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How to become successful at everything you do.
**** Copyright Todd Jamieson 2004 ----- Todd Jamieson, EnvisionOnline.ca (www.envisiononline.ca) **** Everyone looks at success differently. Some look at their life as a whole, while others may divide it up into financial success, family success,...
The Game Plan – the Difference Between Small Business Success and Failure
It is an American dream to own a business. But sadly, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce, only 1 in 5 businesses is still in business 5 years after it opens.
A business needs a great business plan, but it doesn’t give management...
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The missing link to your business success The art of making money, and make no mistake about it, it is an art, is synonymous with problem solving. Consider this scenario: Bob is presented with a great opportunity. He hears the testimonials of...
The Road to Success
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Succession Planning - 10 Vital Points for Business Success
Succession Planning isn't just about preparing for boardroom changes or grooming your son or daughter to take over when you want to retire. It's much more about how those managing others create seamless changeovers, preparing who you have, for opportunities that might present themselves.
And it's about making managing people much more effective, creating spaces for whoever you are, with people management responsibilities, to focus on your job, not theirs. Through empowering them, you generate enthusiasm and engagement. Everyone thrives, especially your business or organisation your business.
By cranking up others development to meet your business needs, big or small, not just for right now, but for the future, you will find payoffs, big-time. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
- Building Relationships
By ensuring that you have informally built good relationships with every one of your team, you will have a head start when developing the intelligence needed for effective succession planning. This is not just about the business, it is about aligning with whatever is important to each individual and showing an interest in them.
- Create a Vision
Clearly understanding what ‘good looks like’ is the first stage of planning for the future. Taking the time out to develop this is well worth the effort and provides a marker against which all decisions, people or otherwise are made. If possible, involve as wide a range of people in this activity.
- Right People, Right Place, Right Time - Ignore Names
Once you have your vision, deciding who is need, when and where becomes easier. It important that you focus on the facts rather than the emotion first, so that you ignore individuals in this assessment. You can fit people in afterwards, as long as they will have the capability to deliver your vision for your business. Some may be a work towards.
- Consistent Performance
By considering your key people, their aspirations and expectations for the future, you will gain an insight of where your gaps might come and then you can start planning to avoid problems. This will enable you to provide for anticipated change and start developing others to cover at least. This also helps when changes happen unexpectedly.
- Confidence Grows
As individuals are involved in the possibilities for their future, without over-promising, they start to want more. They appreciate learning and developing as they see what might unfold for them. As they learn and
experience more, their confidence builds and they want stretching.
- It’s Cultural
As your communication processes involve everyone in Succession Planning, a groundswell of positivity generates a shift in your business culture. Your people start to realise that there is more to this than a job – it’s building their feelings of self worth and future. This culture becomes just ‘the way we do things around here’ and new employees commence at a higher, different level.
- Many Winners
As you start to build the capacity of those around you, there is a lot that can be delegated safely as a development opportunity, suitably supported and coached. You crate space to do the more important things in your role. They develop and build confidence. With confidence comes improved customer relationships, greater efficiencies. So managers, employees, the business and ultimately stockholders all are winners.
- Time Efficient
There is a certain amount of workload involved in creating a Succession Planning process. Once these initial stages are completed, only a small amount of time outside normal activities is required. In fact, with the added skills and development of your people, far greater efficiency and effectiveness results.
- Manages Performance
Using a Succession planning process sits very appropriately with Performance Management. As potential has been identified, the next steps in development are constructive and clear. The individual takes accountability for their own development and practically self-manages their performance.
- Value-Creating
By using management skills far more effectively, skilling up all the people in the business and creating seamless transitions when people move on, all improve business performance. Developing the latent potential of many of your people raises the bar for their performance – it is just shifted up several notches. And ultimately with greater sales and efficiency, bottom line profit is maximised.
And with these ideas in place, you will create more effectiveness and involvement in your people - which can only be good.
About the Author
© 2005 Martin Haworth is a Business and Management Coach. He works worldwide, mainly by phone, with small business owners, managers and corporate leaders. He has hundreds of hints, tips and ideas at his website, www.coaching-businesses-to-success.com.
Success.org - Action Principles - Free Empowerment Courses |
Success.org - Home of the Action Principles and a Free Business Education on the web. |
www.success.org |
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. |
Assists immigrants to Vancouver with settlement information, finding employment, parenting classes, information technology training, family and youth ... |
www.success.bc.ca |
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. - United Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society |
SUCCESS is a non-partisan citizen organization for the promotion of the well-being of Canadians and new immigrants and their participation in a just, ... |
www.success.bc.ca |
Success.com : The World Leader in Personal Development & Self-Help |
Sign up for one of our online interactive Success University courses. We take our most popular audio programs and provide the full audio online along with ... |
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Success - In Business. In Life. |
The only business magazine designed to inspire and guide motivated business people to lead truly successful lives. |
www.successmagazine.com |
Home - Dress for Success |
Non-profit organization that provides interview suits, confidence boosts, and career development to low-income women in over 75 cities worldwide. Success ... |
www.dressforsuccess.org |
Interviewing Success |
Information on all aspects of successful interviewing - preparation, performance, and follow-up for an entry level job interview. |
www.collegegrad.com |
Success in Mathematics |
Success in Mathematics. Tips on how to study mathematics, how to approach problem-solving, how to study for and take tests, and when and how to get help. ... |
euler.slu.edu |
Sites to Promote Academic Success |
Sites to Promote Academic Success ... You can also explore your learning style and explore some excellent general academic success sites. ... |
www.uni.edu |
Success Consciousness |
SuccessConsciousness offers guidance, advice, articles and ebooks on self-improvement, spiritual growth, peace of mind, meditation, positive thinking, ... |
www.successconsciousness.com |
The Internet Marketing Center | Secrets to Their Success |
As a member of "Secrets To Their Success", you'll receive an e-mail each month ... To keep "Secrets To Their Success" private site a manageable size, ... |
www.secretstotheirsuccess.com |
Made For Success |
Motivational speaker. Includes information on products and seminars. |
www.madeforsuccess.com |
SuccessFactors Employee Performance Management Software |
SuccessFactors performance management software is a flexible, affordable, on-demand system used by nearly 2 million people in companies large & small. |
www.successfactors.com |
30 Days to Success |
I was inspired to take this challenge by Steve Pavlina’s Entry “30 days to success”. I really like that method, and it has shown posit […] ... |
www.stevepavlina.com |
Success for All Foundation |
We build adolescent literacy with middle school reading programs and middle grades reading interventions that engage young adolescents. |
www.successforall.net |
SUCCESS Mission Home Page |
SUCCESS. SUbsonic aircraft: Contrail & Cloud Effects Special Study. Click here for a list of GRL publications · Mission Overview · End of Mission Statement ... |
cloud1.arc.nasa.gov |
When Job-Hunting: Dress for Success |
One of the keys to a successful job interview: dressing for success. Here are some free expert tips and resources for both men and women. |
www.quintcareers.com |
SuccessLink |
SuccessLink is an non-profit organization dedicated to improving classroom instruction and learning. |
www.successlink.org |
Mind Tools - Self-Study Management Training, Career Training ... |
With Mind Tools' "Make Time for Success" self-study time management and personal effectiveness training, discover the 39 essential tools needed to maximize ... |
www.mindtools.com |
Success - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
HMAS Success (H-02), an S class destroyer launched in 1918 ... S.U.C.C.E.S.S., a non-profit organization aiding new East Asian immigrants in the Lower ... |
en.wikipedia.org |