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Entrepreneur to Employer - Considerations
You make the decision to go into business and for some time work from home or in leased premises and your business starts to grow.
Like all businesses you experience growing pains. Cash Flow is sometimes tight, customers come in ebbs and flows but you continue to make progress.
You win a few major contracts and at the back of your mind you realise you need to make some important decisions for the future.
Your hours at work have been steadily increasing and the reason you went into business, lifestyle, more time with the children, sport, or whatever your passion is, these important parts of your life have been dropping off lately and you find yourself getting resentful. Take control!
So how do you make the jump from entrepreneur to employer?
Employing someone in your business for the first time brings with it obligations and responsibilities. It is exciting, has possibilities and can result in considerable reward! Do your planning and sums first before making the leap.
Some responsibilities you need to consider are;
1.Cash Flow 2.Work flow (customers) 3.Business plan and mission. value statement 4.Federal and State employment laws 5.Workplace Health & Safety 6.Insurances 7.Premises (do you need larger premises) 8.Business cards marketing, office supplies 9.Assets and Equipment 10.Your personal stress tolerances
1.Cash Flow The old adage that ‘cash is king’ is true.
2.Work Flow Do you have enough work in the pipeline to fund your business expansion and sufficient work and marketing processes to ensure the work flow continues.
3.Business Plan, Mission & Value Statements Your business plan should be revisited to ensure that you are working in alignment with your medium to longer term objectives.
4.Federal & State Employment Laws When you
think about employing someone for the first time you must consider the employment laws.
5.Workplace Health & Safety You must consider workplace health and safety obligations when employing someone.
6.Insurances Have you considered insurances? Doctors, Dentists, Accountants and other professional bodies have specific requirements. Check these out!
7.Premises Employing someone may result in your need to source larger premises or make alterations to your existing premises. Do your sums.
8.Business cards marketing, office supplies Do you need to purchase business cards, new stationary, office supplies and what is the cost?
9.Assets and Equipment Consider assets and equipment.
10.Your personal stress tolerances Do not underestimate the personal stress that you may experience as the result of employing someone.
Take advice sooner than later and be encouraged. Many others have trod the same path and succeeded.
Finally employing someone is exciting and while there are challenges there are opportunities. Sales, Profit and more time for you can become a possibility and reality.
Just do your sums and plan your opportunity with eyes open.
Biz Momentum has helped a number of businesses with their transition to employer status. Speak to us today to see what we can do for you! WE can be your one stop shop for all your employment advice!
see www.biz-momentum.com for more helpful small business articles!
About the Author
Philip Lye is Director of Biz Momentum, Brisbane, Australia. He is a Certified Professional Human Resources Advisor and an Accountant. Biz Momentum provides strategic human resource management and employee relations advice to small to medium enterprises.Biz Momentum undertakes international work and business coaching. www.biz-momentum.com
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Adapted from the Field Guide to Nonprofit Strategic Planning and Facilitation. ... First, a Point About For-Profit and Nonprofit Strategic Planning ... |
www.managementhelp.org |
Basic Description of Strategic Planning (including key terms to know) |
Adapted from the Field Guide to Nonprofit Strategic Planning and Facilitation. ... Strategic planning often includes use of several key terms. ... |
www.managementhelp.org |
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Strategic planning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Strategic planning involves defining objectives and developing ... Strategic planning uses "the big picture" to pursue large scale, long term objectives. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
You guessed it: strategic planning. Suddenly, the idea of rising above the ... But if strategic planning is back with a vengeance, it's also back with a ... |
www.businessweek.com |
Dr. Strategy - Dr. Pete Johnson, Keynote Speaker, Marketing ... |
StrategicPlanning.com “Turning Change Into A Competitive Advantage”. Dr. Pete's Preview Video Click Here. Take-Away Value Sample Program Handouts ... |
strategicplanning.com |
Strategic Planning Society: Strategy Development and Implementation |
Strategic Planning Society: Strategy Development and Implementation. |
www.sps.org.uk |
Guide 7 |
Strategic Planning in Smaller Nonprofit Organizations ... In short, as a result of a strategic planning process, an organization will have a clearer idea of ... |
www.wmich.edu |
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Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. |
BPubs.com: Strategic Planning & Business Planning Articles |
Business Publications related to Corporate Strategic Planning. |
www.bpubs.com |
Strategic Planning Tools |
Strategic Planning is a method for positioning an organization to take ... A strategic planning process incorporates an in-depth planning model that takes ... |
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Center for Simplified Strategic Planning, Inc. |
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www.cssp.com |
LEADERSHIP: Strategic Planning and Strategic Management |
Introduction: Is strategic planning really worth it? ... The purpose of strategic planning is to encourage thinking about your organization's "big ... |
vskn.ca |
The CEO Refresher Archives - Strategic Planning |
When done right, the integrated strategic planning process can take a ... Strategic Planning and Project Management: The Key to Successful Implementation ... |
www.refresher.com |
HEFCE : Publications : 2000 : 00/24 - Strategic planning in higher ... |
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www.hefce.ac.uk |
The Association for Strategic Planning |
The Association for Strategic Planning (ASP), is a non-profit professional society whose mission is to enable people and organizations to succeed through ... |
www.strategyplus.org |
Amazon.com: Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations: A ... |
Amazon.com: Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations: A Practical Guide and Workbook: Books: Michael Allison,Jude Kaye by Michael Allison,Jude Kaye. |
www.amazon.com |
Amazon.com: Simplified Strategic Planning: A No-Nonsense Guide for ... |
Amazon.com: Simplified Strategic Planning: A No-Nonsense Guide for Busy People Who Want Results Fast!: Books: Robert W. Bradford,Robert W. Bradford,J. Peter ... |
www.amazon.com |