7 Ways To Stay Spiritually Balanced
When we find spirituality, or if it finds us, the experience feels surreal. We begin to feel like we're walking on a tightrope between two different worlds. We become ungrounded and loose touch with the physical side of life. When our spiritual...
A Kernel of Truth about Relationships: 5 steps to improvement
“It’s all about relationships!” proclaimed my father during our recent holiday visit with my parents. Santa Claus coffee cup in one hand and a wagging finger toward my wife, Elizabeth, with the other. “When you retire, that’s what you realize is...
Adam as Jesus
Sometimes things will be given to me to know and I feel it is a new revelation just to find others had already received it from Spirit. Regardless, it is always exciting to receive deep mysteries from Creator.
Several years ago someone asked...
Eliminating Trans-fatty Chaos
Eliminating Trans-fatty Chaos
Not all chaos is bad, true if you ask the universe, itself in states of chaos. The stars beyond exist in a swirling soup of tumbling energy, opening outward in rhythmic bliss. But some chaos, like some fats, are not...
Ritual What rituals do you have in your life? We all have them. Do you always add cream and sugar to your cup before you pour in the coffee? Do you never leave the house without making your bed? Do you have a cup of tea before retiring? Do you...
Mindfulness and Neuroscience: Let's Make A Deal
It seems that everyone is talking about mindfulness lately. Have
you heard?
*The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society is working with a
number of groups--college faculty, attorneys and judges, social
justice workers, business leaders, youth and those who work with
young people--to encourage the incorporation of contemplative
practices in a variety of settings.
*Film director David Lynch is traveling across the U.S. offering
presentations and podcasts about the power of Transcendental
*Colleges such as Portland State University in Oregon are
offering meditation classes at no charge to any interested
students. The focus is on stress-reduction, not spirituality.
*Goldie Hawn's organization, the Bright Light Foundation, is
studying the effects of mindfulness education in students in the
Vancouver, B.C. area. The program teaches a series of simple
techniques designed to enhance self awareness, focused
attention, self regulation and stress reduction.
Mindfulness is popping up in surprising places as the buzz moves
from meditation to everyday ways to increase awareness. In the
last week alone, I have been interviewed for forthcoming
articles in Self, Vibrant Life, Woman's Day, Family Circle,
Health, and even Sly, Sylvester Stallone's magazine for mid-life
But the greatest buzz of all comes thanks to the Dalai Lama and
his invitation to speak at the annual convention of the Society
for Neuroscience last week. Hundreds of scientists signed a
petition against his selection as the speaker, citing a conflict
between science and religion.
As a serious student of science, the Dalai Lama has been
actively encouraging mind/body research for many years. He feels
that learning more about what happens during meditation will
help shed light on the ways in which the brain processes
information and responds to focused attention, and
the findings
may prove useful in alleviating human suffering.
Those who are worried about blurring the line between science
and religion would do well to embrace a little temporary
fuzziness for the greater good. In an editorial published in
both The New York Times and the International Herald Tribune,
the Dalai Lama says: "If science proves some belief of Buddhism
wrong, then Buddhism will have to change."
Wow. Now there's a guy who is not attached to the outcome. He's
simply seeking to learn as much as he can and wants to see that
new information shared with everyone who might benefit from it.
Neuroscience has much to gain by opening to new discoveries, but
in order to do so, researchers must be willing to question their
own theories if findings do not support them.
Let's make a deal: Neuroscientists will do research. People will
meditate. We will all learn about meditation and mindfulness and
attention as best we can and share what we find.
We'll keep at it until we come to a greater understanding of
what it means to be mindful and how that might affect the brain.
And we'll look forward to reading all about it in Playboy and
Popular Science, in People and Parents and Pro Football Weekly.
We won't stop questioning and studying and sharing until
mindfulness is discussed by all kinds of people while they sip
milk or mint tea, Mountain Dew or mocha cappucino, merlot or
Miller beer.
About the author:
Maya Talisman Frost has taught thousands of people how to pay
attention. Her playful, eyes-wide-open approach to everyday
mindfulness has been featured in over 150 publications
worldwide, and her free weekly ezine, the Friday Mind Massage,
offers clarity, comfort and comic relief to subscribers in over
100 countries. To read her free tips for practical awareness,
visit http://www.Real-WorldMindfulness.com.
Spirituality.com: from the Christian Science Publishing Society |
Christian Science Publishing Society presents spirituality.com -- practical spirituality and healing prayer explored through feature articles, ... |
www.spirituality.com |
Spirituality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Spirituality, in a narrow sense, concerns itself with matters of the spirit. The spiritual, involving (as it may) perceived eternal verities regarding ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
SFT - December 2006 - Home Page |
Spirituality for Today is an interactive monthly magazine dedicated to a variety of current themes and questions concerning the Christian faith in this ... |
www.spirituality.org |
Spirituality & Health |
Ideas and advice about practices, products, self-tests, news and essays, and a virtual community dedicated to leading a more spiritually fulfilling and ... |
www.spiritualityhealth.com |
Indiatimes - Spirituality |
You can consult our panel of experts on spiritual and mental probems. ... Jagjit Singh: Spirituality is a way of life I have faith in a Higher Power, ... |
spirituality.indiatimes.com |
A general overview with quotes, essays, and links. |
www.religioustolerance.org |
In-depth article defines the New Age movement and some of the core beliefs, explains the traditions from which it is rooted, describes the confusions caused ... |
www.religioustolerance.org |
Spirituality - kabbalah inspiration prayer |
Add inspiration to your life by discovering jewish spirituality, kabbalah and prayer on aish.com. Read a daily lift and be inspired. |
www.aish.com |
All Things Spiritual Directory |
A searchable directory of thousands of spiritual and religious websites. Includes all major topic areas relating to spirituality and religion, ... |
www.allspiritual.com |
Holistic Spirituality -- Beliefnet.com |
Holistic Spirituality Homepage. ... Holistic Spirituality. The Past Life of Your First Kiss. Interview by Laura Sheahen. With a new book on reincarnation, ... |
www.beliefnet.com |
Beliefnet.com |
Features articles on God, faith, prayer, the nature of spirituality, society and ethics, with numerous resources. All religions respected. |
www.beliefnet.com |
Religion and Spirituality in the Yahoo! Directory |
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to Religion and Spirituality. |
dir.yahoo.com |
About - Religion & Spirituality |
Get information and resources on spirituality and world religions from Christianity to Islam to Judaism. Our religious experts offer insight on where ... |
about.com |
Spirituality |
The Orthodox Church proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the Greek language, the word for Gospel is Evangelion which means literally "the good news. |
www.goarch.org |
reasoned spirituality a logical exploration of life |
A philosophical exploration of spirituality, human behaviour, and the quest for the meaning of life. |
www.reasoned.org |
Spirituality - AllAboutSpirituality.org |
Spirituality - Learn about the spirit world and why people are fascinated by mystical experiences. Discover a real and personal spirituality. |
www.allaboutspirituality.org |
Spirituality |
The three foundational characteristics of spirituality are Faith, ... Join forces with others who have a healthy spirituality in their own lives. ... |
www.coping.org |
.:: Jesus : spirituality::. |
This section of rejesus.co.uk focuses on prayer and meditation offering resources for daily prayer, learning about spirituality and a virtual labyrinth to ... |
www.rejesus.co.uk |
Science of Spirituality |
An organization committed to a spiritual way of life based on meditation and service to others. News, events, and resources. |
www.sos.org |
Spirituality: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
See all blog posts tagged with spirituality on Technorati. |
www.technorati.com |