Does your web host affect search engine optimization?
Most people will lease hosting from a company, just because they find a great deal. They don’t even stop to think of the long term affects of the company’s policies. Believe it or not, your web host has a dramatic involvement in your search engine...
Is There A Future For Spam?
Copyright 2005 Niall Roche Will you always be buried underneath a mountain of spam? Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? With the current flood of spam to your inbox and ever more devious practices on the part of spammers you'd be forgiven...
Junk Mail?
Junk mail works. Why does it work? How does it work? These are very important questions. To make it work, it has to appeal to the emotions. They have to make claims that inspire you to click on that ‘yes’ button. They inspire you...
Learn Simple Strategies That Will Stop Spammers From Bombarding Your Inbox!
Spam filter is the solution that most people resort when they try to steam the flood of junk mails and spam.
However, there is a problem!
First: Some spam will still get through.
Second: Some legitimate mails will be stopped as spam....
New InSites into the FAST Search Engine . . . an interview with Stephen Baker of Fast, Part 1
New InSites into the FAST Search Engine ...interview with Stephen Baker, Director of Business Development and Marketing by Robin Nobles Of the major engines in the search engine universe, FAST -- aka, alltheweb.com -- is arguably the most unique....
A Common Frustration When Operating A Home Based Business
By Kirk Bannerman
The source of frustration addressed in his article may be all
too familiar if you happen to work at an Internet-based home
business which relies on personal relationships and/or teamwork.
I am often contacted by members of my business team with a tale
of woe regarding a lack of response from their affiliates. It
typically goes something like..."I send out lots of emails to all
of them and I very rarely get any response. What am I doing
If your particular internet business involves selling well known
branded items, personal feedback is not an issue. Visitors to
your website (potential customers) are primarily interested in
selection, availability, and price. If it is a returning
customer, then you can also throw customer service into the
equation. Once the desired item is selected, your mouse does
all the "talking" without any human interaction involved.
However, there are many types of internet-based home businesses
where feedback and interaction are quite important and getting an
affiliate or business team member to communicate with you is a
definite objective. It's not at all surprising that this can be
a challenge when you stop to think that what you are trying to do
is initiate a dialog between two complete strangers who have
never even seen each other.
Heavily branded websites like walmart.com or amazon.com are
household names and carry an implied trust with visitors.
However, the vast majority of websites are not well known and are
found and visited as a result of searches performed by search
engines. In these instances, the visitor is probably arriving at
the website for the first time and human nature often dictates a
sense of fear or suspicion of the unknown which is manifested by
a reluctance to respond to email messages from an unknown party.
It seems that there is no pat answer as to the best way to elicit
an initial email response from a person. I have tried several
approaches with varying degrees of success. Individual styles
will vary,
but the following four points should be kept in mind:
*you need to build trust & credibility with thorough knowledge
of your business and with straight forward talk about realistic
*don't over-sell or indulge in hype as many people are expecting
this and it can be an immediate turn-off
*send messages with at least one open-ended question that
requires a response
*keep the messages fairly brief, long winded messages that go on
and on quite frequently will not be read
One other thing to keep in mind is that your messages may not
even be reaching the intended recipient and they have no
opportunity to give you a reply. At the end of your messages
you might want to ask the recipient to send you a return email
just saying "got it".
We all agree that spam is a very serious problem. These days,
many email providers and ISPs have appointed themselves to be the
"information police" and are employing various schemes to try to
recognize and block messages that constitute spam.
Unfortunately, these mail filtering or blocking techniques are
often very inaccurate and many messages that people actually want
to receive are arbitrarily being sent off into the ozone.
I have some first hand experience with this situation. Not long
ago, the ISP that my mother was using suddenly decided that she
would not be allowed to receive messages from me! It took us a
while to figure out what was going on, but once we did, that ISP
was going to soon become history as far as my mother was
In the final analysis, all you can do is give it your best shot.
Some people will respond, some won't...and the beat goes on.
Remember, it's nothing personal, just human nature at work.
About the author:
Kirk Bannerman operates a successful home based business and coaches others seeking to start their own home based business. Visit his website at Legitimate Home Based Business for more details.
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Wired News: Spam Blocker Has Opposite Effect |
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Organized collection of news, reviews and links about unsolicited bulk email (spam). |
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Open-source spam-blocker gets high marks at Cornell |
Cornell University's management school is getting ready to deploy an open-source antispam tool that its CIO claims is 99% effective in blocking unwanted ... |
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