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Transforming through Sound

Through music and word is the ability to use sound, music and voice to affect changes in others and in oneself. Most every society has had teachings which usually fell to the individuals schooled in the natural or spiritual laws of the universe. These ancient traditions of the word are not lost. It involves one opening up to heal and be healed through the magic of music and sound.

Take for instance the humming sound. It carries sound internally and can be a powerful tool. Establishing a rapport between our spiritual aspects and our emotional, mental and physical aspects bringing them into harmony with each other. The power of the mantra can be felt in humming “Om”, it actually performs a micro-massage upon the internal organs, releasing stress and restoring balance creating sympathy, harmony and poise.

Music and singing awakens ones creativity. Singing release’s stress while listening can stimulate movement and thought. Learn to play with your voice and with your singing you may recapture joy and balance in the process. Singing is a way of cleansing the Etheric body, strengthening the flow of

energy into the physical body. The Gregorian chants that we know today are still powerful tools of consciousness inspiring awe. They are quite cleansing to any negative environment.

There are many ways in which sound combined with the energy of crystals may restore balance and release stress. Within everyone are all the energies and forces of our universe carrying the potential to manifest greater fulfillment, abundance, health and awareness. Through the transformation of sound we can touch upon learning to use energies and abilities long forgotten but still within our reach.

To learn more on the effects of sound I recommend reading SACRED SOUNDS by, Ted Andrews a book that brings together the power found in the spoken word, music and sounds to help one create inner balance and healing.

About the Author

" Theresa F. Jodray holds her Masters in the Science of Parapsychic Science. She is a freelance photographer and writer whose uninhibited work inspires people in all walks of life, including other photographers and artists, several of whom have publicly praised her work. "


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