Software for Cable TV Operators – A News
In India, the Cable TV Network today comprises more than 30,000 small and medium sized Cable Operators and caters to fifty million homes in the county. It is one of the classic cases of the enterprise building talent of Indian entrepreneurs revolutionizing the Indian Entertainment Sector. This phenomenal growth just in one decade out steps the track record of the Telecom Industry, which in almost a century has achieved less connections.
This Cable TV Industry Network is also fast emerging as the key infrastructure for the growth of the country’s IT Industry, as operators can provide other data services on the same network.
Though the industry has grown from 0.4 million houses hold connections to 41 million households in 2002, and probably reach 64 million households in 2007, the industry is dominated by multiple system operators (MSO) and multiple franchisees of small entrepreneurs. The industry continues to be largely unorganized, unplanned and there by lacks systematic and efficiency driven management systems resulting in loose management and poor customer services.
With continuous innovations and introduction of technologies like Conditional Access System (CAS), Video on Demand etc., the future of this industry is bright. But there are hardly any enterprise solutions available in the form of compact management software to run and meet the demands of the industry and also meet the statutory demands from the Government in the form of rules under Cable TV Network Regulation Act, Service Tax collections, and ‘pay per view’ regime likely to arrive sooner or later.
Keeping this ensuing environment in mind, and to improve the quality of management at
the MSO and at the Cable Operator’s level, Simplesoft Technologies has come up with unique Cable TV Management Software – Cable TV Manager.
Cable TV Manager Software has certain unique features, which can increase productivity, efficiency and one-point control for the Cable Operators at the touch of a button.
The basic features of Cable TV Manager are:
Network Management – Generating Complete Network Diagram – equipment wise signal tracking – extensive search of any subscriber, Equipment and Cable Management – Type / Make-wise Equipment Classification – Cable and Equipment Purchase, Usage in the Network, Replacement Signal Tracking
About The Author
A native Calcuttan, Santanu Ghosh is a man on a mission. This 38 years old man is the founder of a successful software development company, Simplesot Technologies. This Indian company boasts clients across the globe with its quality services. Santanu is in the field of Information Technology for last 15 years.
He was the head of an IT company before he started Simplesoft.
According to Santanu
“To be successful, you have to stay focused, and be extremely good at what you do. There will always be setbacks – and I’ve had my share – but you have to get back on your feet, and keep thinking big."
Much of his success, he believes, is largely due to his ability to build extensive networks
Fun and frivolity aside, he also understands the need to invest in the future, and ploughs the bulk of the company’s profits back into R