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What is a Trainer? What is a Facilitator?
What is a Trainer? What is a Facilitator?
Recently, I've noticed that some corporations call their
trainers "facilitators." I can only assume this is meant to be
shorthand for "facilitator of learning." However, is
"facilitator" really an appropriate term when the "facilitator"
uses only lecture and Power Point? Are facilitating a strategic
planning session and teaching someone how to do that really the
same thing?
Even the roots of the two words interplay. "Educe," the root of
"educate," literally means "to bring out." That is what the best
trainers do...but isn't it also what facilitators do? The root
of "facilitate," of course, is "facile," or to make a process
"easy." The best trainers seem to make learning easy, don't they?
It's no wonder confusion exists. The greatest trainers and
facilitators do share many characteristics and behaviors.
However, I believe the role of trainer and facilitator are
ineluctably different and that it's important to distinguish
between them. This will not only help reduce confusion about the
terms, but (more importantly, to me-) ensure they retain real
Let's Talk Terms
Even though the term "training" is broadly accepted for the
field of adult education, some in our field argue that
"training" itself is an unacceptable word. They argue that the
word conjures up "dog training" or other potentially
de-humanizing acts.
Others in the field of adult education differentiate between
terms training, instruction and education, but conclude that all
are necessary to help people learn. (Stolovitch and Keeps,
2002.) Most adult educators use "train" as an umbrella term for
what they do.
4 Major Differences Between Facilitator and Trainer Roles
Great Facilitator
-Is not necessarily a content expert.
-Is an expert in many forms of group process (including
inter-and-intra-group conflict resolution, strategic planning,
team building, etc.)
-Often helps the group to define and verbalize its own outcomes
(e.g. to solve a specific problem or develop a new procedure.)
-When outcomes are externally prescribed, helps the group
develop, implement and "own" action steps to achieve the
-Sees facilitation as a process to help achieve specific "bits"
broad organizational goals.
Great Adult Educator (Trainer)
-Is a content expert.
-Is not necessarily expert in many forms of group process.
Instead, continually develops new methods to help participants
achieve specific learning outcomes.
-Most often in corporate, organizational or higher education
settings, the trainer does not help each learner group establish
its own learning outcomes. (That's a whole other approach,
called Popular Education.) However, the trainer may be involved
in implementing and/or analyzing the results of training needs
-Often focuses on training's impact on actual, discrete job
performance or tasks. Trainer may evaluate training's
effectiveness long after the training event takes place.
Elements the Two Roles Share
Both great facilitators and the best trainers...
-Help the group achieve specific outcomes through the use of
active, participatory, participant-centered methods.
-Regularly evaluate the process in real time, and can measure
how well the participants achieved the stated outcomes at the
end of the process.
-Have made themselves familiar with the organizational culture
and context in which they are working, and ensure the processes
"fit" that culture.
-Stimulate dialogue and interaction between participants, not
just between themselves and the participants.
In this article, I've tried to scratch the surface of
similarities and differences between facilitation and training.
I believe passionately in the value of each. Both can help us
understand ourselves, each other, our work, and the world
better. Beyond that, they play different roles in the workplace
and community.
Do you think it's important to make distinctions between
facilitation and training? As usual, I look forward to your
input and comments about these issues. Please contact me at
guila@guilamuir.com with your arguments and insights!
About the author:
Guila Muir pumps up your facilitation and training skills!
Helping people to facilitate and present since 1989, Guila
provides tools, tips, and techniques to master any situation.
Sign up for her free e-newsletter, full of strategies to improve
your facilitation and training skills, at
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Guide 7 |
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