tells us, and it seems to me he is interpreting what the dogma says; even though it fits his own slave and master concept taken by his evil predecessors. Right as he may be about Christianity, he is not right about the teaching of Jesus. Well, what good is there in such a belief system? It encourages no growth or potential for freedom while you are alive. It gives no insight to actual knowing of what exists hereafter, except through faith in someone telling you what is right. How can anyone accept such utter hogwash? Are we to be enslaved to such a cosmogony while alive? God grows too, and he would be dead if he didn't. All things around us in nature say change is a good thing.
Why would a 'social engineer' like Fukayama tell us that Christianity is the 'absolute religion'? Is this more expert inducement to be a slave? Methinks there is something rotten afoot, and not just in Denmark. His knowledge of early religions is not displayed in his book. I hope to show all religions have used knowledge that when others employ it they call it occult or some other derogatory name. I will have to show certain people and families in corporate or business life are also involved in the religions to the point of controlling them.
His judgement seems uneducated and unwise to me. His good versus evil Nietzschean dialogue is not aware of the truth plainly available in the words of the Britannica in reference to Zoroaster. They say this good versus evil thing of Christianity with a battle being won by good is there 500 years earlier in Zoroastrianism. In truth it was there in Egypt's Abraxas, and in the Keltic Creed and many other places. There is no merit in such assertions and the issuance of them from the hegemony makes me Blanche and sputter, at times. How can you say man is free only in heaven or the hereafter and hope to build positive models of behaviour? This is especially true when you can buy 'special dispensations' or simply confess in order to gain forgiveness. This is the kind of religion the Mafia would love! The cover of Cahill's book The Gifts of the Jews shows all the councils of the Christians are behind another 'Bible Narrative'. Please question such authoritarian assurances and employ your own soulful sensibilities. When you are troubled do not desist, but rather persevere and learn to see the Peace they seek to destroy or hide from you. Shalom!
Vivekananda, Swami Chinmayananda or lesser gurus are not the only adepts who teach self-mastery and how the mind or brain experiences the world around us. Rishis or Mahatmas are not regarded as occultists and yet the techniques they use have been shared for thousands of years by people throughout the world. Part of the whole issue of human cultural development is the Flat Earth fiction that continues to make people think that one point of view is better than some other point of view. It is as if the people of Europe think that their own leaders did not send their best students to get the best education or import the teachers who already had learned Tantra, and the Therapeutae’s arts derived from Druidism and shamanism or the Magian arts. At some level you can find adepts in the most orthodox religions. The Sufis of Islam or the Carmelites and Santerians of Catholicism come to mind but there are many mystical or occult sects in Buddhism.
"The universe is a self-organizing system engaged in the discovery and realization of its possibilities through a continuing process of transcendence towards ever higher levels of order and self-definition. Modern science has confirmed the ancient Hindu belief that all matter exists as a continuing dance of flowing energies. Yet matter is somehow able to maintain the integrity of its boundaries and internal structures in the midst of apparent disorder.
Similarly the cells of a living organism, which are in a constant state of energy flux, maintain their individual integrity while functioning coherently as parts of larger
wholes. This ability implies some form of self-knowledge in both inert matter and living organisms at each level of organization. Intelligence and consciousness may take many forms and are in some way pervasive even in matter. What we know of life may not be an accident of creation but rather integral to it, an attractor that shapes the creative unfolding of the cosmos.
To the extent that these premises are true, they suggest we have scarcely begun to imagine, much less experience, the possibilities of our own capacity for intelligent self-aware living. Nor have we tested our potentials for self-directed cooperation as a foundation of modern social organization. Evolution, although it involves competitive struggles, violence and death, also involves love, nurturance, rebirth and regeneration-and is a fundamentally cooperative and intelligent enterprise.
There is substantial evidence that it is entirely natural for healthy humans to live fully and mindfully in service to the unfolding capacities of self, community, and the planet. Yet in our forgetfulness, we have come to doubt this aspect of our own being. Nurturing the creative development of our capacities for mindful living should be a primary function of the institutions of civilized societies. It is time that we awaken from our forgetfulness and assume conscious responsibility for reshaping our institutions to this end. Written by David C. Korten in the prologue of "The Post-Corporate World" Life after capitalism http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1576750515/102-1126258-0124163” (2)
There are many people who follow greatness or need to be lead and we must investigate any who tell us about great things they have experienced. This can be very difficult because what works for one person will not work for another person for reasons of their differentness as well as the constant availability of knowledge and ‘direct cognition’ or what I call tap-ins. I provide a comment from one of Gurdjieff’s students who saw others finding illumination in a way he personally found silly. This is an excerpt from William Welch M. D.’s remembrances of this great man who saw most humans could not think or even feel their way to actual wisdom. Gurdjieff’s structured dance allowed certain parts of the mind to integrate and then connect without any obstruction from the programming and fears of their lives. This is my personal opinion that you might not agree with too. This excerpt is in relation to the ritual of bathing and saunas that Gurdjieff did while in New York shortly before he passed away.
“I was astounded to read some years later that among the bemused adepts who participated in this droll ritual, one believed himself to have been initiated into some special level of illumination in the course of his gradual, and ultimately total, immersion. I am afraid my only illumination derived from the shuddering chill to which I never became wholly acclimated, as my fundament and its anterior appendages were finally plunged into the icy water.” (3)
The idea that a fully diluted homeopathic tincture might heal through some imprint left by Cyanide found in peach pits or laetrile is just one of the conundrums that science still struggles to face. But the fact is cyanide kills cells and results have been achieved by some people who might have attuned themselves with that small amount of Cyanide that Japanese researchers found in peach pits after the US researchers said there was no possible agent that could kill cancer cells in peach pits. The implications of this extend to genetic rituals that modern science cannot see the effects of, and other energy lattice memory or Intelligence. One of my correspondents is a genetic researcher at a university in the Midwestern United States and we both have found artifacts that indicate the use of harmonic attunement with matter in rocks and we are open to this same method being used in affecting the DNA of animal life including humans.
About the Author
Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com
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