Making Outsized Returns in the Stock Market - Using the Dow Theory
The Dow Theory
Charles H. Dow
Robert Rhea
E. George Schaefer
Richard Russell
The Dow Theory Today
Charles H. Dow
It is interesting and amazing to note that not until Charles Dow started compiling the Dow Jones Industrial and...
Mid-Cap Stocks: Asset Class with an Identity Crises
Much like the middle child, mid-cap stocks have long struggled to find their identity. Carved out from the upper echelons of the small caps and the lower end of the large caps, the mid-cap sector has a rough definition of stock with a market...
Secrets Behind Interest Only Loans: Lower Payments, But Are They Right for You?
Interest Only loans gained widespread popularity in 2003 when FannieMae, the largest purchaser of secondary market home loans, provided guidelines to wholesalers for purchasing them. FannieMae calls it Interest First also known as Interest Only...
Seven Investment Terms Everyone Should Know
For those who have never given their financial future a second thought, the term "Financial Planning" could be a scary one. Investments can be a smart way to invest money for your future, but it can be confusing for those who have no experience in...
Wayne Rogers: From Actor To Super Investor
Wayne Rogers: From Actor To Super Investor By Bill Knell It took a tragedy not far removed from Wayne Rogers to wake him up when it came to money and how to handle it. According to an interview he gave to the Financial Intelligence Report, Wayne...
Personal Finance Worries?
Are you nervous about your personal finances? The irrational exuberance of the 90s that led to double-digit gains for almost any investment portfolio is over. Now, you might consider yourself fortunate if your investments are losing less than the S&P 500. Add investment worry to the regular personal finance worries of meeting your monthly budget, slaying the debt dragon, and starting/building that elusive emergency fund. Will your savings and investments be able to meet your retirement, children’s college funds, and other goals? Although no one can see the future, there are things that you can do to reduce your worries.
Knowledge Is Power
Learn and become more skilled in financial matters. The best way to improve your financial education is to read personal-finance magazines, books, and even newspapers. The educational materials sent out by mutual-fund companies and brokerages are also valuable. You may come across conflicting information and advice, but if you read widely, you will eventually get a better idea of how to manage your money.
Do-it-yourselfers are not the only people who can benefit from learning more. If you use a financial planner and yet are knowledgeable about investments, insurance, etc., you are more likely to end up with a solid financial plan. If you find yourself teamed up with a inadequate or unethical adviser, and you have a good understanding of investing, you
are more likely to recognize bad advice.
Fear Creates Worry
"Greed is good!" says Gordon Gecko (Michael Douglas) in Wall Street. Recent investment losses, corporate scandals, and a stagnant economy refute that statement. Instead, a warning is emerging in personal finance forums as we search and hope for indications that relief is in sight. Fear is bad! Fear has driven many investors either to dump stocks and load up on bonds, certificates of deposit and other conservative investments or, even worse, to stop saving and investing. This creates new problems. People will be incapable of achieving their long-term financial goals because their portfolio may now be so conservative that it won't deliver the returns needed to retire in comfort, or they are simply saving too little. Faced with this fear and uncertainty, financial knowledge is more important than ever. Instead of reacting to the market’s ups and downs, learn more about the characteristics of stocks, bonds, and other investments; as well as the broad array of personal finance and money management topics.
------------------- About The Author -------------------
This review is courtesy of John Q. Miller at http://www.JQmarketing.com where you can find out how to create your own (no writing required) newsletter and earn multiple streams of Internet income.
About the Author
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