Good Living and Health Tips Newsletter
September 20,2005 -- Issue 001
Most of us today experience stress in a variety of forms and
intensities. Some stress can actually work in a positive way to
motivate us and give us energy. However, too much stress, or
certain types of stress have negative effects that usually impact
many, if not all, aspects of our lives.
Stress is primarily an opportunity to take stock of your current
life situation and choose to change one or more things. Here are
some activities you might do help reduce the negative effects
of stress.
1. Don't be afraid of stress. Learn to notice it and name it for
what it is. It brings you messages and opportunities!
2. One way to look at it is as a message to you to ask yourself:
-What is this trying to tell me about my priorities in life right
-What does this suggest about balance (body, mind, spirit, earning
a living, material, together time, alone time, etc.) Where do I
need more / less attention and time?
-What message might this bring about the way I interact with
people at work, home, etc.?
-What messages do I tell myself that contribute to my stress?
-What other messages /lessons are in it for me at this time?
3. Set realistic goals.
4. Realize that everyone makes mistakes and that you cannot do
everything perfectly all the time (and neither can your boss,
employees, co-workers, spouse or children!)
5. Set priorities, and then take one thing at a time. Do one thing,
and when you finish that, do the next.
6. Read Stephen Covey's book: First Things First for great info on
setting priorities, learning a way of time management that is
simple and effective, and learn how to prioritize according to
your personal and organizational vision. (Also tells you how
to create your vision)
7. Talk over a stressful situation with someone you trust.
8. Have a good cry -- science says that tears actually get rid
of chemicals in body created by stress!
9. Keep out alot of the "shoulds", "oughts" "have to" phrases in
your internal and external speaking.
10. When you notice yourself putting yourself or someone else down, "awfulizing" things, etc, say "STOP" and say, "this is not
true because. . ." (find at least 1 reason why it's not totally
11. If you find yourself reacting to feedback from others, tell
them the best way to give you suggestions and feedback. Criticism
is never constructive. Specific suggestions, information, can be. (Supervisors: make sure you also let people know regularly when
they are doing a good job!)
12. Eliminate blame and criticism.
13. Express appreciation of and to others.
14. Do something nice for someone else.
15. Use the basic Intentional Dialogue skills in stressful
interpersonal situations:
Mirror: Say back the essence of what the other person is saying,
using their words (outline form).
Express Understanding: Let them know it makes sense to you because
. . . (This does not mean that you agree. You are simply trying to
understand the situation from the other person's point of view,
no matter how different it is from yours.)
Empathize: Guess how it might make them feel when whatever they
are upset about happens.
(A more structured form of Intentional Dialogue is offered here.
However, you can use the basic skills in a less formal way in
work or social situations.)
16. Don't mind-read or expect others to guess what you want or
think just like you do. Be clear and specific in your requests
and instructions. Seek clarity from others.
17. Continually choose to create emotional "safety" for other
people. (It will increase your own safety!)
18. Let others help you -- and tell them specific things they
can do to help.
19. Keep a diary for a few weeks, noting
stressful or frustrating
situations, what happened, what you thought, what you felt,
how you reacted. Look for patterns and underlying themes and then
come up with at least 3 positive, specific and time-limited steps
you can do to get what you need.
20. Find a "relaxation script" that you like (or create one) and
USE it. (Progressively relaxes muscles groups, relaxing scenes,
etc. Can usually find in books on relaxation or guided imagery.
Also can buy tapes already made.)
21. Get a massage from a licensed massage therapist.
22. Use meditation, and / or creative visualization.
23. Eliminate or greatly reduce caffeine intake.
24. Get plenty of rest.
25. Take a vacation -- whether for 30 minutes, a day, a weekend,
or more! Do nothing or do something you love and find relaxing.
26. Schedule time for yourself and make sure you keep the
appointment! Make it a priority.
27. Exercise or do some physical activity. Move your body!
28. Simplify your life. Keep your responsibilities and obligations
outside work and family to a minimum.
29. At work, set priorities, meet deadlines, and look for creative
solutions to stressful situations.
30. Re-frame 'problems' into opportunities and lessons for growth.
Re-frame negative situations into positive ones.
31. Laugh and have fun. Lighten up and spread it around.
32. Nurture yourself, treat yourself to something you like.
33. Nurture yourself spiritually, in whatever way is meaningful
for you.
34. Remember that you have the power to co-create your life!
No matter what the circumstance, you can still have power over
the attitude you take towards it.
"Tell Me What You Think!"
I would love to hear what you think of this issue!
Please send your comments,questions,and ideas for upcoming
issues to me at :
Your feedback matters to me!
Quote of the Day:
"Let us be about setting high standards for life, love,
creativity, and wisdom. If our expectations in these areas
are low, we are not likely to experience wellness. Setting
high standards makes every day and every decade worth
looking forward to." -- Greg Anderson
Warm regards,
Joshua Ssengonzi
P.S. Try this nutritional supplement since it relieves stress:
Veriuni Ginseng Energy Supplement:
Some of its benefits are;
* Increases energy and alertness.
* Strengthens immune function.
* Relieves stress and improves oxygen levels.
* Acts as an antidepressant.
* Increases sexual interest.
* Mobilizes blood sugar from the liver.
* Promotes a healthy nervous system.
It really works to relieve stress!
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MR SSENGONZI JOSHUA,is a Ugandan currently living in his mother country.He usually publishes articles about health and good living. He has particular interests in inspiring people and help people achieve the best health conditions.He loves playing cricket,chess and watching football in his spare time. He is a fanatical supporter of liverpool football club.