Cash Flow, Profits And The Cash Conversion Cycle
Calculating cash flow is one of the most important tasks of the business owner. Revenue and expenses are rarely constant in a business and cash requirements need to be planned for shortfalls, seasonal factors or one time large payments. At the...
Profit - The Goal and More Than Margins!
Small business owners, executives, and managers are always being challenged to maximize performance. Yet so many strive for the all important increasing sales without considering the best way to achieve what keeps all companies in business . . ....
Quality consulting major consumer products company
Organizational TQM Assessment The executive staff was trained on the key components of the Malcolm Baldridge criteria, and facilitated discussions that resulted in a baseline evaluation of the organization's TQM implementation. The Baldrige...
You started your company 20 years ago “in your garage”, worked many 80 hour weeks, bootstrapped your growth, view your company with the pride of an entrepreneur, and are now considering your exit. The purpose of this article is to help you evaluate...
What could Macedonia Learn from a Tiger? The Asian Tigers and the Phenomenon of Uninterrupted Economic Growth
The first reaction of economies in transition is a sharp decline in their production, mainly in industrial production. In the countries which attained independence with the demise of the British Empire (where the sun never set) - industrial...
Profit - The Goal and More Than Margins!
Small business owners, executives, and managers are always being challenged to maximize performance. Yet so many strive for the all important increasing sales without considering the best way to achieve what keeps all companies in business . . . PROFIT. Profit or net income before taxes are what every business should be striving for whether you are a small Internet based company or a multi-billion revenue corporation. And while sales are relative to the size of budget, profit is the true measure of success. Even Internet IPO success stories . . . like Amazon.com will be short lived, if profitability is not achieved before investors' patience become critical. The stock price can go just so high if there is not the means to pay dividends. Eventually, the treasure chest that is being robbed to pay Peter will become empty. (BTW - I am not suggesting that Amazon will not maintain its success story. It is just a fact of business life that the bottom-line must be black more than red for any business to remain solvent.) The same applies to a small business . . . if it does not have the profits to provide salary increases and basic benefits for its employees let alone for growth. Unfortunately many good entrepreneurs fail to see how these two aspects can be so intertwined that even a very profitable small company can quickly see itself slip away when employees are not rewarded for the profits they generate. It is not just the margin of a product and/or service, but how a company might save money through vendor selection, policy development, or other means. Moreover, incentive programs, affordable benefits, and other humanistic programs can produce profits above their cost because of employees
striving to do their best for the company. (Yes . . . an oversimplification that is limited by the size of the company and the financial ability to provide. However, one must start some where to build towards greater success and profits along with retaining good employees.) Educate yourself and at least your key employees . . . by keeping abreast of competitive developments; new marketing techniques; new business and Internet software programs; new business trends; possible strategic alliances, partnerships, and acquisitions; listening to your customers, and anything else, including outside assistance, that might be the difference in maximizing profits. It also means that short-term income might have to be sacrificed to achieve long-term annual net income. Strategic planning . . . is an excellent business discipline that will help even a small business to educate and guide itself. Developed and implemented properly, it becomes the road map to optimizing profit associated with the sales forecast and minimizing loss during severe economic and/or competitive situations. So never forget that while dollar sales are great, they must result in a profit. (Time does not permit my thoughts about percentage profit versus dollar profit.) Wishing you good profiting online and offline!
About the Author
David Bancroft is president of FOCUS Associates (http://www.focusa.com), a business and marketing consulting firm and is the founder of the popular guide and free promotional service, AWARD SITES! (http://www.awardsites.com). He has also authored several other published articles and two mainstream action thriller fictions (http://www.focusa.com/_novels/intro.htm) waiting for a publisher.
Strategic Planning (in nonprofit or for-profit organizations) |
Adapted from the Field Guide to Nonprofit Strategic Planning and Facilitation. ... First, a Point About For-Profit and Nonprofit Strategic Planning ... |
www.managementhelp.org |
Basic Description of Strategic Planning (including key terms to know) |
Adapted from the Field Guide to Nonprofit Strategic Planning and Facilitation. ... Strategic planning often includes use of several key terms. ... |
www.managementhelp.org |
Strategic Planning, Strategic Plan, Business Strategy, Strategic ... |
Strategic planning advice with free strategic planner & sample strategic plan covering mission statement, SWOT analysis with business plan software for cash ... |
www.planware.org |
Strategic Planning |
FAQs regarding strategic planning - geared primarily toward non-profit organizations but with enough detail and general information to provide useful ... |
www.allianceonline.org |
Frequently Asked Questions |
Strategic Planning · Fundraising · Financial Management · Risk Management · Credit Card Acceptance. The FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) listed on this ... |
www.allianceonline.org |
Strategic planning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Strategic planning involves defining objectives and developing ... Strategic planning uses "the big picture" to pursue large scale, long term objectives. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
You guessed it: strategic planning. Suddenly, the idea of rising above the ... But if strategic planning is back with a vengeance, it's also back with a ... |
www.businessweek.com |
Dr. Strategy - Dr. Pete Johnson, Keynote Speaker, Marketing ... |
StrategicPlanning.com “Turning Change Into A Competitive Advantage”. Dr. Pete's Preview Video Click Here. Take-Away Value Sample Program Handouts ... |
strategicplanning.com |
Strategic Planning Society: Strategy Development and Implementation |
Strategic Planning Society: Strategy Development and Implementation. |
www.sps.org.uk |
Guide 7 |
Strategic Planning in Smaller Nonprofit Organizations ... In short, as a result of a strategic planning process, an organization will have a clearer idea of ... |
www.wmich.edu |
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Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. |
BPubs.com: Strategic Planning & Business Planning Articles |
Business Publications related to Corporate Strategic Planning. |
www.bpubs.com |
Strategic Planning Tools |
Strategic Planning is a method for positioning an organization to take ... A strategic planning process incorporates an in-depth planning model that takes ... |
www.nsba.org |
Center for Simplified Strategic Planning, Inc. |
The Center for Simplified Strategic Planning offers training, seminars, consulting, speakers, workshops, a book and a newsletter on strategic management for ... |
www.cssp.com |
LEADERSHIP: Strategic Planning and Strategic Management |
Introduction: Is strategic planning really worth it? ... The purpose of strategic planning is to encourage thinking about your organization's "big ... |
vskn.ca |
The CEO Refresher Archives - Strategic Planning |
When done right, the integrated strategic planning process can take a ... Strategic Planning and Project Management: The Key to Successful Implementation ... |
www.refresher.com |
HEFCE : Publications : 2000 : 00/24 - Strategic planning in higher ... |
This guide reviews good practice in strategic planning in higher education (HE). It originated in a consultation exercise which we held in 1998 to review ... |
www.hefce.ac.uk |
The Association for Strategic Planning |
The Association for Strategic Planning (ASP), is a non-profit professional society whose mission is to enable people and organizations to succeed through ... |
www.strategyplus.org |
Amazon.com: Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations: A ... |
Amazon.com: Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations: A Practical Guide and Workbook: Books: Michael Allison,Jude Kaye by Michael Allison,Jude Kaye. |
www.amazon.com |
Amazon.com: Simplified Strategic Planning: A No-Nonsense Guide for ... |
Amazon.com: Simplified Strategic Planning: A No-Nonsense Guide for Busy People Who Want Results Fast!: Books: Robert W. Bradford,Robert W. Bradford,J. Peter ... |
www.amazon.com |