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The Science Behind Satellites
The Science Behind Satellites By Kate Ivy and Gary Davis Dish-Network-Satellite-TV.ws Webmasters: You may reprint this article in its entirety, providing you leave the Byline and About the Author sections intact, including the...
What are the Odds?
What are the odds?
Terry Dashner………………Faith Fellowship Church PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013
Chet Raymo, an astronomer and science writer who has calculated the odds of our universe resulting, as he believes it did, from sheer chance:
“If, one second after the Big Bang, the ratio of the density of the universe to its expansion rate had differed from its assumed value by only one part in 1000000000000000 (no my “0” key isn’t stuck. That’s 10 to the 15th power.), the universe would have either quickly collapsed upon itself or ballooned so rapidly that stars and galaxies could not have condensed from the primal matter… The coin was flipped into the air 10 to the 15th power times, and came down on its edge but once. If all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the Earth were possible universes—that is, universes consistent with laws of physics as we know them—and only one of those grains of sand were a universe that allowed for the existence of intelligent life, then that one grain of sand is the universe we inhabit.
The author who quoted Mr. Raymo’s statement says that he was asked to produce the quote one time by a personal friend to Mr. Raymo. States Yancey, in his book entitled Soul Survivor, “One of the physicists asked to see the quote by Raymo, whom he knew as a personal friend. He pondered a moment, thinking out loud, ‘Ten to the fifteenth power, ten to the fifteenth… let’s see there are [10 to the 22 power] stars in the universe—yeah, I can buy that. I’ll take those odds.’”
Speaking of odds, what are the odds that the earth should be tilted on its axis 23-and-a-half degrees? To vary either way to the slightest degree would mean death to life we know. What are the odds that the Earth, and it alone in its galaxy, should be the only planet with an atmosphere and environment capable of sustaining life as we know it? What are the odds that we were created by a loving God instead of a tyrant—not to mention that He is a God who is rational, comprehensible, and His creation
is subject to verification? What are the odds that you and I were created for this time, in our fields of study, in our native countries, in our specific families, in our various colors, in our various cultures, with our various languages?
You may play the odds if you desire, but I think I’ll just thank God. I think I’ll thank Him for His beautiful and purposeful creation. I think I’ll just praise Him that He gave me life and purpose for living. What purpose is that you ask? It is this: I am created for His glory. He is expending His magnificent glory throughout the universe, and He allows you and me to be one of His many vessels, chosen to complete His purpose on Earth.
The Bible says that we are gloriously and wonderfully made. Since God is a rational Creator and allows Himself to be comprehended (somewhat) by His creation, He has given us a written record of His plan. The written record is His Word, the Holy Bible. The plan is a redemptive plan. He sent His only begotten Son to this world (not Mars, not the moon, not…) to free us from our depraved nature, subject to sin. In Christ His people are given higher life, eternal life. With eternal life, we are to reflect His life to others. How do we reflect His life? We live in the power of the Holy Spirit everyday. We surrender to the Spirit’s leadership and direction, and walk like Jesus walked.
How did Jesus walk? Slowly, deliberately, and genuinely, stopping at times to touch the sick, the outcast, the wounded, and the lowly who were unable to help themselves. He spoke only what the Father in Heaven spoke. He conducted His activities under the watchful eye of the Father. He loved. He came. He suffered and died. He was buried and arose from the dead on the third day, according to the written record. You keep the odds. I’m basking in God’s goodness. Keep the faith. Stay the course. Jesus is coming again. Pastor T.dash…Blessed!
About the Author
Pastors a small church in Oklahoma. US Navy veteran. Retired police officer. Votes.
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