Growing Faster Than Your Cash Flow? Let Factoring Fund Your Next Expansion!
Why wait weeks or months to get paid by your clients when you can access your money in a matter of days by factoring your invoices. When a business factors their invoices, they are allowing a third party to purchase their invoices at a discount...
Hawala, or The Bank That Never Was
In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the USA, attention was drawn to the age-old, secretive, and globe-spanning banking system developed in Asia and known as "Hawala" (to change, in Arabic). It is based on a...
The Time Value of Money
Life is about decisions, whether they relate to your work,
business or personal life. Often ignored is the interplay
between all these areas, and the fact that a little
interdisciplinary thinking can go a long way. This might sound
obtuse, but...
To Factor or Not to Factor?
The purchasing of accounts receivable (invoices) is generally known as factoring. Businesses can sell their invoices to companies known as factors. Although not all businesses are familiar with factoring, historians claim that factoring dates back...
When to Sell Your Structured Settlement
A structured settlement often follows a life changing incident,
whether it be positive or negative. Due to these circumstances,
you may be faced with the need for a large lump sum payment
rather than small monthly payments over a number of years....
The Absolute Best Time To Sell Your Note
The Absolute Best Time To Sell Your Note
A note investment represents a valuable asset, and the decision
to sell can only be answered based on individual needs. It's a
fact that interest rates are now at an all time low, so
investors find notes that were financed under better terms more
attractive and without a doubt will pay more for the notes. If
you plan on keeping your note for the long haul, it is in your
best interest to manage it to the best of your abilities.
This means educating yourself, and having a strategy set in
place for when the borrower starts paying slow or stops paying
you all together. Research shows that around 37% of all
borrowers that are 60 days late on their note payments will
continue to be late. Also, studies show that about 21% of all
borrowers who are 60 days late on their payments will go into
default, then foreclosure.
The #1 mistake you may encounter as a note holder will occur if
you fail to do your homework at the beginning of the process. If
you did an inadequate job in obtaining as much information as
possible on the borrower's credit history, or failed to
structure the note for your protection, selling your note should
be an option to consider. Also, if you failed to facilitate an
exit strategy in the event of changing circumstances, this may
also be the best time to consider selling your note.
If you have a hard time keeping tabs on critical dates such as
tax payments and insurance renewals, you need to re-evaluate
your job as a note holder. Being a note holder is a full time
job, because like a job, your note provides you a monthly
income. The person who pays you monthly on your note should have
a copy of your collection process should there be a late payment
or problems making payments according to your agreement. If the
borrower provides you with signs that indicate future problems,
you may consider
It's a known fact that the majority of note holders really never
wanted the note in the first place, and once they realized the
inherent risks involved decide to sell. The savvy note holders
learn from their mistakes and get out from under a poorly
structured note or one with potential problems before it's too
late. There are several good questions you need to ask yourself
to determine if holding your note is a good idea, or if you
would be better off if you sold it. Here are a few questions to
* Do you understand the risks involved in holding a note? *
Would you be affected if there were a breach in payments? * Do
you have any debt that you are paying interest on? * Is the
interest on that debt higher than the interest you are
collecting on your note? * How many more payments are due to
you, and will you need some cash before the end of the contract?
* What are you doing with the monthly income from your note? Are
you squandering the money or do you have the discipline to
invest this money into other cash flows, savings, vacation, etc?
© 2005 by Richard Wills
This article was written by Richard Wills, CEO at Charter West
Investments. He has written numerous articles and provided
financial and marketing consultation to countless individuals
and companies over the past 17 years. To learn more about cash
flow assets, visit: http://www.a-znotebuyer.com
About the author:
Richard Wills is an expert in private Real Estate Financing and
cash flow settlements. He is a former Licensed Real Estate
Professional and Bail Agent for the state of California, as well
as a noted author and consultant. He has helped 100s of business
owners, real estate professionals, attorneys, financial
planners, accountants and others, in converting paper assets
into cash. To learn more about cash flow assets, please visit
National Structured Settlements Trade Association (NSSTA) |
Provides structured settlements using periodic payments to resolve claims. |
www.nssta.com |
Structured Settlements |
Setting up structured settlements for personal injury claims. |
ilf.hartfordlife.com |
Structured Settlements, Structured Annuity, Structured Settlement ... |
Full-service plaintiff structured settlement firm since 1986, providing services and strategies for personal injury lawyers and clients during the ... |
www.structuredsettlements.org |
Structured Settlements | Annuity Purchasers |
Structured Settlement Buyers. Purchasers specializing in structured settlements and lottery winnings. Site contains attorney, broker and investor ... |
www.ppicash.com |
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Annuity Transfers Homepage - Buyer of Structured Settlements · Home | Sell Your Payments | Brokers | Investors | Testimonials ... |
www.annuitytransfers.com |
EPS Structured Settlements Group: A Structured Settlements Company ... |
EPS Settlements Group is located in Denver, Colorado and is a founder of the structured settlements industry. |
www.epssettlements.com |
Mckellar :: Structured Settlements |
News. ... Skip Intro Always >> |
www.mckellar.com |
The Structured Settlement - What You Need To Know |
About two thirds of states have enacted laws which restict the sale of structured settlements, and tax-free structured settlements are also subject to ... |
www.expertlaw.com |
Settlement Capital Corporation - sell structured settlements,sell ... |
Direct purchaser of structured settlements and other annuities. |
www.setcap.com |
John Hancock Insurance and Financial Services :: Explore Our ... |
A structured settlements annuity provides injury victims or the victim's ... John Hancock Structured Settlements and Attorney Fee Annuities are just two ... |
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Structured Settlements - Prudential Financial |
Your company may become liable to pay a settlement as the result of a legal proceeding. A Structured Settlement Annuity provides ongoing periodic payments ... |
www.prudential.com |
Finance - Structured-Settlements Ezine Articles |
EzineArticles.com allows ezine or email list publishers to upload or download free expert content that can be used within email newsletters or websites. |
ezinearticles.com |
Understanding Structured Settlements: A Novice's Guide to the ... |
Learn what a Structured Settlement is in plain English. Find Structured Settlements company, payments, broker, annuity and loan info. |
www.noendpress.com |
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Structured Settlements allow income to be spread over time, which is safer ... Structured settlements are often ideal under the following circumstances: ... |
www.structuredsettlementhelp.com |
Structured settlement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Structured settlements were first utilized in Canada and the United States ... Structured settlements are now part of the statutory tort law of several ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Structured Settlement vs. Lump sum - What to do? |
More and more claimants are choosing structured settlements. ... Most structured settlements come in the form of an annuity, which is sold by a third party, ... |
injury.freeadvice.com |
Welcome to The Halpern Group, experts in structured settlements ... |
Offers structured settlements, consulting and negotiation services to attorneys representing injured clients. |
www.halperngroup.com |
Structured Settlements Leader J.G. Wentworth, JG Wentworth ... |
Structured Settlements Leader JG Wentworth, JG Wentworth Settlement Funding - More than 25000 individuals have come to JG Wentworth to finance their dreams ... |
www.jgwfunding.com |
DOG BITE LAW - Structured Settlements |
For those reasons, changes were made to the Internal Revenue Code that enable knowledgeable attorneys to create "structured settlements." ... |
www.dogbitelaw.com |
Structured Settlements Law – Lawyers, Attorneys & Free Legal ... |
I am confused by the number of internet sites that plug offers of structured settlements, sale of structured settlement annuities, and attorneys who offer ... |
injury-law.freeadvice.com |